The Magnetic Power of a Generator in Becoming Unapologetically Abundant with Petia Blog



There’s a lot of pressure these days to be “plugged in” and hustling constantly. But what if we could find balance and success without burning ourselves out? That’s exactly what Petia  learned when the Universe made other plans for her. She took a step back from her work and consciously practiced self-care. Read on for how she found freedom from burnout and started working smarter, not harder.

Self-Care is Essential for Connecting with your Highest Self

It begins with a simple shower. For Petia, this shower was like the start—and end—of every day. It served as a reminder that taking time for herself was essential to staying physically and mentally balanced. No matter how busy or overwhelmed she felt, it always helped her get present in the moment so that she could take on whatever challenges came her way.

Learning to Let Go of Comparison

She also realized that comparing herself with others was getting me nowhere fast. Instead, it created an unhealthy work ethic within her that led to burnout and exhaustion – both physical and mental. It wasn’t until she got a gentle “slap in the face” from the universe that made her realize it doesn’t have to be about hard work and hustle all the time.  Those moments were life-changing for her; they shifted her mindset towards recognizing who she is from a place of love instead of forcing things on herself. Suddenly, everything clicked into place when she saw how she can work with joy rather than just grinding away at things until they are done.

How She Built Her Business

These days, instead of hustling nonstop, her focus is on finding ways to bring light into her life by doing things that make her feel happy (and profitable!). This has allowed her to build a business based on abundance rather than scarcity while still maintaining a healthy balance between work and rest. As much as possible, she tries to stay mindful throughout her entire day by taking regular breaks and focusing on self-care whenever possible – even if it looks like just a 5-minute break!

Taking care of yourself should always come first – especially when it comes to your business! We often forget this in our quest for success but learning how to let go of the hustle is key for creating sustainable success without burning out along the way. By making self-care part of your daily routine, you can create an abundant lifestyle where joy meets productivity so you can start living life on your own terms!

Chat soon,


Guest Spotlight: Petia 

Petia Kolibova Burns is an abundance and light activation coach who guides women to intuitively connect with their inner vision so they can experience personal and professional magnetism and become unapologetically abundant. 

Her mission is to empower visionaries who are on the path to embody their fullest self-expression to soulfully expand into a quantum leap in all dimensions of their lives.

Petia gives immense clarity + exact steps to unlock women’s divine feminine and abundance mindset. Through subconscious work as a certified breathwork facilitator, reiki, NLP & Human Design practitioner, she leads her 6 and 7 figure clients to their next level in life and business.

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Picture of Hi! I'm Cara

Hi! I'm Cara

You are designed with unique intuitive intelligence that can guide you into an extraordinary life, and my job is to help you uncover your power and live with greater ease and purpose.

Floductivity Podcast Episode

Welcome to Floductivity, a place to inspire and empower you to embrace self-love and self-development for an achievable balance of productivity. I share different ways to elevate your intuition through spirituality, self-care, cycle planning, wellness, and everything in between. Let's embrace our unique nature and flourish in our gifts one around us can benefit. 

NOTE: This podcast was transcribed by an AI tool. Please forgive any typos or errors. Petia KolibovaThe Magnetic Power of a Generator in Becoming Unapologetically Abundant with Petia === [00:00:00] [00:00:00] Cara: Hi, Petia. Thank you so much for coming on today's episode of Float Activity. [00:00:08] Petia: I am so excited to be here today. [00:00:10] Cara: Well, my first question I always ask my guests is, what is your non-negotiable self-care practices? [00:00:18] Petia: I love that question, you know, because I feel like it can be changing, you know, depending on where I'm in my life, where I'm in my business. If you're launching anything but as funny and simple as it can sound, shower. Just, just on me, like getting into the shower and cleansing yourself before you go to bed. [00:00:37] Petia: For me, like creating a space for myself to just relax, to be fully present. The shower, it's something that we always have unless we travel into the jungle, right? Like, let's not go into the extremes, but shower, for me, it's like the start of the day, the end of the day. , it helps me to get really present. It helps me to be really intentional and [00:01:00] funny enough, like I plan my business in shower too. [00:01:02] Petia: Like I buy a shower note and I get my best ideas there. You know, so I just, right there. So I, I really feel like creating the space for me to be fully present, that's what is non-negotiable for me. And usually I achieve it the easiest in the. [00:01:18] Cara: Yeah, I love that and I always try to tell anyone who might not feel like they have time for self-care that those simple energetic practices, Like showering, I even say drinking water even when you're using the restroom of just like having that moment to energetically clear yourself. And so a shower can really be powerful and it's something that everybody can, you know, enjoy as much. [00:01:44] Cara: So I love that. I love that. [00:01:46] Petia: I like keeping it simple, you know, because it can be like so overwhelming at all the practices and like, well, but I don't like yoga, or I don't really enjoy meditating, whatever it is, right? But I bet you hop in a shower, [00:02:00] right? So you can make it couple minutes longer and just like slow down and be fully present and it's really going to shift how you're feeling. [00:02:08] Cara: Yeah. I love that so much. I read a little bit about your story, and I know a little bit about what has brought you to where you're at in your life, but I would love to know the tipping point when you knew you had control over living unapologetically abundant, and stepping into your power. [00:02:27] Petia: That's such an amazing question, Kara, really, because I feel. You know, most people they're asking about like the breakthrough moment and the aha moment, and it's not exactly that. I, I love that you're asking about this like, empowering moment because I feel like for me, um, it was when I realized that I don't have to work hard to live the life that I. [00:02:50] Petia: Because I come like, hence my unpronounceable name from, you know, I come from very small town, um, back in Czech Republic and working hard was the only [00:03:00] way to live. You work hard, you know, to get things, to have a bigger house, bigger car than your neighbor. Comparing yourself with others. But for me, you know, yeah, it, it created a beautiful work ethic, but also the sense of burnout and being always physically tired and, and mentally exhausted. [00:03:18] Petia: And so for me, when I realized that there were a couple points, um, in my life. The first one was when I was. I was working in a corporate full-time. I also was enrolled in getting my bachelor's and then later after that MBA in business, and I also had my first business on the site, so I was social media marketing manager and also afterward personal trainer. [00:03:40] Petia: So I was like literally like working hard, like that was like my middle name, right. one day I went, um, to a cabin in, uh, here in Las Vegas, in um, in like the mountains. And normally we do have an internet there, there is no reception for the phone, but there is an internet. So I had planned to work on [00:04:00] my things for school and my clients and just like of course I go for a weekend in the mountains and I have tons of work with me. [00:04:06] Petia: And when we got there, the, uh, electricity and internet wasn't. I had a complete meltdown. Oh my gosh, my clients will fire me. I will not finish my papers, blah, blah, blah. Like I had a complete meltdown. And then I'm like, okay, what is that I can do? Right? Like sitting there and crying, it's not going to help. [00:04:24] Petia: So I grabbed my dog. I went for a walk and in the nature and I. Just walked. And I was like, I could really feel like my body was like relaxing. Like, okay, the wo the world will not end. And it's just like so unrational, you know, when you are in your head. But it really, really helped me to relax. And you know, hour later I come back, internet is working. [00:04:44] Petia: I did so much more than I was able to do, like weeks and days before. All the work that I needed to do in just a few hours, and that was like the first like, you know, like gentle slap in the face for me from the universe. Like, Hey, you don't [00:05:00] have to work always hard. It doesn't have to be 24 7. So that was like my first big realization when I felt empowered that I don't have to be always hustling and working hard and I still can. [00:05:11] Petia: Things get done and the second time when I realize it is when I travel back to Czech Republic to see my grandma. And I was with her there for three weeks. So out of a month I worked only maybe like an hour a day because like my top priority was her, you know? And that month was the highest month I ever had in my business. [00:05:32] Petia: and I'm like, wow, like how is this even impossible? So I started to like tracing it back and I realized it's not about hard work and hustle and always being plugged in. Like we take our phones and, and plug them into electricity to recharge, but we don't recharge ourselves. So that was like a huge breakthrough for me when I felt really empowered, like, wow, so I can slow. [00:05:57] Petia: I can take care of myself. I can actually [00:06:00] live and enjoy life with my loved ones, really? So I feel like those were the moments that like shifted my life and my business. And who am I being from a place of like recognition instead of just like forcing. [00:06:15] Cara: I feel like sometimes when the universe is gently nudging us to go in, you know, a different direction than what we think. And I definitely have a hard time shutting off the hustler in me as well. And so, Taking those moments, especially in nature. Nature is definitely one of those things that kind of calms me, brings me back, and I, I have my best ideas and it's like when we're sitting there and we're forcing ourselves to kind of get work done and do the things and, it's just that we're like fighting against the universe. [00:06:48] Cara: And so when we kind of like surrender into it and flow with. , it gets easier and it, and I, I love that, that you had those moments and I, you know, there was a couple things I wondered in that conversation. [00:07:00] Um, one, are you a manifesting generator? Because I feel like, was that one of the things that [00:07:06] Petia: My husband is, I'm a generator, but my mother was a manifestor. So I feel like there was a, the conditioning of like always initiating things, you know? And I love that, you know, human design because like, yeah, that's a big sign. But I feel, for me it was more conditioned, the manifesting generator, acting, you know, I am a generator and. [00:07:25] Petia: It's so interesting, like I had to also learn that, you know, when I got familiar with human design, like over four years ago that I started to study it. When it says that the generators are here, like the work bees, I'm like, I don't wanna work. Like, you know, like I don't wanna be the one who works. And then I realized like we are meant to be working on things that light us up, that make us like really feel happy to be alive and magnetic. [00:07:49] Petia: And that's how we attract easily. It's when I became magnetic that I like achieving all these. Things like easily, not without word, but there was more of like path of least [00:08:00] resistance, right? As a generator to learn to slow down because we all always hit plateaus, specialist generators, and then we get desperate, like, I gotta work, I gotta do something. [00:08:11] Petia: And I don't feel like inspired. And you open your laptop and you don't wanna do anything. So like really allowing yourself for these secret pauses, you know, no matter what design you are like, right. Like we all get to create these sacred passes that we can, it goes back into. Recharging and reconnecting to yourself [00:08:28] Cara: When you had these moments, did you have like a spiritual background at all? Did you have any spiritual practices or were those kind of the moments of the universe kind of throwing you for a halt? [00:08:40] Petia: No, I feel like that was the universe, like trying to like, you know, how it gently started to nudging you, you don't listen, then it kicks your booty, you know? So, um, it kicked my booty like a couple times because I wasn't like, Listening. I didn't have any spiritual practices back then. Um, I know that like, um, I started and that was [00:09:00] like afterwards, like I hired my first like life and business coach and then he introduced me to meditation. [00:09:05] Petia: I did meditation challenge. So I think that's when it really started. But before that, I was very much in my head, you know, there was no. Practices, rituals. Like I was like always like I love books. I was always such a vivid reader. So I would read like things about like, but it was more, it wasn't spiritual, it was more of like the, how would you call it? [00:09:30] Petia: Like, um, , the unexplainable things like w you know, like ghosts and miracles and things like that. Me and my grandma, we would be reading of like hearing things in the house and, and so it was more of like, I was open, but it wasn't spiritual. It was more of like, well, I know there's more to life than what I am seeing, but where is it? [00:09:52] Petia: What is it? [00:09:53] Cara: I think it's hard, like you were saying before, with the conditioning, there's so much conditioning behind it and [00:10:00] adding that piece of spirituality is usually, you know, like it comes up to a point where it makes, it makes it harder, especially when you come from a family that. You're to be successful, you have to work hard. [00:10:12] Cara: And, you know, having to kind of take a step back and say, okay, what can give me a good work ethic, but how can I shift my mindset? And so what, what really helped you transition from that mindset of I have to be hardworking, that what practices helped you kind of take a step back and not be that hustler mental. [00:10:33] Petia: I feel like it was really gradual that it wasn't like from day to day to realize like, oh, I don't have to work hard anymore. Right. So I feel like it was really gradual and it started with, um, more nature time. Like, oh my goodness, like nature time was like my biggest healer. Um, I went back into writing. [00:10:49] Petia: I used to write poetry when I was a teenager, so I went back into like writing poetry when I was, when I was in a nature. . And so I feel like it was like this gradual [00:11:00] slowing down and starting to feel the difference because before I used to be sick all the time, you know, no wonder like with how much pressure I was putting on myself, and not only work-wise, but I was working out like six days a week. [00:11:14] Petia: You know, like real like exhausting myself. . And so I feel like the slowing down, reconnecting to the nature, and then I started meditations, but it was like I, I, I would be doing like guided meditations, you know, because like, it's like, no way I can say it. Then I'm just like, I would be like making plans in my head. [00:11:32] Petia: What am I doing for dinner? Or what am I shopping? So guided meditations were super helpful. And then I also, thanks to my coach back then. Got introduced to breath work. So I started to do breath work and, and I feel like all of these modalities, I feel like it just cracks you open and then you are open to even more things. [00:11:52] Petia: So I feel like it was really gradual, like introduction into like different modalities, like meditation I did here and there. Yoga, I [00:12:00] started to do workouts, but it was not to push myself, but to really understand my body. and doing like a beautiful morning routines, like I make myself like breakfast in bed, you know? [00:12:12] Petia: And, and it just like making feel, like making myself feel great and also making myself feel like the best lover I ever had, you know, because so very often we are expecting from the outside sources and people to make us feel certain way. So I started to do these things to. Make myself feel better. I boil myself flowers, get myself for dinner, make myself, you know, breakfast in bed. [00:12:38] Petia: And I just started to feel physically better and then emotionally better. I started to sleep better. And you know, like limiting my time on technology. Thank goodness for technology because you know, that's why we are here today while we are sitting here. That's why I have my beautiful business. But, I feel like sometimes we get just so sucked in. [00:12:56] Petia: So I had to really consciously limit myself [00:13:00] on social media, um, on technology per se. Uh, like every Saturday it's my technology detox. No technology whatsoever, no phone, no nothing. And it's so rejuvenating. Um, so I feel like just adding the practices and following your curiosity, [00:13:17] Cara: yes, I love all those different modalities that you spoke of and I used to be so rigid about these rituals and routines that I had, that I had to meditate at every day and I had to do breath work and Saying, what do I need today? Is it meditation? Is it breath work? What? What is it? What do I need instead of telling myself what I should be doing? rebuilding that relationship with yourself because I think for so long I was looking externally for that support and all those things. And then once you begin to love yourself and provide that friendship for yourself, that listen. [00:13:54] Cara: to what your soul wants. And so I love all those things that you've mentioned. [00:13:58] Petia: It's beautiful. You know, and, [00:14:00] and, and I feel like it's just when we can get away from the shits, you know, like we create a space for, but what do I truly desire? and not because everybody else is doing it or because it's trending right now. Like we really get to ask ourselves, what do I need right now? [00:14:16] Petia: Because so very often we are such, especially as woman, we're such a like lovers of everyone. We are givers. We wanna help everyone. And then we put ourselves on a complete back burner. We don't ask, what do I need? What do I desire? But when you can create a space for that, when you can create a space for yourself, your life will start shifting because suddenly you don't need a validation from the outside. [00:14:39] Petia: Suddenly you don't need others to, you know, like tell you who you are. You come back to yourself, you come back to your truth, and everything else starts falling into the place, and you become so abundant in your life. It's, it can be so simple as just asking yourself like, what do I need? What do I [00:15:00] desire? [00:15:00] Petia: What is my priority today? [00:15:02] Cara: I love that. It's so important. And you know, another piece that you spoke of. Was, you know, getting out of your mind. And I think that was a big piece of human design for me was no one is supposed to make decisions from their minds. We all have different authorities and none of them are from the mind energy center. [00:15:21] Cara: And so I would like to know what you use human design for when you empower your clients. [00:15:28] Cara: If you want to learn more about human design, I have a free interactive workbook This workbook will help you decode your human design so you can start tapping into how you're uniquely made. And that power that's within you. By unlocking and using your human design chart, you're able to connect and understand and honor your soul while increasing harmony and success in your life. [00:15:50] Once, you know, what powers your energetic circuitry, you will have the self-awareness tools to engage in your highest perspective. [00:15:57] Human design supports, empowers and [00:16:00] aligns your relationships, career and home life. It's time for you to look within at how powerful you are and show up as your authentic self. Head to to get yours today. [00:16:11] ​ [00:16:12] Petia: Oh my gosh. I am like, I am personally, I am obsessed with human design. I try like so many different modalities, like mayors, whatever, you know, and then Enneagram and all these tests, and it's just, it for me, it just didn't resonate at, but when I got like familiar with human design, I found myself like all the things that I was thinking that are wrong with me all along, I was designed to be this way, you know? [00:16:37] Petia: And it just gives you this freedom and instead of putting you into the box, it's you. Because human design, it's experiment, right? So we go and experiment it and try it and see. And so I use it in everyday life. Like anyone who. I talk to work with my team members, of course, my husband, my whole family, my friends, everyone, but also my clients. [00:16:58] Petia: Like I get to [00:17:00] understand their human design because I'm going to speak differently to manifesting generated that I'm going to be speaking to projector. I have. You know, like sac, I am Sacl generator, so of course I'm biased. I connect with them on a deepest level just because I know how they feel. I know when they're acting from their head and when it's like, heaven, a sacral, you know? [00:17:20] Petia: It's something that I understand. So for me, like seeing the difference and being more patient, you know, like being more patient with manifesting generators, you know, who are like all over the place and doing 10 things at the same time, and I'm just like tired just to watch, listen, I marry one of you. So like my husband, it's a one three, you know, um, emotional manifesting generator. [00:17:41] Petia: So even just like understanding the, the different authorities, like I'm not emotional, so I am like, You know, whatever. When I'm by myself, I'm like, whatever. I'm like so calm and then my husband, like, I can feel him, like he's in his office. I'm in the other room and I'm like, Why am I feeling so like, eh, you [00:18:00] know, and then I go check up on it. [00:18:01] Petia: It was like, okay, got it. And I learned not to own it. So having more compassion, having more patience, um, having more understanding. Understanding that my emotional people, they will maybe take a little bit more time saying yes to the things. So it gave me so much freedom and stopped taking things personally and also being a better leader and listener. [00:18:21] Petia: I feel like human design is just for everyone. [00:18:25] Cara: I've had some people resist human design and really, [00:18:30] Petia: For like two years. I'm like, you know, it's, it's funny because like six years ago, uh, when I started my coaching business, couple of my first clients, they're like, oh, like I'm studying human design and blah, blah, blah. I'm like, another thing to learn. I don't need another thing to do. [00:18:45] Petia: Like whatever. Right? Two years I was resisting it, but it kept coming, you know, and I kept seeing it and then I'm like, you know what? Let me just try it. And once you get initiated, you are just like, you get. [00:18:58] Cara: You know, there's so many people who were like, [00:19:00] I don't feel like, you know, I'm an energizer bunny. And I'm like, well, if you're not listening to your authority and you're not using your strategy, you're not gonna be your type. And so there were so many things that made me feel, seen and heard when I looked at my human design in the first place. [00:19:16] Cara: And I was like, oh, you know, having my emotional center was. that I just didn't understand that I absorbed other people's emotions. And now I know that when I get this rush of emotions, you know, I have to figure out is it mine, is it someone else's? But it was like, the more I started to kind of live those pieces and try it on, like you were saying, to, you know, experimenting with it, the more I began to embody it. I was having a personal issue of trying to like figure out my copy on my website and I am someone that I tend to like look up everybody else's human design and like I don't look into mine that much. And then I was like, yeah, okay. And I started looking into more of the deep, dark parts of my human design [00:20:00] and it was like, that is what I'm. [00:20:02] Cara: You know, it was crazy that like I wasn't really looking at that. And then when I started to embody my design more, I started to really empower myself stepping into what my soul wants me to do. And it's like, that's what I feel like human design is. It's like your blueprints and if you can kind of connect those energetic pieces, like you can really be who you're meant to be if you're open to it instead of fighting. [00:20:26] Petia: Mm-hmm. . Yeah. I feel like it's so life giving. When we stop resisting things, whether it's human design or it's, it's like that saying, would you resist persists? Right. Like, why you're fighting it if you don't want it in your life, release it. But like, resisting and forcing something, you know, it's, um, that's never good. [00:20:45] Cara: No, it's not. I would love to know if there is one person that you would like to work with in the future and why. [00:20:52] Petia: Hmm. Wow. I love this question. You are so full of great questions. I love it. so the first thing that comes to my [00:21:00] mind, There is a mentor, her name is Taylor and, I would love to work with her because she created a seven figure business and she has a two little kids. We are planning our family this year with my husband. [00:21:12] Petia: So, you know, like I'm just like curious on how can I keep growing and expanding my business while I know I wanna be, I wanna be present, mom. That's why I have my business. I wanna be at home, I wanna be present and. I also like, I'm not feeling that being only mom and, and when I'm saying only I'm not com, like I'm not diminishing it. [00:21:33] Petia: I know. You feel me? I know there's some women who are called to like, that's my purpose. Like I wanna be at home, I wanna be mom, I don't wanna do anything else. And that is so beautiful. . And for me, I'm truly like inspired and I know I came here to create generational healing for women and world changing abundance. [00:21:50] Petia: So I do wanna, you know, bring babies and that's why I would love to work with her because, She has the strategies, but also the [00:22:00] energetic points. And that's super important to me because in the past I hired mentors, like, give me the strategies, gimme the blow brains, I'll follow it, I'll make the money. [00:22:07] Petia: I was miserable, you know, like I, I created the foundation, but then I was working really hard and I was miserable. It wasn't from Seoul. So working with someone who. Created the abundance that is holistic. It's important to me. So she would be the next, and like ideally, if I could work, uh, 1 0 1 with Katherine Zina manifestation babe. [00:22:29] Petia: Absolutely would love that. Like, I don't know in how many years? Like in like right now she's six years in her business and last year she made seven and a half million dollars and in December she made a million dollars and she just gave a birth few months to baby. So, you know, it's just like so inspiring to me like, I would love to learn a blueprint, not like we are in multiple six figures, so I'm super thankful, but how can I keep expanding and impacting women while I'm working much less and I'm being fully present to my [00:23:00] family? [00:23:00] Cara: Yeah, I love that so much. I am a mom of two young kids and my suggestion is just find those energetic practices that it's okay for us to put up our energetic boundaries from our children and we will be better parents from that because they are lovely and, but they also like to siphon that energy out of us and. [00:23:21] Cara: Just figuring out how that, how to work that and just know that the first couple years it's going to be a trial and error and just be open [00:23:30] Petia: Hmm. Thank you for that. [00:23:32] Cara: Yes, of course. And to wrap this up, I would love to hear more about your podcast and all of your offerings for the listeners to hear about. [00:23:41] Petia: So my podcast is unapologetically abundant. Um, and my offerings, like I'm really focusing on one-on-one. That's what really lights me up. We have a couple online courses, uh, about, you know, soulful success, about money, about worthiness, so everything can be found on my website. But what really truly lights me up, it's [00:24:00] working with 1 0 1 with women and to really show them how they can create abundance and impact in the world. [00:24:06] Petia: that's really what lights me up. What is a heest for me these days? [00:24:10] Cara: I'll make sure that the listeners have all those links in the show notes and I just really appreciate you coming on the podcast and us crossing paths and, you know, good luck with you. Are future endeavors. [00:24:21] Petia: Thank you so much and thank you so much for having me and for all the work you're putting into the world. I, you have such a brilliant questions. Thank you. [00:24:29] Cara: Thank you so much. [00:24:30] Thank you so much for joining me this week. If this was your first time. Welcome. And if you've joined me for previous episodes, thank you so much for coming back before you go, please share my podcast with a friend. If you haven't yet, those few seconds make a huge impact on my podcast and I'd be grateful for the support. [00:24:46] I absolutely love this interview with Petia. If you want to find out how to connect with her, check the show notes and all the links mentioned. The episode will be We'll chat soon. [00:24:58] [00:25:00]

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