Efficiency Unleashed: How To Boost Work-Life Flow

Efficiency Unleashed How-To Boost Work-Life Flow



Have you ever felt like you're navigating a complex dance between the responsibilities of home and work? Juggling these demands can be challenging, and achieving balance might seem elusive. Envision a life where this juggling act transforms into a graceful dance, where productivity effortlessly merges with tranquility, bringing harmony to various aspects of your daily life.

Understanding Personal Energy

Let's begin by understanding our personal energy as it relates to human design. Human design is a system that combines elements of astrology, I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system to create a blueprint of an individual's energetic makeup and decision-making process.

When it comes to personal energy, everybody has energy centers within their chart. Human design identifies nine energy centers in the body, each representing different aspects of life—emotions, communications, identity, etc. Through chart analysis, it shows which centers are consistently active or defined and which are receptive or undefined in an individual's energy system.

Types in Human Design

Human design categorizes individuals into distinct types—generators, manifestors, projectors, and reflectors. Each type has specific strategies tailored to their energy, guiding decision-making processes and work styles.

Energy Management:

Within human design, there are work environments suggested for each type. Generators thrive in work that aligns with their passions, manifestors excel in leadership roles, projectors guide and direct, and reflectors adapt to environments that allow time for decision-making without pressure.

Understanding your type and aligning your work environment with your energy can optimize productivity and well-being.

Utilizing Menstrual Cycles:

Understanding menstrual cycles provides valuable insights into energy fluctuations, productivity patterns, and self-care needs. Recognizing highs and lows throughout the cycle allows for optimal task alignment—scheduling demanding tasks during high energy phases and gentler tasks during low-energy phases.

Efficiency through Moon Phases:

Syncing tasks with moon phases can be a game-changer. New moons are ideal for setting intentions, full moons for reflection, and different lunar phases for specific goal-oriented actions. Harnessing these energies can lead to more efficient goal achievement.

Astrological Insights:

Astrological insights offer a deeper understanding of personality traits, work preferences, and energy influences. Your natal chart can provide insights into strengths, communication styles, and collaboration preferences, contributing to an improved workflow and efficiency.

Practical Strategies for Daily Life:

Incorporate your newfound knowledge into daily rituals. Check your menstrual cycle, align tasks with human design strategies, follow lunar phases, and consider astrological insights. Adapt morning and evening rituals to honor your natural rhythms and promote balance.

Time Blocking for Efficiency:

Time blocking based on human design and menstrual cycles can enhance efficiency. Allocate blocks for initiating tasks, engage in physical activity during high-energy phases, plan strategically, and allow flexibility during low-energy phases.


Understanding and aligning with your personal energy patterns can lead to increased flow and efficiency in both work and home life. Experiment with different tools, incorporate them into your daily routines, and notice the positive impact on your overall well-being. Embrace these strategies to create a harmonious and balanced workflow that honors your body's natural rhythms.

Episode Resources:


NOTE: This podcast was transcribed by an AI tool. Please forgive any typos or errors. Efficiency Unleashed: How-To Boost Work-Life Flow === [00:00:00] Cara: Have you ever felt like you're navigating a complex dance between the responsibilities of home and work? [00:00:07] Cara: Juggling. These demands can be challenging and achieving balance might seem elusive. Envision a life where this juggling act transforms into a graceful dance. A rhythm where productivity. Effortlessly merges with tranquility. [00:00:23] Cara: Bringing a sense of harmony to various aspects of your daily life. [00:00:28] Cara: Today, we're embarking on a quest for something we all crave. Uh, life where the daily grind feels more like a graceful waltz. We're delving into the art of crafting a harmonious existence. We're understanding your unique energy blueprint becomes the compass for navigating the bustling demands of home and work. [00:00:50] Cara: Join me on this journey where the mundane transforms into magic. Get ready to decode the secrets of flow and efficiency. [00:00:58] Cara: As we explore the [00:01:00] realms of human design, menstrual cycles, moon phases, and astrology. It's time to uncover the tools that will turn the chaos into choreography, transforming your life's rhythms into a symphony of seamless productivity and inner peace. [00:01:15] Cara: If you're new here. My name is Cara and I am an intuitive energetics life coach. It is something that I want every woman to understand, because when we understand our energy, it truly will transform our life. After having my second child life was so overwhelming and I just could not get ahead of life. [00:01:38] Cara: I began to understand my energy through my menstrual energy. [00:01:42] Cara: I was introduced to the concept of human design. Which has aspects of astrology built into it. I began diving into the moon phases and when you understand everything is energy and when we can allow our energetics as. Individual and unique as they [00:02:00] are to come shining through that is when life becomes more manageable. Because we begin living through. Our unique blueprint instead of following what everybody else is doing, that is when truly productivity and spirituality merge. [00:02:15] Cara: And we can have an effortless flow of life. [00:02:18] Cara: This is such a powerful episode. I'm so happy you're here. And I can't wait to dive [00:02:22] intro --- [00:02:22] Cara: in. [00:02:23] Understanding personal energy --- [00:02:23] Cara: Let's begin by understanding our personal energy as it relates to human design. Human design is a system that combines elements of astrology. I chain Kabbalah and the chakra system to create a blueprint of an individual's energetic makeup and decision making process. Here's how it offers insights into these aspects. [00:02:47] Cara: When we talk about the energetic makeup, everybody has energy centers within their chart. So human design identifies nine energy centers in the body. Each [00:03:00] representing different aspects of life, emotions, communications, identity, et cetera. [00:03:05] Cara: So when we look at a human design chart, there are defined centers and undefined centers. ~And so through a chart. And so through HR analysis, it. Shows which centers are consistent, active, or defines. Or receptive. Undefined in an individual's energy center. ~ [00:03:12] Cara: ~Through a chart analysis, it shows which centers are consistent. ~ [00:03:12] Cara: Through a chart analysis, it shows which centers are consistently active or defined. Or if they're receptive. Undefined. In an individual's. Energy system. [00:03:24] Cara: If you want to learn more specifically about what that means? I will link that episode that I dive into each energy center in the show notes below. [00:03:33] Cara: Now let's talk about the types. So human design categorizes individuals into distinct types like generators. Based on their dominant energy and interactions with the world. [00:03:46] Cara: I have more episodes about going into that more deeply. But know that there is a certain way energetically, we should interact and take action within our energy type in human design. [00:03:59] Cara: Human [00:04:00] design also provides a lens for our decision making process, and that is determined on the type. Human design that provides specific. Strategies tailored to each type. So for instance, manifestors are encouraged to inform before taking action generators. Are to respond to life. Cues and projectors are to wait for recognition and et cetera. Now the inner authority. Is how we make decisions. [00:04:30] Cara: It relies on our inner authority. Be it gut feelings, emotional responses or intuition. Rather than external influences or making decisions within our minds, our minds are meant to. [00:04:44] Cara: Analyze not actually make decisions. [00:04:47] Cara: Another aspect of human design is there's also work environments within our design. So human design suggests these work environments that compliment our individual energy. [00:04:59] Cara: So for [00:05:00] example, generators thrive in work that aligns with their passions. Manifestors can Excel in leadership roles Well, projectors are. Our gifted with guiding and directing. [00:05:11] Cara: And then also looking within human design. There's such things as energy management. It emphasizes working in bursts of energy for certain types while advocating rest and preservation of energy to maintain productivity and wellbeing. These are things that I go specifically into my coaching. Whether it's one-on-one, which I offer very rare, or when you sign up for a package with me, because these get very specific within human design charts. And it's something that I want to relate to, to your specific type, your inner authority and et cetera. [00:05:46] Cara: So I encourage you to dive deeper into my other episodes that talk more deeply into these topics. [00:05:52] Cara: In essence human design offers a personalized map of individual's energetic framework. Guiding [00:06:00] decision-making processes, work styles and interaction with the world. understanding one's design can help in aligning actions, environments. Decisions with their inherent energy and leading to more harmonious and fulfilling life. [00:06:14] Cara: Diving into menstrual cycles was something that really propelled me forward on my spiritual awakening. Because I didn't understand the ebbs and flows of my own energy. I would get these major bursts of energy and then I would be left depleted because I expected myself to show up the same every day, all the time. Our menstrual cycles, give us an awareness of our energetic ebbs and flows. [00:06:41] Cara: So understanding. Our menstrual cycles. Is a personal subjective process. This can offer valuable insights into energy fluctuations productivity patterns. And our self-care needs. This can foster a deeper connection with our own body and optimizing our [00:07:00] wellbeing. This is my ultimate version of self care. When I honor when my body needs rest. It. Can provide so much in the times where I need to be productive. [00:07:11] Cara: So let's talk about the energy fluctuations. [00:07:14] Cara: So menstrual phases typically consist of menstrual follicular. And luteal phases. Each phase. Corresponds to a distinct hormonal change Influencing energy levels and emotions. [00:07:28] Cara: So it's important to recognize highs and lows and understanding these phases allow individuals to recognize energy peaks. And lows throughout the cycle. So for instance, energy tends to be higher during the follicular phase In lower during the administration and end of. Luteal phase. [00:07:48] Cara: So, how does it correlate to our productivity patterns? [00:07:52] Cara: I am a big believer of batching. And so when I align my task with my energetic flows, [00:08:00] it has helped me. By being. More efficient in my tasks. be aware of your energy fluctuations will help aligning tasks with your energy levels. [00:08:10] Cara: So for example, scheduling demanding or creative tasks during high energy phases And. Low energy times for rest. And less demanding work. [00:08:20] Cara: This will help guide optimal productivity. Recognizing these patterns will allow us to optimize your productivity by using the high energy phases for focused work. And acknowledging the need for gentler tasks like self care during low energy phases. [00:08:39] Cara: So when we allow ourself care to flow with our cycle, It enables us to. [00:08:45] Cara: Have a deeper connection with ourselves. So for example, practicing gentler exercises during menstruation and prioritizing Rest and relaxation during the luteal phase and embracing more [00:09:00] vigorous activities during the follicular and ovulation phase. [00:09:03] Cara: It's also important to understand how much it affects our emotional wellbeing. [00:09:08] Cara: When we understand our hormonal fluctuations at aids in recognizing our emotional shifts. So this awareness encourages self compassion, Acceptance of our changing of emotions in the adoption of strategies to support our emotional wellbeing. [00:09:26] Cara: So what this is look like. I know that. I benefit from taking a little digital detox at the end of my luteal phase. I retract from engaging in conversations that might spike some sort of emotional reaction. [00:09:42] Cara: So when we have this awareness, we can create better boundaries for our emotional wellbeing. [00:09:47] Cara: So overall when we comprehend menstrual cycles, it empowers us to honor our body's natural rhythm, it optimizes productivity, and we can prioritize self-care when we needed the [00:10:00] most. This will allow a more harmonious approach to work and life by aligning our tasks, activities, and self-care practices with the ebbs and flows of energy throughout our menstrual cycle. [00:10:12] left off --- [00:10:12] Cara: The moon phases are what I use when I'm working towards my goals. Energetically, it helps me get clear on what my goals are, what I need to do to take action. And it also allows time. To reflect and refine the details. Before I go into my productive time. [00:10:32] Cara: So for example, the new moon is a great time to have a little bit of introspection before we plant seeds for our intentions and our fresh starts. [00:10:42] Cara: The full moon is a great time to reflect on progress, celebrate the momentum we've had. Adjusting our goals before we're going forward. [00:10:51] Cara: If you want to learn more about the specifics of when I use the moon for my goals, I have a manifesting with the moon. Goal workbook and a [00:11:00] 2024 interactive calendar that helps walk you through how to use the moon in relation to your own. Energetics in the process. So I'll have that in the show notes so that you can use this powerful tool as well. [00:11:14] Cara: When it comes to astrology, just like human design. It. Is such a deep, well of knowledge. It leads. Insight into our personality traits, work preferences, energy influences, even specific houses that can help us in the process. [00:11:32] Cara: I touch a lot about that in my full moon and new moon videos so that you can understand how the moon's energy. Is directly affecting you what house and how you can use it towards your goals. [00:11:43] Creating Flow and Efficiency --- [00:11:43] Cara: So now it's the beautiful time to create the flow and efficiency and our life and how we can use it moving forward. So are you aligned with your human design? [00:11:53] Cara: Let's talk about the strategies within human design. If you're a manifestor you thrive [00:12:00] in environments that allow autonomy and independence. The optimal efficiency comes when you have the freedom to initiate an act without restrictions. For generators and manifesting generators, we Excel and work that align with our passions and interests. When we're provided with tasks that spark our enthusiasm, it leads to heightened efficiency and what we're working on. [00:12:25] Cara: Projectors. Thrive and work environments that value their guidance recognition of their insights and allow for focused work based on their expertise. That contribute to their optimal efficiency. [00:12:38] Cara: And reflectors adaptability and environments that allow time for decision-making without the pressure. Suit reflectors best. So how can we tailor work environments to the human design types? So manifestors, this is encouraging open communication. Uh, about their initiatives. And provide a [00:13:00] space that respects their need for autonomy. [00:13:02] Cara: So offering avenues where they can initiate and lead can foster their efficiency. [00:13:07] Cara: For manifesting generators and generators, Create an environment that allows hands-on engagement. Verified tasks that align with their interests A sense of purpose in their work. As for projectors, recognize their expertise, create opportunities for them to guide and oversee tasks. [00:13:24] Cara: Providing focused work environments without overburdening them. [00:13:28] Cara: It leads to their optimal efficiency. And reflectors a flexible and adaptable work environment allows them to absorb and reflect on situations, leading to more informed decision-making. [00:13:42] Cara: So what about task allocation? When it comes to our types? So matching tasks to energy. So for all types, assigning tasks based on energy levels throughout the day. Enhances the efficiency. [00:13:56] Cara: So align high energy tasks with peak times and [00:14:00] gentler tasks during low energy periods. [00:14:02] Cara: It's also helpful to embrace our natural cycles. If you are someone that has a menstrual cycle, so syncing your tasks with your menstrual energy can optimize efficiency. [00:14:14] Cara: By leveraging high energy phases for demanding tasks and embracing self care during low energy phases. [00:14:21] Cara: So by understanding and adapting at work environments and task allocations to match our human design strategies. Individuals can create settings that foster their innate strengths, align with their energy patterns and optimize efficiency and decision-making processes. This tailored approach leads to more harmonious and productive work environment for individuals of. Different human design types. [00:14:46] Cara: So let's talk about utilizing our menstrual cycles in our home and work tasks. This is something that I truly believe will change. Every single woman who experiences one, I actually have a ebook that helps [00:15:00] break down energy and everything that relates to the different phases of the cycle. So you can catch that ebook in the show notes below. I have a daily and a weekly planner that will help you check in with your energy and begin to be able to plan your tasks more efficiently. [00:15:15] Cara: This is something that literally will create more efficiency. Have you doing less? But creating more momentum in your life. [00:15:23] Cara: So the menstrual phase starts on day. Number one of your period. This is lower energy due to hormonal changes and your menstruation. So up for later tasks that require less physical and mental exertion. This is a great time for administrative work organizing or creative brainstorming can be suitable during this time. [00:15:45] Cara: Prioritize self care activities like gentle yoga, meditation, rests, soothing activities to support. The body during this phase. Follicular phase starts around day. Number six, depending on your cycle. And the [00:16:00] energy is gradually increasing after your period. So this is when you engage in more demanding or creative tasks that require focus and innovation. Planning strategizing, starting new projects. Align well with the rising energy. [00:16:16] Cara: So home life, this is what I meal plan. This is when I begin planning out the next month for our family activities. [00:16:25] Cara: The self-care emphasis is more energetic exercises, outdoor activities, and hobbies that align with increasing energy levels. This is also when I like to try things that are new. [00:16:37] Cara: Our muscles are more pliable at this time. So don't do anything. That's going to risk anything like pulling a muscle. Then we have the ovulation phase that can start around day. Number 14 again. So understand that this may start on a different day for you. [00:16:51] Cara: So energy level is usually peaked during this phase, but again, everybody's cycle is different. [00:16:57] Cara: The task focus is more ambitious, [00:17:00] challenging tasks that require your peak, performance and productivity. This is a great time for meeting presentations and having to show up more. Around people. This is a great time for your high intensity workouts that also may align with your energy. When it comes to self care, focus on self-expression socializing and activities that bring you fulfillment and joy. [00:17:24] Cara: And then lastly, we have the luteal phase. [00:17:26] Cara: It can start around day number 19. [00:17:30] Cara: The beginning of the luteal phase is a little bit higher Your energy will start to decline as the phase progresses. So when it comes to tasks, this is time to review complete anything that has that detail oriented aspect to it. So begin to wrap up your projects, organize and refine existing work. And when it comes to self care, this is self soothing practices, relaxation. Uh, gentle exercises and ample [00:18:00] rest to support their body before your period starts. [00:18:03] Cara: So adapting your task structures to align with your energy fluctuations across your menstrual phase allows you to optimize your productivity and your self-care. Remember that flexibility and self-awareness are key and adjustments are probably necessary as every cycle tends to have variations within it. [00:18:24] Cara: So this approach fosters a more harmonious and balanced workflow that honors the body's natural rhythms. [00:18:32] Cara: syncing the lunar phases with my goals has been a game changer. This is where I become more efficient and where I'm trying to take action. It's the whole thing of, I do less and I achieve more when I've started using the moon's energy and relating it to my own energy. [00:18:50] Cara: I have other episodes that really dives deep into this, but I will. Quickly touch on the different aspects. [00:18:56] Cara: New moon is a great time for setting. Intentions [00:19:00] planning projects and. [00:19:02] Cara: Assessing the possibilities of where you want to take action with your vision. The first quarter is intention reinforcement. It is the time to focus on building that momentum towards your goals. This is when you begin to establish clear steps in what you need to take towards your goals. And take action towards it. [00:19:23] Cara: Put those plans in motion. [00:19:25] Cara: The full moon is a great time for reflecting and evaluating, this is where you evaluate your progress. of course, it's important to reflect and celebrate your achievements, see where there's challenges and see what you need to do moving forward. [00:19:40] Cara: This is where you get clear on aspects that need completion, make adjustments and pivot. [00:19:45] Cara: If you need to. [00:19:46] Cara: The last quarter is completion and refinement. So focus on what tasks need to be completed. Finalizing the aspects and fine tune is necessary. [00:19:56] Cara: I [00:19:56] Cara: prepare for the conclusions of your projects, [00:20:00] tie up loose ends and let go of what no longer serves you. [00:20:04] Cara: And when it's that dark moon. Before the new moon rest integration, reflecting on the lessons is super important. Before you start to set the new intentions towards your goals in the new moon. [00:20:17] So by aligning intentions, project planning, decision-making With lunar phases, you can capitalize on the cyclical energies, optimizing your workflow and fostering a sense of flow and accomplishment in your endeavors. [00:20:32] Cara: It's important to adjust as need be with your personal experiences and insights are encouraged for a more personalized approach. [00:20:41] Cara: No, I don't want to dive too deep into astrological insights, but I'm going to give you a couple aspects that you can look at in your own natal chart. Having astrological knowledge can offer insights in your strengths, your communication styles, collaboration preferences, and contributing to an [00:21:00] improved workflow inefficiency. So what does that look like? Understanding your strengths within your natal chart. [00:21:06] Cara: Can be looking at specific signs and houses where your inherit strengths are. [00:21:11] Cara: So understanding that more, I can put some different astrologers in the show notes. I'm someone that I can look at your specific chart and help you to code that in my coaching sessions. But speaking to a broad. Audience isn't my jam, So, if you want to learn more about your communication style, you can look more into your mercury placement. [00:21:32] Cara: If you want to look into your collaboration preferences, I would look at your seventh house and your descendant. [00:21:39] Cara: So understanding the different Zodiac signs we'll have. Clarity on. Ultimately how you would like to collaborate. [00:21:48] Cara: You can look at Venus. This is relating to a cooperation and harmony, whereas Mars is related to drive an action. I have a free cheat sheet that breaks down the different houses [00:22:00] and the different placements and planets. So if you want to learn little by little, that's something that's also in my manifesting with the moon workbook so that you can break down these aspects when people bring them up to you. [00:22:11] Practical Strategies --- [00:22:11] Cara: So let's talk about practical strategies and using these different aspects in your life. So let's talk about your morning ritual. it's important for you to check on what day you are in your menstrual cycle that will help you guide in what tasks that are aligned with your energetics. [00:22:29] Cara: It's also a good time for you to look at what phase the moon's in to help see where you're at, because sometimes you could be in your Flagler phase where it's time to have intention setting. but you're in the full moon and it's more in the time of doing and collaboration. So you're going to have to figure out your own energy with the moon energy and see what speaks to you. I do have a track your energy free offerings. [00:22:56] Cara: So make sure you check below to get that, to see how you can [00:23:00] relate the two together. [00:23:01] Cara: When you check in with your menstrual energy, it's important for you to understand the exercise or the movement that you allow your body to do during that time. If you're forcing yourself to do a hit workout and you're in menstruation, that's a way that you could lead to a day of being burnt out quicker. So you can check my. [00:23:20] Cara: Cycle vitality ebook that helps break down the different energetics with your cycle and how you can relate it into your everyday life. [00:23:28] Cara: You can also have a morning ritual of checking the astrological insights there's apps. You can find an astrologer, however you best intake knowledge. It's going to be something that's going to be helpful for you. I actually have an app on my phone It pops up on my phone every morning at 9:00 AM. [00:23:46] Cara: If I feel like I want to know the energy, I will read it. And if it doesn't serve me that day, I move on. [00:23:51] Cara: So, if you decide that you want to start your morning ritual around your human design type. you can start your day with the activities that suit your energy. So [00:24:00] manifestors initiating small actions, generators engaging in physical activity. Projectors planning their day. Again, it's up to you to find the thing that works for you to get your morning started. [00:24:12] Cara: But a morning ritual is something that I hold tightly to my heart, and I hope that you find something that helps you become aware of your energetics for that day. [00:24:20] Cara: Let's talk about an evening. Ritual, Reflective journaling is super important. Whether you speak it, whether you write it, but having some sort of reflective practice is really important. Reflect on how you honored your energy throughout the day, based on your menstrual cycle, human design. This is the time to note any correlations between your activities. Any sort of. Astrological Moonphase and energy fluctuations. [00:24:47] Cara: You can also add some lunar phase integration to your evening ritual. [00:24:52] Cara: With the current lunar phase. So use the full moon for release or gratitude practices and the new moon for setting [00:25:00] intentions or journaling about new beginnings. And lastly, in your evening, ritual, have some sort of integration and relaxation. Wind down the day with relaxation practices that suit your energy, gentle yoga, meditation, grounding rituals. Based on your energy for the day. [00:25:18] Cara: So blending these elements in your morning and evening rituals. This can create a holistic and personalized routines that honor your natural rhythms. [00:25:27] Cara: Leave room to adapt these suggestions to resonate with your own experiences and preferences. And allow them to serve as anchors for a more mindful and purposeful daily life. [00:25:38] Time blocking --- [00:25:38] Cara: The last thing I'm going to touch on is a batching and time-blocking you can use astrological influences to do your time blocking. If you're going to be time-blocking for your human design. If you're a manifestor allocate blocks for initiating tasks. In projects to ensure freedom for spontaneous actions. [00:25:59] Cara: [00:26:00] For generators and manifesting generators. Make sure you have time blocks for tasks that resonate with your passion and response cues. [00:26:08] Cara: Projectors. This is a great time for you to do strategic planning, guidance, or overseeing projects and reflectors. Make sure you have flexible time blocks for allowing adaptability and introspection as needed. [00:26:22] Cara: If you're using your menstrual energy, make sure during the menstrual phase, when you're on your period, you're incorporating rest and reflection. For follicular and. And ovulation longer, high energy blocks for demanding tasks and collaborations. And luteal phase it's balanced time blocks for. Refining your tasks and gradual completion. [00:26:44] conclusion --- [00:26:44] Cara: As we're ending out this episode, the importance of understanding that your personal energy can help achieve increased flow and efficiency. So the recap of importance is This is holistic alignment. So integrating the tools that [00:27:00] resonate with you allow understanding of your personal energy patterns. [00:27:05] Cara: This helps optimize your productivity. And when you leverage these insights and enables the alignment of tasks and communication helps with your decision-making With your natural rhythms. Leading to increase productivity and effectiveness. This also allows harmonizing energies. [00:27:22] Cara: This is the ultimate definition of flowed activity. You're flowing with your own productivity alignments. So when you understand your energy through tools, This offers a more balanced and harmonious approach to minimizing stress And enhancing overall. Wellbeing. [00:27:38] Cara: This is the time I want to encourage you to explore this. [00:27:42] Cara: Make sure that you explore these in your own lives. experiment with aligning your tasks, planning, and self care around your unique energy patterns. [00:27:53] Cara: This will promote more balance in your life. [00:27:55] Cara: So the emphasis of the potential for achieving a more harmonious [00:28:00] work home balance. When you align these tasks with your personal energies, this fosters a smoother transition between work and personal life and continue to explore, have an open mind there are so many tools. And offerings I've created to help you understand your energy free to paid. So I encourage you to check the show notes. To see which one speaks to you the most. [00:28:23] Outro --- [00:28:23] Cara: As we wrap up this episode, remember that hitting the like button, leaving a comment or sharing this content. You're not just supporting my channel. You were actively contributing to the flow of the seven universal laws. [00:28:36] Cara: Together, we're cultivating a vibrant flowing stream of wisdom and positivity. So keep writing that cosmic current, keep sharing the love and until our next rendezvous stay true to your unique flow. See you in the next adventure. We'll chat soon. [00:28:51] Cara: As we wrap up this episode, remember that leaving a five star review subscribing or sharing this content You're not just supporting my podcast. You're [00:29:00] actively contributing to the flow of the seven universal laws. Together, we're cultivating a vibrant flowing stream of wisdom and positivity. [00:29:08] Cara: So keep writing that cosmic current Keep sharing the love until our next rendezvous stay true to your unique flow. See you in the next adventure. We'll chat soon. If you want to learn more, check the show notes and all the links mentioned. At. [00:29:21] Cara: caradempsey.com/101
Floductivity Podcast Episode

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