How To Align With The Universe A Guide for Spiritual Solutions



Have you ever felt out of sync with the universe? Have you ever felt like you’re not in alignment with your life's purpose? Remembering that it’s perfectly normal to feel this way is important. We are all human, and this is part of our journey. This blog post will provide practical tips on how spiritual women can stay in flow with the universe.


What Does Being “in FLO” Mean?

Being “in flo” means being aligned with the natural rhythms of the universe and having a clear connection to your higher Self. It also means feeling connected to something greater than yourself, feeling creative, inspired, and energized. Being in flow leads to a greater sense of purpose and an increased ability to manifest your desires.

How to Stay in FLO

Here are a few tips on how spiritual women can maintain their connection to the universe and stay in flow:

  1. Connect With Nature – Spending time in nature is one of the best ways to reconnect with the divine energy that connects us all. Take a walk in a park or forest and notice how peaceful it feels just to be surrounded by trees, birds, and animals. Allow yourself time to connect with nature each day, even if it's only five minutes outside during your lunch break!
  2. Listen To Your Intuition – Trusting your intuition is key when it comes to staying connected with the divine energy within us all. Taking time each day for meditation or reflection can help you tap into your inner wisdom, which can lead you back into alignment with your true path. I’ve strengthened my intuition by understanding Human Design inner authority and using Cycle Vitality.
  3. Express Yourself Creatively – One of the best ways to stay connected is by expressing yourself creatively. Whether it's through writing, dancing, painting, or another form of art—expressing yourself creatively helps you connect deeply with who you are and helps keep you centered on your true path. 
  4. Connect With Like-Minded People – Connecting with other spiritual women can be incredibly beneficial for staying in flo because it allows us to share our experiences, support each other through difficult times, and gain insight from those who have been on similar journeys before us.

I'm learning to be more mindful and intentional with my decisions, stay in tune and connected with the universe’s signs, and be patient as things gradually take shape. I have some projects that I'm passionate about, and sometimes waiting for the right signs or timing can be challenging. By tapping into this mindset of trust and faith in myself, it helps me stay focused on developing the right skills or resources required to reach success faster. This patience constantly gets tested, however, with so much that we're exposed to every day. But while it may not always look like it's happening fast enough, I'm confident that if these are signs from the universe they will come through when it's time.


Our cycles are signs from the universe that tell us when to slow down and when to speed up; however, it can be difficult to balance. That’s why my goal is for each of us to start listening to our bodies so that we don’t push ourselves too far past our limits. It’s important to recognize the signs when we are feeling depleted and take action before it gets worse. Having a deep understanding of your body’s needs allows you to flow through life with ease and gives you the chance to give your best self on every single day. You deserve it! Big thanks to Gabby for inspiring this episode!


 Staying connected to our higher selves is essential for living a life that is aligned with our true purpose—and staying in flow with the universe helps us do just that! Although, at times, we may feel disconnected from this source of power within us, these tips can help bring us back into alignment so we can experience joy and fulfillment every single day! By connecting deeply with nature, trusting our intuition, expressing ourselves creatively, and connecting with like-minded people—we create an energetic pathway back into flo where miracles await!

Chat soon,


Episode Resources:


NOTE: This podcast was transcribed by an AI tool. Please forgive any typos or errors. How To Align With The Universe === [00:00:00] Welcome to today's episode of floductivity. This episode has been inspired by Gabby Bernstein. I had the pleasure of being on her podcast yesterday. It won't be. Published for a little while, Her topic of discussion was being out of flow with the universe or more importantly, not listening to the universe. [00:00:20] So this episode is all about what to do when you're out of flow and how to get back into flow and connected with the universe. Thanks for being here and I can't wait to dive in. [00:00:31] Cara: Welcome to floductivity, a place to inspire and empower beings to embrace self-love and self-development for an achievable balance of productivity. I share different ways to come back to your intuition through spirituality, self care, human design, cycle planning, wellness, and everything in between. [00:00:50] Cara: Thank you so much for joining me this week. If this is your first time. Welcome. And if you've been here with me before. Thank you so much for coming back. I'm so excited to join you in this [00:01:00] journey. As we learn together. [00:01:03] Welcome to the episode of floductivity. It is all about being out of flow with the universe and. I pride myself on being in flow with the universe. But after our conversation with Gabby Bernstein, she encouraged me to do an episode. On what to do when we're out of flow and how to get back in. [00:01:23] So this episode is a little bit more of a channeled message. Sometimes I will pre script and pre. plan out what I'm going to be speaking about, but this one is a little bit, um, from the soul. I am grateful. This was the third time I've been on Gabby Bernstein's podcast. I have her on my vision board so that you will be on my podcast. hopefully. [00:01:46] That will happen one day. [00:01:47] I know that will happen one day. And so I'm going to start this episode off with a little situation that had happened a few weeks ago. [00:01:56] I Had been avoiding walking [00:02:00] outside. And I know it's really important for me to be in the flow of creativity to be outside and have that nature. so much so that I almost emailed the. Person who is going to be doing a meeting for the coaching program that I'm in. And I decided not to. Well, my next meeting. [00:02:16] Right after that meeting had canceled. And I was like, okay, universe, I hear you loud and clear. I also had some things I needed to get at target minus children. I was like, perfect. I have a target in walkable distance. I'm going to walk myself there, get some fresh air. And get some shopping done. [00:02:37] two birds, one stone. In the process of getting ready to go. I also remembered that that morning I went on Facebook, which is a very rare occurrence for me. And someone very well known in the. Entrepreneurial online marketing space. I'm in one of her. Facebook groups and she had posted. [00:02:59] go have [00:03:00] coffee on me. And I was like, I also can go get free coffee. Okay. This is turning out to be a really great. thing that I was open to. Knowing that I needed to get outside, get some fresh air and go for a walk. [00:03:13] It's refreshing. I'm walking there and then. When I went to go pay for the coffee with the said gift card from. [00:03:21] This very influential person. I saw that I had a Facebook message. And again, if I hadn't gone on in the morning, I would never have seen this message because I don't really go on Facebook that often. [00:03:33] So while I'm waiting for my coffee, I see that the team of the said very influential person. Messaged me. Asking if I was available to do a podcast episode. [00:03:47] My heart sank. I already had planned said day. I obviously had walked to target, so I wasn't right around the corner. And I am someone that prides myself on preparation, especially when it comes to having someone on [00:04:00] my podcast. And I just in my head could not figure out a way to be able to reschedule. [00:04:07] Get ready for this podcast interview. And then get my interview questions available. [00:04:12] And so paying me to say no, and this person. Gets over a million downloads on her podcast, monthly. [00:04:19] I have three people on my vision board to be on my podcast. And one of them is Gabby Bernstein and the other is this person. And her name is Amy Porterfield. And I had to say no. And I was so sad about it. I tried to call the person. That I had, something already scheduled for, they didn't answer. [00:04:36] And to be honest. I Stopped to see what it felt like in my gut. And because I am a sacral. [00:04:43] Authority in human design. I was like, do I feel yes. And I didn't. And so even though. [00:04:50] In my like soul, it's my goal to have her on my podcast for me to be on her podcast. I was like, it's a not right now. I can't do it right now. [00:05:00] There's just no way I'm going to be. Disappointing. To other people to accommodate her. It's a last minute thing. And I just know I wasn't going to be able to give my best work in that scenario. And so I had to say no, [00:05:11] And so while I was walking home, mind you on a very busy road, because targets are usually in a busy place. I had this moment of clarity, this thought where it was like, [00:05:22] It's just showing you what's possible. It's showing you what. As possible. In what you're working towards and in that moment, Out of nowhere. A Hawk flies right in front of me. And this hawk jus purchase on this fence, right to the right. And I'm ultimately in shock because I've never seen a Hawk up close. [00:05:41] I. I have never seen a Hawk fly in such a busy area. And so I was like, I'm pretty sure this is a universe saying that you made the right decision, even though it was a hard decision. [00:05:55] And so I'm still processing that. I said no to that. And I'm in hopes that I get [00:06:00] this opportunity again. And I hate was speaking to. A peer of mine and she said, [00:06:07] What if you did that? And, you know, that was it. It was a one and done. And I'm like, yeah, that would be okay. My vision is to be in a collaborative space with. These people that are on my vision board, it's not a one and done. I don't want them just on my vision board. I want to be able to have multiple conversations. I want to be able to brainstorm and mastermind and really. [00:06:29] Come together and solutions that can help people. Because I see their values and their business, and my values are aligned with that. that was a moment that I felt very much in the flow that I was listening to my body and how I should make decisions. Instead of making the answer that I ultimately wanted. [00:06:48] that is. A lesson in the idea of being in the flow. Is you have to listen to your body. That is the number one. Suggestion. Because if you're not listening to [00:07:00] your authority and how you should make decisions. [00:07:02] You're ultimately not going to make. The right decision for your sole purpose. [00:07:07] To kind of bring this back around with the conversation I had with Gabby. [00:07:12] Was that, you know, I'm disappointed in the work, the hard work I've put in. And the return on investment. And for me, it's the return on energy is I'm putting so much effort and work into so many different aspects. And I get that it takes time to build something. And I keep seeing that message of. [00:07:33] It's like that whole idea with the lottery. If you. Don't build it, you'll burn it down. I do know what I'm building is purposeful and has. [00:07:43] it has purpose in what I'm doing and hopefully will help other people in the process and knowing that what is meant for me will come to me. [00:07:51] I had that moment knowing. That I was. Listening to the universe. And then shortly after I was working so hard to get my digital planner [00:08:00] done and I got sick and, again, life felt hard again, and The universe saying, do you remember when we said we were going to listen to our body? Remember when we were going to give ourselves space to reflect. [00:08:12] And that's what. Is being in the flow. [00:08:15] It's setting up those routines and those rituals so that you can connect with yourself it's so that you can see how you feel. What your emotions are. what you're doing may impact other people. When I push through and hustle. [00:08:30] I always end up being depleted every single time. that's my goal in this whole idea of float activity is to give people the tools. Build their toolkits so that they can connect with themselves reflection. You know, do the things to empower themselves to be the best version of themselves. [00:08:49] I am. Declaring the month of January. Too. Me. [00:08:54] Aye. Have a trip at the end of January. That is a once in a lifetime trip. I'm very [00:09:00] excited to take and I've already. Decided that it's just going to be about. Me and my growth and reflection, and really make sure that. The steps I'm taking or intentional for what I'm trying to build instead of. [00:09:13] Saying yes to things that I. Forced myself to do, even if the timing's not right. [00:09:20] I have some projects that I'm working on and. [00:09:24] I truly believe that the universe would not have given me the ideas for these projects. If. They weren't meant to come to fruition. And there's not many people I can talk about these projects with. [00:09:36] Because you'll have to sign an NDA. [00:09:38] It's knowing that when it's time, when it's going to make the biggest impact, they will come to fruition. [00:09:44] But patience is my life lesson. Knowing when it's time to take action. And when it's time to sit back and relax. [00:09:54] And so using the flow of my cycle has really helped me. [00:10:00] Understand what I should be doing when, when I should be planning, when I should be taking action, when I should be looking at the details of what I've done, and then the time to reflect. And rest. for anyone who gets stuck in that hustle mode. [00:10:15] The most beautiful, inspiring connections. People resources have come to me in that time of rest and reflect. If we don't stop and give the opportunity of reflection and see how we're feeling in it. We're ultimately moving past what our body's trying to tell us. [00:10:35] So my hopes in this episode is for you to be able to create these toolkits in each phase that you're experiencing. To give yourself a chance to make sure you're fully connected to your desires, what your soul is trying to communicate. And that will help lead you in that more fulfilling life. That you desire? [00:10:57] That I desire. [00:10:58] So for example, [00:11:00] I'll go through my toolkits for each phase. [00:11:03] I'm going to start with the spring or the follicular phase. And building that toolkit. And so the spring of the flu. Follicular phase starts on day. Number four to date number seven of your cycle. And so this is the time for planning and brainstorming. My energy has not yet risen yet. So I'm not really meant to do all the things. [00:11:23] And so it's been a lesson to learn that. Just because my period has ended doesn't mean I need to go pedal to the metal. Knowing that. And just meant to kind of brainstorm and plan. And so I really utilize my digital planner at this time. [00:11:40] Kind of sit down meal plan. I will plan out my content. [00:11:45] Next we're going to do summer or ovulation. And this one can vary very much with each person. But it can really start on day number 14 and go all the way up to like day number 28. It just really depends on how long your cycle is. [00:11:59] [00:12:00] And so this is a time to do this stuff. This is where I record my podcast. This is where I try to. Get a lot done. I am the most productive in this time. So I might kind of lump all my cleaning at this time. I just try to utilize my energy as much as possible. Especially on the things I don't always love to do because I have that extra energy that I normally don't have. And so I find that. [00:12:27] Those things that I don't love to do will deplete my energy. But if I do it during this time, It checks it off the box and. [00:12:36] Is it done, gets it out of the way. [00:12:37] in this toolkit. Aye. Like to make sure I spend some time in nature. Move my body more. [00:12:43] I also really liked to dive deeper into courses and resources. [00:12:49] So the next phase is the luteal. [00:12:52] Or the fall phase. And in the beginning of this phase, I still have a lot of that energy that I did in the summer phase. [00:12:59] [00:13:00] So you have to pay attention to when. You're in the beginning of the ludial or when you're in the end, because when you're in the end, you have more of that winter energy. [00:13:09] This is when I really try to do more reflection. So I will walk outside. I will voice diary. So I will ultimately just talk while I'm walking. Sometimes I record it sometimes I don't. Or I'll journal. [00:13:25] I give myself a lot of extra time for self care. Because you're about to go into your menstruation. So you just really want to make sure you're caring for yourself. And you're not depleted going into menstruation because your symptoms. We'll become worse That's my experience with that. it's just starting to take the things off your plate. And understanding that you're going into the time of resting during your menstrual phase. [00:13:50] And then lastly, your menstrual phase. That starts day, number one of your bleed, but I prepare for it. About. Four to five days ahead of time. That's just what [00:14:00] I need for my body. in all of this, you really have to start listening to the signs of your body so that you can understand your phases of your cycle. [00:14:09] I would always get held up on the fact that I would start to deplete my energy so far before my period. And when I fought it, my symptoms got worse. I just had a harder time. Being in the normal. Life. And when I honor it and understand that that my body is built that way, things have gotten easier. [00:14:32] And I become more in the flow of my body. [00:14:35] So that when I go into menstruation, I really am resting. And that is just where I read a lot more. I just take it easy. I don't do that much. I don't make plans. That's the biggest one. I don't make plans. I avoid plans at all costs. If I can. Sometimes that doesn't always line up when you have two small kids. [00:14:55] But. How many times. Summer or ovulation. Kara has signed up [00:15:00] for plans in the winter time. I get mad and I resent myself for that. And so knowing that there's just a certain time period, that if people are going to get the best part of me, it's not in that time period. And so it just gives me more opportunity to rest. [00:15:15] my goal in all this is to just start listening to what your body wants and needs in each phase of your cycle, so that you can be in more flow. And understand that when we push ourselves past the point, when we hustle past the whole point of our body, We'll end up depleted, like with the flu and sick and. [00:15:37] We're not able to give our best versions of ourself. So I hope you enjoyed this episode on. How to get back into the flow of life. Thank you Gabby for this inspiration to have this episode, I know one day she'll be listening to my podcast I'm grateful to have the opportunity to speak with Gabby on her podcast. And I know many more. [00:15:59] [00:16:00] Opportunities like that will come. thank you so much for joining. If you found this episode helpful, please share with a friend that helps me so much. If you want to learn more, please check the show notes. And all the resources mentioned will also be there as well. And we will chat soon.

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