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    In this episode, we dive deep into the importance of understanding how we are built to make a positive difference in the world. Tamara shares her challenging life experiences to open the idea of being vulnerable to help others in their journey. Tamara has whole-heartedly helped me in my blockages on writing from my soul to speak to those I want to help in my journey.

    Here are some points we touch on in this episode:

    Guest Spotlight: Tamara Gabbard

    Tamara Gabbard is “The Soul Consoultant.” She is a copywriter, content marketing strategist, training Holistic and Neroplasticity Life Coach, and clairvoyant working with heart-centered visionary entrepreneurs and anyone struggling with the overwhelm of connecting to their value. She helps clients break free of cycles and find their words so they can create more impact in their business and their lives while forging deeper, more meaningful relationships.

    Tamara has been featured in Women’s Day, the Dr. John La Puma website, Live Rich Mag and has also been a guest on multiple podcasts approaching topics such as spiritual awakenings, nature, addiction, and positive messaging, including building strong narratives around growing a heart-centered business. As a vocal ally to the LGBTQA+ community, Tamara feels strongly about equality, proc-choice and human rights. 

    Tamara is an Army veteran who spent a decade serving as a photojournalist for the Army National Guard.  Her newsletter Woo Woo News features interviews, offerings and special real life experiences. She escaped NYC in 2016 and now lives in the jungle of Costa Rica.

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    NOTE: This podcast was transcribed by an AI tool. Please forgive any typos or errors. 20 | Tamara Gabbard === Cara: [00:00:00] As I build my purposeful business. The people that I have. Come across in this journey. Have really helped catapult me into a place of support. And I can wholeheartedly say that my next guest. He has done more for me in the last couple of months. Than. A lot of the resources I've used in this journey. So before we get started in this episode, I encourage you to reach out to Tamra. If you're looking for someone to help you in your copy for your business, or even to help guide you in what your soul is talking to you. She recently did a reading for me that really helped unblocked some blockages that had been holding me back in building this business. So I'm grateful for these people that have come across in my life, Tamra, especially. Because. Making sure that my copy. On my website. And the things that I'm trying to create, it is very important to me that it feels purposeful. [00:01:00] And. Soul driven. And she has helped so much bring that from me. So finding someone that can help translate what your soul is trying to communicate. Has forever changed. My. Viewpoint on what copy really means. You don't need to have an online business to get something out of this episode. It's just. Showing and talking about how we learn about ourselves and how we best operate. Then can we really step into the gifts that we're meant to do? And I also want to let you know that this life is not meant to go. In at it alone. We are meant to find the people that will support us in our mission and what we're doing. And I'm grateful for Amy Porterfield because she has introduced me to a lot of people that are supporting me in this journey. When I got overwhelmed with the idea of copy. One of the things that I purposely did was to pray on it. And put out in the universe for the guidance and the help. To get me through [00:02:00] this, to be able to bring out the best in what I want to do. And. Tamra was shown to me. And so I am grateful for her. And I just encourage you to check her out for any sort of soul guidance or especially if you're looking train to connect to your soul with your copy. If you do have an online business, so welcome to the show and I can't wait to get started. New Intro: Welcome to Floductivity. A place to inspire and empower beings to embrace self-love and self-development. For an achievable balance of productivity. I shared different ways to come back to your intuition through spirituality. Self care, human design. Cycle planning. Wellness and everything in between. Thank you so much for joining me this week. If this is your first time. Welcome. And if you've been here with me before, thank you so much for coming back. I'm so excited to join you in this journey as we learn together Cara: I came across my guest for today's episode in a list building community while the woo woo topics are becoming more well [00:03:00] known coming across someone who helps guide entrepreneurs with a touch of woo in their copy is something that speaks to me and other women that I know building their business. Tamara Gabbard is a mom clear Voyant copywriter and thought leader strategist the digital marketing space she gets to the guts of a project and moves through with ease where they may not be able to push through her talents, come from the soul. She uses a lot of wood to get to the bottom of it all. Whether it's a landing page or an esoteric adventure or a shift in your life, she's there to help you move through it with love. Welcome to the show. Tamara: Thank you. I'm glad to be here. Cara: So one of the first questions I like to ask on my guests is what are some self-care practices that are non-negotiable for you? Tamara: So I would say meditation and making time for my daughter. Those are extremely important to me because they help me connect. They help me feel like I'm being the mother that I'm supposed to be because I spend a lot of time on my computer and I [00:04:00] spend a lot of time helping other people and working with other people and, you know, building my business that it, I can get lost I feel that by holding space for myself at certain times during the day, or if I'm stressed and, making sure that I stop what I'm doing to hold space for my daughter, who's two years old and wants mommy. Then I feel better about it. Cara: love that. That is so nice to hear being a mom myself. Meditation is a big thing for me as well, and it's always a nice reassurance talking to another mother that part of their self care is their children, because I think is entrepreneurs trying to build our business. You know, it's hard to not get wrapped up in, in the things and making that time. That's so special. So I love hearing that. Tamara: Yeah, it's important to me, for sure. And it's something that I have to be very aware of because if I'm not aware of it, then I just get caught up. And then I find myself getting aggravated. If she gets me, like wants attention and I'm, I'm just like, I don't need to be aggravated with her. Like it's not her [00:05:00] fault. She just wants my attention. She's two years old. She's learning everything for the first time. As much as I am aware and wanna bring her up in an environment that was nothing like the way that I was raised. I also don't want her to think that I'm ignoring her or create any resentment in the future because mommy's always busy. So I'm trying, it's a difficult balance for sure. Cara: you know, I think the fact that you're aware that you're trying is probably more than a lot of other parents and moms can say, so I think that's huge. I also have to tell myself that sometimes if I take 10 or 20 minutes now with my kids, I will get the time that I need on my things later on. And so it's just like giving them that focus. they need that at this age. They wanna be seen, they wanna be heard too. Tamara: Yeah. And they wanna learn and they wanna be with you. The other day she was like, are you done working? And I was like, yeah. And she just put her hand on her head, swiped her head and was like shoe and like, bang. Like she speaks Spanish and she's like, bang, call me, like, she wanted me to come with her and play. So I was like, okay. It's like, how can you resist? Like everybody thinks her [00:06:00] kid's cute, but like my kid is like really cute. She's got these little curls and this big dimply grin and she's just so bubbly. So it makes it hard to say no. Cara: Kids take that little special place in your heart and they know how to pull on that too. So I have a three year old and a six year old, so I get it. So I know, most people that I talk to that have come to the side of spirituality have gone through some sort of awakening and have a deep story attached. And if you're up for it, I would love to hear yours. Okay. Tamara: well, I mean, mine goes, deep I've been a clear boy my whole life I had my first, Forward view or, you know, like where I saw into the future, when I was 13 years old and it, I saw myself at 30 years old and I, at that point I was like, so excited. I was like, oh, this is where I'm gonna be. And I, realized what I had saw. But after that, like I had grew up in a very broken home and with , the evil stepmother is narcissistic and the mom that tried really hard, but just really couldn't. So at 15 years old, I went out on my own and I, you know, [00:07:00] started reaching for other substances to fill those voids of,abandonment and trauma and just the issues that go along with being a youth and not having the necessities of life growing up and learning. I had a lot of spiritual moments in my life. I dabbled in hallucinogenics. I have done a lot of different other things, just partying, not necessarily for spiritual grain because I was young. And I was just kinda like following the crowd and we were partying all the time. Whenever I turned 27 years old, I was really deep into doing a lot of, I of cocaine. I was drinking a lot. I was just really messed up. , I joined the military so I could straighten my life out. And I thought that's what I was doing anyway. So all I did was, go to Afghanistan and come back with PTSD and, a lot of UN. Dealt with trauma. And , so I was drinking it away. My clairvoyancy was like the universe was just like, you need to dig in. You need to dig in. You need to dig in. I moved to New York city. when I got back in 2009, 2010, right there at the cusp. [00:08:00] And then I got in a relationship. I put down my pin, I wasn't writing anymore. I lost my fire. I was always been a writer. I was a journalist in the army too. One day I woke up and I was just fed up. I was so tired and I was so tired of drinking every day. I was so tired of the work that I was doing. I was a iron worker in New York city and I had went to school for motorcycles and all of these things, I knew there was something else. And I kept getting these visions and these flashes and these fillings, and every time I'd get around people, I just would get anxiety. And I was realizing that these people were not my friends. If they were just like, what can I get from you? Not how can I serve your best interest? Nothing was serving my best interest at all. And I decided there was that standing rock. And, I decided to jump on a bus with the veterans to go out there to, , stand in solidarity, with the natives there in standing rock and with the Sue. And while I was there. I met some people who helped me on my path to sobriety. And they also taught me and gave me a slam course in history. And I did not know, you know, growing up in the [00:09:00] south and just growing up in the system as a white woman. I didn't understand right privilege. I didn't understand patriarchy. I didn't understand what, you know, these people had been through because we were never taught that in school. And when I started realizing all of the things and I started to crack open a little bit and I was really trying to stop drinking and it was really hard cuz I wasn't just like a social drinker. I was a heavy drinker, like all day long drinker, from nine in the morning until I would go to sleep, I'd drink at work. It didn't matter. when I decided to stop. Everybody told me I was crazy. I started having all of these feelings, these emotions, these dramas, cuz when I was 30, I tried to commit suicide is when I got back from Afghanistan. And I just, I didn't really know how to handle anything anymore. So I went to drinking. Six years ago, before I moved to Costa Rica, is when I went to standing rock and I. Packed all my things up. When I got back, my partner, I was with, he was cheating on me. He was like, yeah, I don't know why you're doing this. You're crazy. I'm like, you know, go talk to your other girls. I don't care anymore. And I packed all my stuff into a storage [00:10:00] unit that I didn't want. And I dropped the key in a ditch and I left and I never looked back. And when I got to Costa Rica, I started to recreate the space that I was trying to escape. At that point, I realized that it's not where you are. It's what you're doing and how you're acting. And so I was continuing to drink and continu to do things and then met my partner and he didn't drink. He helped me through that first year because he's sober and he's been sober for 15 years now. And it's when I decided to let go of all the substances and everything that my. Spiritual self, the self that I knew was there. I did some work with the Taino chief. I did some work in sweat lodges. And, I did iowaska for the first time. I'm not like on this journey and where these people are chasing iowaska meetings and going all that. I feel like there's a place and time. And I don't like the exploitation of medicines that are put on this planet to help us see and heal. I was able to release some of the things that I needed to open up for my spiritual self to come in. And when I did the universe was [00:11:00] like, here you go. And from there, it's been nothing but a solid journey of healing and finding my place so that I can heal others. And so now that I've been sober for five years and I've been able to really focus on doing that work. a lot of people call it inner work. I call it outer work because the soul work, your soul is outside of your body. And so I felt like my soul needed attention. And the way to do that is for me. And my experience is to sit with yourself and get out of your body, cuz everybody's searching for everything inside, but everything. And you know, they're searching for a validation outside, but they're not realizing that they're a presence. They're an aura. Your heart space, your chakras, all of. It's inside, but it also explores outside. And I feel like the exploration of the term of digging deep and going inward is actually more of a reflection of how we've been [00:12:00] programmed because, you know, we're always reaching outside for validation, like I said. So when I really figured out how to sit with myself and explore those external areas, those universal conscious areas of, expansion of my mind outside of using drugs, ORs, getting rid of , my need for validation and my need to be accepted and all of these things and out of the life that I had, and here I am, you know, and I've connected. My clairvoyant abilities and my spiritual abilities and my ability to dig into people's spirits and attach. And as a projector, you know, projectors actually project into other people and they project their energy in and then they pull out. And so I didn't know that that's what that was. And when I got the clarification on that, that human design projection, I was like, oh, well, that makes a lot of sense. And then the bitterness, if I'm not in myself, then I'm bitter. And that is so me. It's just like, if I'm not following my own path and following the things that I need to do, I literally get bitter. And so it's like, I've figuring out all of [00:13:00] these things that have helped rewire my brain to really focus on those positive aspects of how I've became, The soul consultant is not because I'm some guru that knows it all or can see into the future or can talk to dead people because that's not how it works anyway, it's because I'm able to connect with other people's souls who are living. I'm able to connect with them on a soul level, in my work, in my, clients, I mentioned it today in another podcast is to Gandhi, my marketing. I wanna create marketing and create space for those who are trying to create the difference that they're seeking in the world. And so that's my message is to market your magic is by being able to really dig in and out and really sit in the space that you need to find. What it is that you're truly trying to explore or trying to create, or trying to connect with, or your audience, the words that you write on paper to represent who you are, or your marketing strategies, even just life in general. I help people [00:14:00] transition from that space of programming into that space of, bigger consciousness, that spiritual space. There's a lot there to unpack because I mean, there's childhood traumas that I could get into there's everything that you could think of being on my own. Tamara: Just to sum it up I went from there to here and, here is where I am and I am super grateful that I was able to open up and explore my spirituality because it's given me that space to hold space and to, help other people. Cara: thank you so much for sharing all that. Like I said, that most people have like a deep rooted story to it. You have to go down before you can come up in that process. I think to find spirituality, I mean, some people might not have to go that deep, but most people that I've talked to and hearing a lot about it, I'm just talking to you for the first time obviously seeing you here and there with, The community we were in, but just how you were describing and talking and looking into your human design chart, it makes a lot of sense. It's kind of one of those things that like, we're supposed to go through our [00:15:00] lessons. We're supposed to learn about ourselves in the process, but, I think of my personal self, if I would've known my human design, when I was little, like, would I have accepted myself earlier? Would I have gone through so much trouble? You know, would I've felt that seen and heard and understood. I hope, us being moms that like we could take these tools and help translate 'em to our children so that they don't have to as much, Tamara: that's exactly my goal is too, is like all of that trauma and all of that built up things that we've, that the, the patriarchy, the, the, the, the whitewash society that we all grew up in, I really don't want it to bleed into my daughter. I want all of that genetic pass down ignorance and trauma to stop with me because there's a lot there. All that trauma of my parents and my mom and my dad and all of that, it was interjected into me in such a way that it broke me down. Everybody blamed me for everything, but I was never there. And it was just like, how can I be responsible for your problems when I don't even live in the same [00:16:00] place as you? When you learn the, the ways of the narcissist or you learn the ways of the Gaslight, or you learn the ways of the people that are putting you down, you realize at that moment that it's not your fault, it's them deflecting into you. And so a lot of peace came to me when I realized, it's not my fault and I had to sit with myself and say, you know, what these people are saying about me is. Who I am. It's how they perceive me based off of their own insecurities. And so I don't want that to be put into my daughter and I don't want her to, I want her to be, I wanna be able to represent that honest part of life to her to say, you know, be open, be secure, be, direct and put up boundaries. You tell yourself because you're capable of anything that you wanna do. You know, you can try anything if it doesn't fit, don't wear it, just put it somewhere else. But at least you tried it on, Cara: Yeah, that's so empowering. having clairvoyance is actually a part of your design as well. the more you talk I'm like that brings totally true to your [00:17:00] design. So my goal is to help kind of give you little tidbits so you can help and empower yourself and bring out your best work, cuz that's. My goal is to let people know , how they can truly master what they're doing is to learn how they best operate and the human design. And I feel like, you know, if you're a woman with a cycle and your astrology chart, like all of those combines, I feel it can make a powerhouse to help women step into what they're supposed to do. Tamara: It's so interesting because it's just, the message is very clear right now for me. within the, like just the past three conversations, I've had every single person and you guys are not connected have said the same thing to me. And so it's very interesting to see how different people from different places. Speaking to me about completely different things are still coming back to the same message. And I did not know that Claire buoyancy was part of that. I also, I think that is interesting, but I recently, I've never like, I, you know, I believe in astrology, I believe in all these things, but, you know, everybody has their own thing [00:18:00] and I just astrology is interesting to me, but I've never been into it, but. I did do my natal chart. I went to, there's this co-stars dot com and they have a free natal chart and they're really good. They give all their information for free the natal chart's free and it's on point and I was reading it and I was like, wow. One woman went on there and did it for when Ukraine became a nation and like how the natal chart lined up and it lined then even the natal chart for a nation was reflecting the chaos that was, ensuing right now. It made me really think like how real this stuff is. For each conversation that I have, I just, it's more validation and more validation that I am making. That the space that I'm creating to hold for people is definitely worth the energy I'm putting into it. I really hope, and I really, really pray that it goes in at least a little bit to my daughter so that she can carry that message, because I can't make her be anything that she isn't going to be. And I can't really do anything but hold space for her as she grows. I had to break away from, literally break my heart and my soul to get to the truth. Cara: definitely. If you find [00:19:00] validation in anything, like, you can look at her chart, just knowing that how you communicate and how your daughter communicates might be different. Tamara: That's a good point. Cara: if we can just give each other, the push in, what can make you flourish in what you're doing? I think this world would be a better place. Tamara: That's a great point. I didn't even think about looking at her chart and that, , it would make a lot of sense on how I communicate with her now, too. I even looked at a friend's chart the other day I. I said, it looks like your five year old is going through. Her teenage years right now. And she said, oh my God. She's like, that's exactly what's happening. She's like a teenager right now. And she's having meltdowns and she's acting like a teenager and doing things that teenagers would do. And I just thought that was incredible. So, I mean, the more that we can understand it, like you said, the more that we can understand that, that oneness, and this is something I was talking on today and get away from that mindset of us being separated and I don't mean just separated from each other, but separated from the universe. We're on this planet, but we're still inside of this big, huge space full of stars and gas and [00:20:00] other planets. And we're affected by that. I love this planet. I love the trees. , I sit with my mango trees and I thank them for the fruit and the air that they give me. The river that cleans everything. I, I'm a huge beach person. Because the ocean and the sand and the, the heat and the air, I love it. , every time I'm there, I just feel this calmness and this like, piece of like where I belong. If a space can give you that, it's like every cell in your body has a feeling and it has an emotion. It just blows my mind that people. Don't wanna receive it and it's not hurting anything for one and for two it's, if you can accept the fact that we're all created to create and to be here for each other and learn, and just, reflect into this world and take care and nurture than, you know, we would be in a much better place, but somewhere something got disconnected in Cara: Too many people are stuck in their minds. That's what I feel like, what it comes down to. Like they don't know how to get out of their minds. And I know you're saying like, you get out of your body, but I feel like some people need to get in their body before they can get out of their body. [00:21:00] Tamara: Yeah. I, I agree with that. The breakout from that. When you dig in and you start working on those energies inside, it kind of pushes out I also, I talk about in my work, the body is the machine that holds the spirit. In general, people work in their minds, like you said, they think, and they use that space and that's it. So they're not living in their subconscious, in the esoteric space. They're living in this like programmed machine that is just absorbing and what everybody around them is telling them. And is just like a computer. And it's like, what you put in it is what it puts out. But. What people don't understand is there's a whole other space out there. And if we can disconnect from our mind and we can connect to our heart and our feelings and our emotions without holding onto them and feeling through them and doing these things that we can heal our bodies, we can youth and ourselves, we can make our lives the way that we want them. One woman asked me today, but what happens when negativity knocks on the door of the innocent? When somebody with a gun is pointing a gun at somebody I said, that's a [00:22:00] direct reflection of how separate we are. And it's a direct reflection of how many people are not doing the work to stay connected and stay in a peaceful mindset. It's a direct reflection of the the separation that's been plugged into us for the past millennia. So, I mean, what happens here in my heart and my space, the only thing I can do is create a safe space for myself and my family and do the inner work so that I can create a space for other people to heal. To make people understand that inner work and that outer work that I, what me and you are both discussing is extremely important to the progress. But I think the hardest part about it all is that transition. And I think that fear of failure that fear of getting through that hardest part of transitioning is something that a lot of people don't get into because they're scared because breaking away from everything that you ever know and going into a different form, like different way of thinking and a different lifestyle is scary. There's people out there I found that actually help people transition from that place of [00:23:00] programming and that mind space into that soul space. Cara: I'm glad there's people that do that. It's been hard. I feel like a lot of the stuff that I've done, not a lot of people are willing to do. And so having someone hold you accountable to kinda walk through it, but you know, again, I feel like sometimes you have to . Fall to the bottom before you can realize that there's another way. I think a reason why so much is happening in the world is because people don't know how to feel like they don't know how to feel in their body and they only have their own perception. And I think those are the two main things that if people one realize that their perception isn't the only perception other people are on this earth. And it's just like, if you knew that you would be walking, , and doing something catastrophic, knowing how much it would affect other people's lives, like you wouldn't do that. I don't know. Tamara: Yeah. The awareness there I totally agree with you on that. It's the ego that's taken over how nobody thinks about how they affect the other person. Like, you know, like the mask mandates, people are [00:24:00] literally so angry and they're like, you're trying to control me. I'm like, no, I'm wearing a mask around my grandma because she has C O P. And she is on a oxygen machine. I'm not doing it because of myself. I'm doing it for her. And that goes back to my work. I don't do my work for me. I'm not on this planet for me. Now I did have to be here to heal and figure something out because something in my other past lives or something that happened that I needed to revolve and recom back around. But I think this is where I'm at and this is where I'm supposed to be. And I finally found my place to be able to help people. so I just. It blows my mind that people are so consumed by their ego and by their own devices and by their own opinions. that's the only opinion. There's the, there's 18 different ways to hang a curtain. You know what I mean? Like nothing is linear and you can't say what you feel is specific to what somebody else feels. And, I just, so yeah, you and me are on that same on that same note. Cara: Yeah. I, it really irks me when people think there's only one way, [00:25:00] there's so many options and you never know what someone has been through. You never know someone's story judgment and their own perception is ultimately, I feel like where the majority of the hate comes from. Like, if people could just take a step back and realize , get out of your ego, get out of your head, get into your body. Process feelings and stop projecting Tamara: yeah. Exactly. I think a lot of it is fear based because we're all in fight and flight. so, and we've been programmed to like, if anything else is different, then that's fear. Like, that's impossible. That's not what we're supposed to be doing. That's not how I was taught. And so open to the of maybe this is maybe this would work and maybe this could heal, or maybe this be a change that we seek, but there's just so so And more wider we are in our ability connect, you know, through the internet television, all of these spaces, it just builds on that fear because the people that have instilled the fear in us are now using those channels to continue instill [00:26:00] bit, much larger, much like it's just like, you know, you're either the fear you. Going you're into that that space. And like right now there's an awakening. There's things going on a cycle. The cycling. The, the polar at caps are changing, you know, and everybody's like, oh my God, we're all gonna because of this. And you know, yeah. A lot of us are gonna die, but you know we're all gonna die anyway, because it's the only thing we're guaranteed in this life. So stop running around, being scared of it adjust to the atmosphere that placed in adjust to it, figure out to survive. And don't burn around like a chicken your head cutoff. Like people pay to science, pay attention to the that you feel, pay attention to the things are going on calculate what are the common here? Like I just, I really that people are so disconnected I just want to be able to help people transition into the Cara: I think, in due time I feel like that is one thing I've learned in this quest for. Finding myself, finding how I can do good finding how to empower other women [00:27:00] on their journey is you can't force someone into that path until they're ready. The good thing is, is I've seen so many other people around me coming forth that have like awakened to this new, vision, I guess you can say. We're here to help the ones that are ready to jump. One thing I've found in this whole, COVID is I used to hold so much space for things that I couldn't control Marker — Tamara: Letting go of those things that don't serve you. That is such a beautiful thing because for me, I did too. I was always holding onto things and I didn't understand why I onto them. you know, once you start the the, aware of the like, what, why so heavy? And then when you start know, that you're holding on and I had this conversation with and, um, I you know, Ask yourself, is this mine I'd like, did you walk into a room and pick up somebody You know, like, And if it's not it'll dissipate, you know, in, in doing that, it can be a little bit draining, but once you can learn how to control that and like really be aware of and [00:28:00] say, okay, this isn't normal for me this way. What was I just doing? Or where was I just at that made me feel this way. you'll realize that Not only are they not aware their energy is still there and it's still doing the same thing our energy's doing, they're not aware of it. So they're just letting it go and do, and kind of willynilly all over the where we are aware. Like before I go into a conversation with a friend, if I having a day, I'll are you okay to bit of my my woe, because you know, I'm having a bad day and if they're having a bad day and I don't know about it and I just dump more on 'em, you know, they're gonna have my worries as well. And so I'm very aware of do and how I, I come into my friends because you know, everybody has a and my friends far away. So I honestly was talking know, How we can, how are we supposed to that out? And the more clear that we become with ourselves and the more aware we are you know, the more control have over how we able to, you know, get rid energy and those people that aren't aware of how their energy [00:29:00] is affecting other really have an effect. And I guess this would kind of go back to what we about how you know, how it affects the affects, you know, from one to the other. Because if you've got a million people running around with all this energy and not knowing what doing with it, and then projecting it and interjecting it people, you know, it just and you know, and it, and sometimes it's not even ego base, it's be changed. You get, people are ignorant to the fact of certain things, but once you you know, they're not ignorant to anymore. So people ignorance at such a such a nasty term or such a derogatory term when you say it. But in it's an actual, changed. um, holding on to the wrong before. I mean, it's not gonna get any better worse because the transitions that we go we like a a large transition world and with the shifting with the human shifting with mass extinctions happening with all of these things going on, it's gonna get real nasty before it gets better, but it's only gonna get really nasty for those people full of fear. And they be, [00:30:00] we won't have as much these things, But we'll have peace knowing that this was the way that gonna be, and we're gonna come together as communities and we'll start rebuilding and we'll start being able to do the things that we need to to survive. And we'll Feeling of grace, a much more feeling of joy alive. and I feel like it's position our, our know, at any opportunity to help those and help guide 'em now everybody's and I don't waste my those people. And if they're reader for everybody. Everybody has their own path and everybody has their own thing. Like I can dip in, but sometimes don't wanna hear it because I'm not the type of person that you talk to and get the answer that you wanna hear. I'm the type of person you talk to that you get the answer Cara: Yeah, definitely. I mean, talking about energetic hygiene, I did not have it. I did not know how to handle it. And one of the things about my human design chart is that my emotional center is open. Which ultimately means I absorb other people's emotions and I would get like over stimulated and I [00:31:00] didn't know how to handle it. I was a hair stylist and I would get these deep conversations and I would absorb all their emotions and then I would do my next client. And then I would just bring that energy to the next I connected so deep with my clients. at what cost to me and the other people around me. And so one of the big things on my journey is just having a handle of those are someone else's emotions. What do I need to do to protect myself my space? And, I can't change them. I can't change their energy. How can I adjust so that it's not gonna affect me because I don't want that I've had that. And it doesn't feel good to me. know what I mean? Tamara: yeah, I feel like, uh, the boundaries is where that comes in and like, it's almost like a force field. And my boundaries over the past, especially two years since I've had my kid have gotten so strong, I am not like anything negative. I'm like pew, pew, pew. I'm just ninja. And like they're bouncing off of me cuz , I ain't got no time for it. I don't have time or energy to spend on things that are not serving my [00:32:00] best interest, serving my goals, serving my ability to raise my daughter the best way I know how I don't talk about the weather. I have conversations about things that matter. Or I'm doing things that matter because I am trying to finish my book. I'm trying to create a space that's safe for my daughter that she can grow up in. I am trying to build a business so that I can help other people grow their businesses. I am trying to, you know, there's all of these things going on in my life that need attention in a most positive way possible. And also the people that come to me, I need to be prepared and I need to be energetically ready to take on their energy at any given moment, because I have put myself in a position to be that person. And if I can't represent what I'm trying to create, and if I can't represent and hold myself accountable for the things that I'm doing, how am I able to help others do the. I did the iowaska right before I left New York. I never wanted to do it. Even though this is a very spiritual experience and it was a lead experience, what hit me most is at the very end, the guy and his wife that were there that had brought [00:33:00] me there, who are super amazing people. And he gave me a hug and he said, it's time for you to let go of everything that doesn't serve you TA. It was that moment that I realized that that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm purging, I'm getting rid of all the things that don't serve me so that I can start serving other people He was sitting there and he comes to me and he's like, I love your energy. He's like, I see you in a place where you're going to be guiding people and helping people through. and I was like 22, 23 at the time and I was like, yeah, I wanna help people. You know, like, and I've held onto that since I was young and I came to Costa Rica and like, I see these people and like, I, I don't wanna be a philanthropist on that, peace Corps level. But I wanna be able to like show people, the light people that are consumed by manmade boundaries that they can't see anything past what they've been taught. , that they've blinded by the truth in their lives are just crumbling before them because they can't let go of that faith of, what man has told them to be. And so, there's a place for me and I found it and I thought I escaped New [00:34:00] York, but I actually escaped my addiction to not only substances, but I escaped my addiction to suppressing my. Superpowers, my spiritual powers, my love for myself, my exploration into being a mother, never thought I was gonna be a mom. I'm 40 years old. And she's two. So do the math. I'm so glad that I waited because now I have so much more to offer her. And I, if I would've had a kid, when I was in my twenties, she would've been messed. It's all about just being peaceful with yourself and loving yourself. You don't have my journey's my journey. I do it to help other people, but you might do it to help animals or trees, or you might help just to help yourself because sometimes that's what we need. We need to be able to help ourselves and you, by helping yourself and going out and having a joyful day, somebody's gonna see you. And they're gonna go, man, I wanna have a joyful day. And then it says that whenever you see somebody and , you wanna be like that person, that's the universe telling you that you can have it. It's not an invitation to covet or to be jealous or to be mean about it. When you start seeing things, you like follow [00:35:00] it, talk to that person, say, model yourself after that, , you don't have to like be a weirdo and stalk 'em or anything, but, start like really finding like what parts of that fit you and like, become that. we become what we want and if we are angry all the time, we're gonna become an angry person. But in that same instance, it's progress, not perfection. Marker — Cara: Yeah, it is progress, not perfection. Gabby Bernstein calls that driftwood, when you see something that you want or that you think you're jealous of. Look at it with a lens of love. what do I, want from that? Not like IM mad because they have it. And I don't, it's the universe saying you can have it too. What do you need to do to step into that power? What do you have to do, to be able to attract something like that? Tamara: Oh, that's great. Yeah. I've that's the third time I've heard her name in the past week., I will in the power of threes and literally her name has came up three times this week. So I'm gonna have to dig into some Gabby Bernstein. Cara: Yeah, I fought her a little bit, cuz she seemed very mainstream in the world. Tamara: I heard that Cara: but I'll tell you she's done a lot for me. So it just kind of [00:36:00] depends. I've read some things and they spoke to my soul and I've read other things and I'm like, Ugh. Her latest episode that came out. I'm on it she does Like a dear Gabby, like you ask her questions and she kind of does that. So if you were to listen to her podcast,I am the first call on there. Tamara: Oh, I have to go. Cara: She gifted me one of her courses and it's actually helped me a lot, in trying to help figure out, Just my journey. Tamara: That's great. Yeah, I'm gonna have to go look at it now. Mystical Faire AD: I'm excited to tell you about an opportunity to receive guidance from a diverse group of Lightworkers, who are prepared to provide and guide you with their expertise in healing energies. It's a half day virtual retreat that transports you to a soul inspiring, loving space. It's the grounded dreamers mystical fare. Which takes place on July 30th from 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM. Eastern standard time. What makes it extra special is you get to choose. Who you spend and share space with in a group or private setting? My personal group, class [00:37:00] offerings are understanding our cycle. In this class. We break down the different phases of a menstrual cycle and how we can use them for a more balanced home and work life. We have a cyclical nature and tapping into that power can leave you feeling less overwhelmed and utilize the energy. Each phase brings.. My other offering is human design foundations learn the powerful foundations of your human design chart. I will provide worksheets to help you break down your chart in an easy, understandable way. I also have a free interactive human design chart. To help you get started to understand your design. Head over to Cara Other offerings from other practitioners include. Soul guidance readings. Beginners taro and numerology. Or readings, astrology, Pranic healing, hypnotherapy the copy consultant to bring your spiritual copy to attract your right clients, breath, work, and somatic guided drawings. Head over to [00:38:00] to find out more about the grounded dreamers mystical fair i can't wait to see you there Cara: I would love to jump into your design. So, it seems like you know, about what a projector is for the most part. The hardest part about being a projector is that you wanna feel seen and understood. And so sometimes when you are walking into a room, it kind of feels hard, but it seems like you've, you've stepped into a lot of your human design without realizing you've stepped into your human design. Just what it seems like in your journey so far. So the biggest part is waiting for the invitation because you will feel like you are, being left out rejected when you're trying to force yourself, your energy seems. Too much for people when you're not asked to come in, but like once you're asked to come in, that's your sign for the most part. but yeah, you're meant to be waiting in the wings, , you, to be recognized for your accomplishments and you're born to use your gifts from a point of [00:39:00] appreciation. The inner authority is really what I wanna dive into because to be honest, I have not seen this authority with anybody that I've come across. Cara: I haven't seen that many charts, but, this kind of threw me for a loop. So I don't know if you've looked into your authority at all. Okay. So I think you're like 1% of the world. Of your authority. So you have a reflector authority, even though you're a projector, I haven't looked that much into reflectors because it's only 1% of the world and I haven't come across of reflector yet. Yes, your authority is ultimately how you make your decisions. So, technically you don't have an authority. So for example, my authority is my SAC. I can feel it in my body, in my gut when it's yes or no. And you probably still have that, but there's an external clarity. And when you were talking about how you need to kind of do things outside of your body, it makes so much sense with your authority because you find clarity in the external process, you find your inner truth outside because you don't have an internal [00:40:00] filter. So. In this, like, you cannot be rushed to make decisions. You ultimately should have your decisions on like a lunar calendar. If you have the option, which I know doesn't always go for most people. so to make a good decision, you need to put yourself in a safe space that you can talk it through with people that you trust. Cara: So sometimes you need that sounding board to talk it out. They're not gonna give you the answer, but in the talking, you'll hear the answer in your voice, the clarity, if that makes sense. Tamara: Yes. Okay. Yeah, no, it does. It's coming back to me now for sure. And yeah, that's what I do now, actually. I've learned to do that because I have to talk out things everything in my body is open except for my throat in my head. So I'm always able to process and I'm always able to communi. But the rest of my body is just taking everything in, but it's actually sending everything out. I found it's not my I'm sending everything out. I'm not taking anything in. And so when I [00:41:00] talk that's where that clarity comes in. When I'm able to speak to people and speak it out. Like you said, with people you trust, I found a person that I'm working with right now and it was such a great thing cuz that's what we do. We go back and forth and I actually would like to look at her chart now, but it's like, I talk to her and I'm able to clarify things with myself and like you said, and so that that makes so much sense. Cara: Yeah, a lot of times, um, when you connect with someone, charts might complete each other, if that makes sense. So like she might have all the centers you have open, closed, and then that's why you feel safe in her space? Not always, but a lot of times, an ideal relationship is when you have that, that merge together, you know what I mean? Tamara: Mm-hmm you'll get a clear feeling of knowing, but it's just in your voice talking to someone else. you can have the ideally the time to talk it over a boon cycle, so even consider. When you have, 28 days to make a decision, if you like write on your calendar 29 days from today, I should have it. Cara: So like you could use the moon and the power of the moon to make your [00:42:00] decisions. You know what I mean? Tamara: And I do. Cara: Okay. Tamara: I do. I use it to plant. I know that a waning moon is, not a good time for me. It's a time for me to like, really kind of like dig in and like start getting , like progresses and start like processing. then the waxing moon is when I'm supposed to start really getting in and start working on those projects. So it's almost like a waning is a pro is a motion time for me. And then the waxing is an actions time for me. So I really calculated that down. And I actually, after I started getting into human design and, or not necessarily into it, but into the spiritual space and finding out all of these things, and they started coming at me, the woman that helped me the most, her name is Meg sweet, and she runs the soul cabin and she became a really close friend of mine and mentor. She lives in New York. I live in Costa Rica and my cycle has never changed to anybody's cycle ever. I've always run on the full moon my whole entire life. My cycle changed to new moon on hers. And so it, yes, for the first time in my life, my cycle changed and it cycled with hers and we've only actually physically [00:43:00] been around each other one time in our life. And that was like over a decade ago. It's incredible because , I didn't even know that she was in the spiritual room. We connected through the internet. Once I got to Costa Rica, I didn't even know she remembered me. Cara: Oh, that's great. Yeah. And I think the, the fact that you've kind of like tapped into that without knowing. So that's what I mean, I feel like you have been addressing your human design without you knowing it just in what I found out from you so far. Tamara: Yeah, but I haven't really paid attention to it. So all this is new to me. this is incredible because I haven't even thought about it. I think the biggest thing about it is becoming more aware of myself. I'm super hyper aware of myself. I've gotten to a point because I wanna be able to, not affect people negatively. I want to make sure that I'm safe. I want to make sure that I'm aware and I'm hyper aware also because I'm clear Voyant so I have to be careful about what I'm pulling in. and what I'm putting out, I have to learn how to balance it. I have to learn how to control it in a way because I never had control over it before my life was complete chaos and I was angry all the time. Cara: Yeah. I mean, [00:44:00] it's hard. I think for me is finding how I operate has changed my life because I was trying to fit in a box for the most part for other people. And then knowing that, , certain things kind of bring out the good in me and the bad of me, and I don't want to be a projector of terrible energy and other people, like I did that for too long. I realized energetically, that affected me, just being around other people. Tamara: Yep. For sure. so another part is making sure you communicate about how you process a decision with other people. So just being upfront about it and just saying like, this is what I need to make a decision. Like if this doesn't work for you, we can talk about it, but this is what I need to make a sound decision. if you don't, they'll pressure you and then you'll hurry your decision, and then you guys will both end up being frustrated Cara: in that decision Tamara: That sounds like my relationship with my partner, because he doesn't listen to anything. So I'm always just making the decisions for everything. That makes so [00:45:00] much sense. Cara: Yeah. Tamara: say That's my, weak spot. Cara: it's hard. I went to my husband and I, looked up his human design chart and my decision making, I can know in an instant, I will know. If it's a fuck. Yes. If it's a fuck. No, I will know in that moment. And if I don't get that, then it's a not right now. And I'll think about it. And my husband is like, he needs to think about it for a couple days. And I did not understand that because I only knew how , I could make decisions and I didn't always live in that. I have to make a decision now, but ultimately, was like, your human design is like this. Like now I get it. And he's like, I've been trying to tell you that for 20 years, Tamara: yeah. That's so funny. I'm a quick decisions person. Like I either know it or I know it's yes or I know it's no. Or if I have to think about it then. It's interesting because it's like, I, I typically can tell you right now. Right? Not, but I've learned to, I've learned to slow my role on that too. A little bit and so spontaneous on my reactions, because I would say 95% of the time. I'm right. But I have to be careful that 5%, because when [00:46:00] I'm not right, it's not really good. I'm not saying like, I'm, like I'm a know Atall but like my decision making process is pure instinct and it's 95% of the time nailed. You need to be careful or I'll tell somebody about this or I'll be like, this is how this is. And I, know when I get these hits I get I every single time. I'm right. And they, just don't see it. And then usually takes about a week or two weeks typically. And, they'll come back to me and they'll be like, well, how in the fuck did you know that? And I'm be like, I'm telling you, I'm not crazy. I'm clairvoyant. Like what? I'm like, well, you just stop. , just listen to me. Like, I'm not an idiot. Like I'm not just making this shit up as I go along. Man, I'm like, I wish you would've just listened to me. And you wouldn't , had go through all that pain because I already knew like, it's just part of who I am. Cara: having that type of authority might seem like a burden, but you're literally co-creating with the universe. So if you think about it that way is like you're using the energy off of the universe to make your Tamara: I always say that I have a direct line. I get a head buzz whenever I, she starts pushing into me and I [00:47:00] start Cara: So the part about your clear Voyance is because your spleen is undefined. so you are a mirror of other people's fears, so it can be overwhelming with other people who have their spleen defined. it can be something that is hard for you to process, because the person with their defined spleen is notified by the intuition. Whereas it might not be your fear. So it can feel debilitating. so just becoming conscious of your fears might help you overcome them more purposefully. So shifting your perspective, understanding your authority, which what we just talked about. with your spleen, undefined, you have a natural, good vibe de detector of people. And I feel like you can pick that up and then you also can tell when someone's on edge. Tamara: Even if they have a smile on their face, I can sit down with them. I don't even know him, I can just be like, what's wrong with you? Just talk to me. I feel you Cara: So, yeah, you're just ultimately a, detector of energy. even though you can see clearly in other [00:48:00] people, you have a hard time checking in on your own own wellbeing, Tamara: Yeah. I had that conversation today, Cara: so yes, your psychic capabilities are strong and you tend to have clairvoyance , but be aware of over the counter products and prescriptions, because your body's sensitive and it could affect your immune system. Tamara: I don't have any of my issues anymore and it's been magic because I've spent my whole life one thought thinking that I was crazy when all it was was my anxiety was not being taken care of. Cara: That's good that you found help Tamara: I didn't want my kid growing up with me being crazy. So I, that was when she was born. I literally had a dose of Postpartum. That was extremely debilitating. And so I went to a holistic helper and I did two weeks of microdosing on, so they made a cake for me. I didn't get high off of it. and I was barely best feeding because I wasn't producing milk. I took two weeks of microdosing and it fixed me right up. And like, I literally had like a revelation. I was like, I'm ready to get [00:49:00] help now. I know what I need to get done. And so I was able to come out of that space of that anxiety and that depression and get the help that I needed. I was super grateful that I had access to somebody that was able to help me like that in that way, because, it saved my life and it's gonna, it saved my daughter's life. And like, she didn't want you, she doesn't want drunk and, over anxiety, mommy, because it would be a miserable existence for her. And I corrected myself for. Cara: Yeah, you should be proud of yourself for that. Cuz it's hard to take that step and it's just hard to deal with it. And I think again, if more people had more self-awareness on, sometimes we can't do it all ourselves, then we need to ask for help. We wouldn't, be burned out. We wouldn't get to a point where life would be tough and hard. Tamara: Right? I just got a couple more things about your chart that I wanted to chat about. Uh, so your two, four profile, like having your own space and you don't like being disturbed? I feel that I have a four in mine [00:50:00] and it's just like, let me get my shit done. Tamara: Yeah. yeah. And it's like the quicker I can get it done the quicker I can hang out with Cara: Yes. have that all day, every day. you can sway being shy one moment and then being bold the next, it just depends on the atmosphere that you're in. may have a hard time seeing yourself clearly or projecting yourself clearly, so that may translate differently to people like people might not be able to put their finger on you because you're not really sure either. You know what I mean? Tamara: Yeah. A lot of people always call me unique too. And they say that I'm different and that, you know, I just can't really figure you out. I've stopped trying to figure myself out. and I think that's helped me a lot because one day I'm one person and the next day, I'm the next, I feel different every day. And I gave up trying to control that. I've even told my family tomorrow, if I'm in a bad mood or if I wake up in a weird mood, just leave me alone. Like, it's not you, everybody takes it so personal. My partner, but he takes it personally. I don't know how I'm gonna be in the morning. So I can relate to that you [00:51:00] know? So just, just bear with me. Don't talk to me in the morning cuz you don't know what you're gonna get Cara: Yeah, the literally the next thing it says, your moods may swing from one end to the other. So,like put it out there to see what your feedback is from people. Like, am I being a bitch? Am I being super nice? Because sometimes you don't know Tamara: yeah, I do add sometimes too. Yeah. Cuz I'll see it face and be like, did I do something yeah, your nature tends to give too much. So be aware where you direct that energy. need others for support. And you also need a feeling of purpose, but you also need to be alone. You need your alone time, mm-hmm mm-hmm sure you're protected before exposing yourself to people who may take advantage of how giving and Cara: you know, that type of energy. Tamara: I used to have that problem. Not anymore. Yeah, I fix that. Mm-hmm Marker — Cara: when conversations you are easy going and have a big heart, you tend to listen intently, not only to give space, but also see your reflection in other [00:52:00] people. So I think a lot of your chart is like, your're almost a reflector. And so sometimes you like look at other people and you're like, what do I see in that person that I see in myself? Yeah. love to learn about yourself and other people. You may have a vulnerability and a fear of rejection. I think maybe that's the reason why I grew up the way I did, because that was the way my chart was built. I just had this conversation. being left out and being rejected is like my biggest fear, from a childhood, that little girl inside of me and why I haven't been able to like step into myself. Cara: Yeah. I mean, it's hard when we like address those childhood wounds, they come smack you in the face, you Tamara: Yeah. And then you come to find out, it's built into our chart. So we had to go through that to be the person we are. It's so weird. It's like, I had to deal with a bunch of assholes, just so I could be this person that felt rejected Cara: exactly it. Tamara: because the stars said, so like, what the fuck is that? it's Cara: Uh, yes, I Tamara: like the universe is picking on you. They're like, we already laid your map out. So you're just gonna have to Cara: Yeah. It's [00:53:00] like, sorry, here's all your shit. You have to overcome.Certain situations might bring out explosive anger and you have a highly creative side. And when your work reflects, it shows you have a tenacity for a drive and determination. if something grabs your interest, when you feel com comfortable with your inner knowledge, you become one of the life's greatest teachers. So don't limit yourself from exposure from the world. I think sometimes as a projector, it's hard because of that rejection, that like, you want to limit your exposure, but when you feel comfortable and you know how to deal with that, earn a knowledge like you Tamara: Yeah. That's what I've done. That's what I've I actually feel like the pandemic forced me into getting into a position to where I feel more comfortable getting out in there in the world, like what I'm doing now with all these podcasts and putting myself out there, because it's something that I never did before. And I didn't wanna do. Cause I was scared to do because of the rejection. I was scared that people weren't gonna accept my [00:54:00] message. I was scared that people were gonna think I was crazy and I was just scared and fearful of how I was gonna be presenting myself. And now I'm just like really taking like the bull by the horns and just going with it. And now I took the time during the pandemic to really build myself up for this. And then everything's just been planned out and it's worked out and now I, here I am people are receiving my message and I feel validated. I feel. Happy about it. And I just wanna keep going because, after a while I wanna go out and like actual talk in public Cara: That's awesome. And I think as long as you keep the idea of your decision making your strategy, like in that mind, and then you wait for the invitation, like you will be welcomed. And that's been, my hardest thing is because I have to wait to respond. And like, anytime that I'm like, oh my gosh, you gotta try this thing. It's so cool. Everybody's like, Tamara: Yeah. That's exactly how it is. This is one part I do know, because this is what me and Meg talked about. We both found out what Iman sign was at the same time we're both projectors. And I was just like, oh my God. I was like, that is so true. So I have to wait. I can't get [00:55:00] excited and force myself on people. Oh my God. But what's so good. It's so exciting. I want them to know it right now. Like everybody just needs to know. And I was like, everybody wants to hear what I gotta say. Like, you know, get outta my Cara: Yes, they'll be ready. I think that's why I actually wanted to start a podcast was because I couldn't find the right way to be able to talk about all the things that excited me. And it's like, it's evergreen. It will always be out there. So when someone's ready to hear what I have to say, like they can come to it, but it's like, like social media is so immediate. Tamara: Yeah. Cara: Like someone can go on your profile and look at your previous stuff, but like, know, it, so this last little part I Tamara: exactly. Cara: we both have a channel. Connected in our charts. And I haven't seen this channel connected in anybody else's chart. So I thought that was cool that we both have this channel. ultimately, if you were to look at your chart, there's red and there's black and the red is unconscious and the black is conscious. So sometimes [00:56:00] it takes someone else to bring that to light. yours is the 1156. So there's part that's unconscious and parts that's conscious, but ultimately, in you and I see it in me. So I feel like it's all conscious for you, but, it's more conscious after you're awakening, but it's the channel of curiosity and you wanna seek life's meaning you wanna speak your minds. You like to float from one idea to the next and when something you love it, when your curiosity peaks someone else's interest. Tamara: Yes. Cara: a lot of what we were just saying, I think we both have that like, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh. And then we just wanna learn more about it. So we Unconscious could be something from your lineage. It could be like a sole purpose. And so it's there and like, it could be an event. It could be something that like triggers for you to be aware of it, or you maybe, maybe never become aware of it. So. That's kind of the purpose of that, but I feel like, it seems like what you've talked about and just what I've read about you. That it [00:57:00] seems pretty conscious, cuz I feel like all of that speaks true to you that channel. So, uh, there's more about the human design chart, but those were just the things that I wanted to chat with you about, especially since you knew you already know what a projector is. I wanted to kind of get those pieces that you maybe didn't know about. Tamara: powerful. Awesome. I appreciate it. Cara: Is there anything else that you wanted to chat about, about your chart? Tamara: No, not really. I think you kind of broke me down. Like, I mean, that was all on point and I'm very happy to hear that. if you would've had this conversation seven years ago or five years ago, even it would've been a whole different conversation because I was not aware of myself. And I think that I, because of it, I'm aware of myself that I fit more into because I'm not bitter anymore. And I'm not feeling these, not self emotions that I really feel that it's allowed me to, become that. You know, fulfill that part of my life that I need to fulfill. And what I've listened to. You say it's given me hope and given me a lot of direction and, letting me know that I'm going in the right direction. So I feel, it's [00:58:00] actually made me feel really happy and hopeful because the more that I fall into this space, the more connections I'm making with people that are on that sign vibration, and I'm getting more visibility. And I'm not getting visibility for myself. And a lot of people might think, oh, she just wants to be like seen and heard. And yes I do, but not because I wanna be seen and heard from an ego space I wanna be seen and heard so that I can share and help people. because there's a lot of people out there that don't understand and they need help getting transitioning and getting help. I know it from a natural area. I wasn't taught the things that I know, the things that I have been given and the things that have happened to me and the things that I feel in my heart and that my body I've literally got a direct connection to the universe. And she comes in through the top of my head she flows through my mouth and she sticks in my throat and she talks to me and I am literally able to speak and connect with the universe on that level. And when I send messages to people and I talk to people and I have visions, I'm able to accept. She channels through me. I get a blue light on my head and I'm able to start vibrating. you don't see it, but [00:59:00] I feel it. And I see it and I physically am able to channel messages. Then when I'm cooking or something and she's like, oh, I got something to tell you. And I'm like, I'm frying chicken right now. Like I ain't got time for you right now. I made you, so you gotta listen. So, it's just a gift that I've been given. And the more I accept it, the more clear and the less bitter I've become. Cara: Awesome. That's my goal is to help women figure out how they best operate. That's really, it is so how they can step into their power. So, I feel strong about it because I was the same way. I was not in my body. And I did not accept myself for who I was, who I am. And I think women are powerful human beings and, you know, together, I think we can change the world if we can just empower each other. Tamara: I feel the same Cara: , I would love, to tell the listeners, what your offerings are and where they can find you. Tamara: Well, you can find me on Instagram at B dot soul dot consult. Consultant is spelled with the S O U L in it, and then TG You can find me there. You can sign up for my newsletter there [01:00:00] you can, contact me there. you can sign up for readings and you can sign up for digital marketing copy or anything like that. So, you just wanna talk to me, I love to talk and I love to talk about things that matter. so That's tango I have a newsletter that goes out every Wednesday. It's called woo woo news. And it talks about, anything I have guests on there. I do book reviews and I share a little woo in the Ville too. So I like to mash the two together so that I can start creating a space for people to, you know, really in on their skills on a spiritual level. Cara: awesome. I'll make sure everything is in the show notes. I want to thank you for coming on the show. I really appreciate you coming here Tamara: it. Cara: Yeah, we'll chat soon. Cara: Thank you so much for joining me this week. If this was your first time. Welcome. And if you're joining me from previous episodes, thank you so much for coming back. Before you go, make sure you share my podcast with a friend or subscribe. If you haven't yet [01:01:00] those few seconds make a big impact on my podcasts and I'd be grateful for the support. I encourage you to reach out to Tamma for a soul guidance reading, or even to learn about how you can bring soul into your copy. This episode will be Also, don't forget about the grounded dreamers mystical fair. Coming up this weekend, July 30th. I have some group classes and Tamra. My guest for this week, we'll also be offering change your narrative, change your life. . You'll get a slam course in marketing your magic. She offers marketing tips, copywriting and SEO strategies to help Gandy up your marketing while keeping your passion over profit mindset intact. The goal is to build strong, positive narratives around your offerings as a spiritual wellness practitioner. That attracts clients that value them to. However her professional and practical advice , can be applied to any entrepreneurial journey. She also will have an intuitive Oracle room reading. All these links will be in the show notes. We'll chat soon.

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