Wellness on the Go Tips and Techniques for Staying Balanced While Traveling blog



Prioritizing Wellness on the Go: Maintaining Balance While Traveling

Traveling can be a wonderful way to explore new places, experience new cultures, and make lasting memories. However, it can also be stressful and disruptive to our routines, leaving us feeling unbalanced and out of sorts. That's why it's important to prioritize wellness while on the go and to make sure that we're taking care of ourselves both physically and mentally.


Starting with a Routine: Staying Grounded and Balanced on the Go

One key way to stay grounded while traveling is to start with a routine. By checking in with yourself and making sure that you're in a good place mentally, physically, and spiritually, you can avoid getting overwhelmed and keep your nervous system in check. This might mean taking a few minutes each morning to meditate, stretch, or journal, or making sure to get some exercise every day.

Plan Ahead and Enjoy the Journey:

Another important strategy for staying balanced while traveling is to plan ahead. By taking care of the major logistics before you leave, such as booking your flights, accommodations, and major activities, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed or rushed once you arrive. And by planning for experiences rather than just checking things off a list, you can give yourself space to enjoy the journey and take in the sights and sounds around you.

Listen to Your Body: Planning Activities Around Your Natural Rhythms While Traveling

It's also important to be mindful of your own natural rhythms and cycles and to plan your activities accordingly. For example, if you know you tend to feel more energized in the morning, you might schedule your most active or adventurous activities. Or if you know that you'll need some downtime to recharge, you might plan to take a break in the middle of the day to relax or nap.

Nourish Your Body, Nourish Your Soul: Tips for Staying Hydrated and Well-Fed

Of course, staying nourished and hydrated is also crucial for maintaining wellness while on the go. Bringing healthy snacks and staying hydrated can help keep your energy levels up and prevent you from reaching for unhealthy options when you're on the move. And if you have specific dietary needs or preferences, it's a good idea to plan ahead and research restaurants or grocery stores in the area that can accommodate them.

Self-Care While Traveling: Prioritizing Activities that Feed Your Soul

Finally, making time for self-care and prioritizing activities that feed your soul is important. Whether practicing yoga or meditation, taking a walk in nature, or reading a good book, taking time for yourself can help you stay centered and connected while you're away from home. And by sharing responsibilities with travel companions or scheduling some solo time, you can make sure that you're getting the rest and relaxation you need to truly enjoy your travels.

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Picture of Hi! I'm Cara

Hi! I'm Cara

You are designed with unique intuitive intelligence that can guide you into an extraordinary life, and my job is to help you uncover your power and live with greater ease and purpose.

NOTE: This podcast was transcribed by an AI tool. Please forgive any typos or errors. Wellness into Travel === [00:00:00] Welcome to today's episode of floductivity. We are talking about how to bring wellness into your traveling. I find that when traveling is involved, whether it's by myself, whether it's with my family, with a friend, there's always something that might heighten. The response from my nervous system. [00:00:20] I've been trying to make the idea of traveling a little bit easier. And more enjoyable because if i have anxiety about something then it makes the whole experience of it not as pleasurable and so this episode is about how i have found to support myself while traveling so thanks for being here and i will see you on the other side [00:00:44] Cara: Welcome to floductivity, a place to inspire and empower beings to embrace self-love and self-development for an achievable balance of productivity. I share different ways to come back to your intuition through spirituality, self care, human [00:01:00] design, cycle planning, wellness, and everything in between. [00:01:03] Cara: Thank you so much for joining me this week. If this is your first time. Welcome. And if you've been here with me before. Thank you so much for coming back. I'm so excited to join you in this journey. As we learn together. [00:01:17] So finding wellness and my travel has been a big piece of my healing, the support of myself, that whole self care aspect. [00:01:25] There was a point in my life where I was waiting for someone to say, oh, you know, go take some time by yourself or go do this, go do that. But ultimately like we're all different. And so what we need is something that we need to communicate. We need to kind of show what's important to us and these different aspects. [00:01:44] I didn't realize how much anxiety I would get around traveling. And it was a trip over the summer that had happened that I. Ultimately had like a little bit of an attack and I realized [00:02:00] that the stress or what was happening before was like within my control, like the things that were making me stressed. [00:02:07] We're up to me to change. And so it's hard when we're living in a. State that's the same and breaking out of that routine. I decided that when I travel, like I need to make sure I have my non-negotiables when I'm going on these travels. And so I have. Ultimately like a few different trips. [00:02:28] Ranging from solo ranging with a friend and ranging with my family. So you can see. How these different things that I add into my trip helped me enjoy the experience more because my emotional state isn't heightened. [00:02:45] So the first piece is. Starting a routine is really important into. Making sure that your. Kind of checking in with yourself, making sure that where you're at. mind, body, spirit that you were in a good [00:03:00] place so that your. Nervous system doesn't get heightened. And that's ultimately what it is for me is I find that when my nervous system gets heightened, it is really hard for me to be in the present and be in the now and then I lose myself in that joy that can happen. Being present is where I found the most joy, especially when it comes around with my family. if I'm adding. My stress, my anxiety to the trip. It makes it really hard for everybody to enjoy the experience. And so it's just knowing that if we're having a hard time, when these things happen, It's up to us to figure out how our nervous system or how our body is reacting to something. [00:03:44] And then if your body's having that reaction, What can you do to, to support it in. In the moment. I'm going to be doing a whole separate episode on different things to help your nervous system, things like breath, work, yoga. Um, meditation, different [00:04:00] modalities. So stay tuned for when that comes out. [00:04:02] But I want you to start. keeping an idea of those things that helps you stay like that best version of yourself. And so. Mine is my routine. And when I go on vacation, I have a so much more leeway on what actually happens because we're in a different environment. And so, number one, that is my expectation is I do bring that expectation a lot lower, but I also make it a point that every day I have to make sure I take a piece of my normal routine and make sure that that support is still there. [00:04:34] Because I find that when you're in the hustle of a vacation, you just have so much more. External, energy around people and the experience, and everybody's having their own experience that. The most important thing is to come back to yourself. it's finding those things that you're fully connected with yourself. So it's not the actual things that I'm talking about. [00:04:54] It's what works for you that you can have that connection. Where can you build that connection with [00:05:00] yourself. And so for me, athletic greens is like a tribute to the way I start my day, I speak affirmations into it. It is an, a very important piece. And so when I travel, that is usually. [00:05:12] part of it, unless if there's some way that I can't get water to add into it, but that's very rare. Another piece for me is the Tibetan rights. And I've spoke of these before. if you want to know more about my actual habits and routines, there's another episode. I'll link that in the show notes. [00:05:29] Tibetan rights are five yoga moves that you, Do a routine with. you also do an affirmation with them. I love them. It supports me. I have tweaked them to fit my lifestyle. I've added a couple extra moves that I feel that. I can help with my routine in the morning. and again, [00:05:48] if you check out that other episode, I think it talks about each one. If not, maybe, you want to know more about the Tibetan rights, shoot me an email ultimately yes, it's. five yoga moves 21 [00:06:00] times. I've made it into seven moves, but each move has an affirmation to say with it. And I just love what it stands for. And, it's been a huge aspect of my rituals and routines. I still do them on vacation. [00:06:14] I just don't. Puts like so much pressure that it has to be done every morning. Like I do at home. Another piece of what I like to, have as a support is reading. Reading is a big way of supporting myself and. I think for me, I like to look it at as it is a self investment piece versus like reading, A fictional story. for me, it's that growth aspect that is important to me while I'm on a trip is making sure that those self investment. But if fictional stories give you some sort of like drive and love, then, like that could be your peace. I always leave room for journaling. Journaling is a big part of what you're experiencing, how it makes you feel. [00:07:00] And I feel like that reflection piece is really important to see like what went well on this trip, what didn't It's like, I want to be able to sit back and enjoy the trip. So what can I do to support that around the trip so I can be present for that experience. it does take reflection piece while you're experiencing it so that you can look back and say like, oh wow, these things helped us accomplish this or this experience wasn't as good. [00:07:27] What can we do going forward that maybe we can avoid something like that. Other pieces are planning ahead. for me to really enjoy a trip. It's like, I want to make sure that the major piece of planning is done before. And that way I don't have to have the pressure of making decisions. [00:07:44] On the trip. But it's, it's like planning for these experiences. Not trying to put too many things in a day so that you can have enjoyment on the way to the things. Because that is the biggest [00:08:00] stressor for me is trying to go from one thing to the next, with that pressure. And so there's been this whole other piece of enjoying the whole process. [00:08:09] And not just trying to get to the next thing. And so I've learned this lesson in my business. Where I was really trying to like jump to the next goal and jump to the next goal. And I was on the path of, I, you know, not quite to burnout, but like that's not the business I'm trying to create. if I'm trying to create. [00:08:29] In an environment where I'm enjoying the season I'm in, instead of trying to jump ahead, it's like finding the balance between planning ahead so that your experience can be better, but. Trying to fast forward in what you had planned. it was always a joke that when my husband and I were on vacation, that. [00:08:51] Like, I would already be planning our next vacation on that vacation. And like, he couldn't wrap his head around it and it was something that I've slowly been like, oh, [00:09:00] wow. Now I see what you're saying. Planning ahead and enough that you really can sit in. So in that experience, because that's the whole point. [00:09:09] It's also important to like, be open for things to flow and evolve. And so knowing that it's nice to have things planned. And sometimes when things make a detour, there's a reason for it. And so I'm trying to be more open and aware of those detours as a good thing versus a bad thing. And so how can I look for this detour and. [00:09:34] Is there something I can learn from it. [00:09:36] So I've had a few trips that I've planned around my floductivity concept. again, there is an episode on this, so I will link that one in the show notes. [00:09:46] And what that really means is it's just being aware where I'm at in my cycle. having a list of activities and when it's time to make these choices, It's less thinking. It's less planning [00:10:00] to say, oh, wow. Yes. I really, really enjoy. [00:10:03] Trying new things, what I'm in my follicular phase. So if I'm on vacation, I want to try a new adventure, a new activity. And so maybe doing. Some research ahead of time to say here's some activities in this area. These are things that I would like to try and do. [00:10:22] If I were, in my summer phase, then that would really just be making sure that I had a lot of activities to keep that high energy going. So that would be a great time to do, a more adventurous and more, body moving type of activities. If I was in my fall phase, it just depends. So that one is harder to plan because you can still have that energy of the summertime. [00:10:50] Season like of your cycle. Versus the, um, winter. Time of your cycle. Menstruation is winter and. [00:11:00] ovulation is summer. [00:11:00] So if I was in my. Luteal phase being much more open for a pivot because you could have that high energy or you could be like, let's just kind of sit and chill. So it's knowing that that luteal phase. It has a big swing in it. I think the most powerful things that I can't talk about enough is how many women, when it starts to make sense with them, that like, [00:11:25] you should really be aware like five to six days before your period, because that is the time where you need to start bringing your energy in. And so pushing yourself can lead you up to having more symptoms, being more exhausted. Having more energy swings, mood swings, like there's so many of those things, like if we know that ahead of time, [00:11:46] Knowing that could affect our trip. And kind of bringing expectations and shifting them. That's a big piece of how I use this float activity concept in how I travel. So. That is a biggest [00:12:00] self care thing you can do for yourself is knowing where you're at in your cycle, letting it have room for pivoting. [00:12:08] Because it could switch on a dime. And so your expectations aren't as high when you know what, how to expect your emotions, what your body's capable of doing. And so it's also that piece of. [00:12:21] Making that trip, the best experience making that time, because I've taken this concept into a 24 hour day. But taking it out of vacation is a whole nother aspect of it. [00:12:31] If you were to really nurture yourself in the best possible way on that trip, that right there is a, it's the best thing like giving yourself The awareness and the things that you need. If you were in your luteal your fall, like be open that you would maybe want to just sit on the beach and not move, or you want to go on a 10 mile hike. So it's knowing when, you know, if you're close like that week before your period, or even your period comes early, [00:13:00] it's like having, Space to wiggle. In what you're, what you're going through in your cycle. And so sometimes you can't plan your trip around your cycle. But you can. Nourish your self on your trip around your cycle. [00:13:14] So the two different times that I really made this concept come through was when I went on my solo trip, I decided I wanted to see a psychic. I have never done that. I wanted to have this new experience. And I also did as salt cave. And that was a new experience. There were both at the same place. I went to a place in sunset beach. [00:13:35] I was staying at a bed and breakfast, close to the beach. It was walking distance. I wanted something quiet. I wanted something. That felt good and safe for me to just kind of go with the flow. And so while I had some things planned, on the way in. The rest of my trip was like, I just kind of went with the flow of what I felt like doing. [00:13:55] But I planned ahead of time. I saw where I was at my cycle. I [00:14:00] knew what would make me happy. And so my goals were to just go at my own pace, not be on anyone else's schedule. And take pictures and that's exactly what I did. And so that was a trip that. While there wasn't that much done really outside of me just going and being in the beach, it was a really soul fulfilling trip. [00:14:20] I know the idea of going away to be by yourself as a mom can seem like a selfish piece, but I found so much. rejuvenation for what I needed when I wasn't in the energy of other people and what they wanted. ' cause a lot of times. I want, everybody to be happy and. Sometimes it takes you saying no to yourself. And so to devote a whole two days to devoting to what I wanted. [00:14:49] Like that feeds your soul. it could be that you're in your summer phase and you want to go out and go on a trip with your friends and you want to like network and be around people. And so [00:15:00] knowing that there's certain times. In your phases, where that could feel really good or that could feel really bad. And knowing that it's okay, that you have to kind of pivot how you go at your trip, because where you're at in your cycle. [00:15:12] Because really you're going on a trip to fill your cup. And so taking these little tips. Could make or break your trip. Believe me, I've been there where like, if my nervous system gets overwhelmed, like it's really hard for me to kind of come back into my body. I ended up doing this Floductivity trip with a friend and we both ended up ironically being, on our period in our winter phase. [00:15:34] And so that's more rest and reflection. But we had a list of things activity-wise that would support us through the whole thing. And so we were able to go a little bit with the flow and then, you know, we probably didn't do as much activities as we wanted, but again, I didn't want to force us to do things just because it was the sake of doing it. [00:15:55] I wanted it to be a fully nourishing trip around us, both. And so one, what are the [00:16:00] chances that we were at the same time of our cycle? So that was great. so what we did on this trip to nourish ourselves during this time, as we both had an energy healing session, With someone that was suggested to me, and we both had a beautiful experience with it. It was like, we both said like, [00:16:17] Starting out with an energy session with someone on a trip is like a game changer. But ultimately, like that's a big piece to it. getting yourself in a state to really fully enjoy an experience, highly suggest having an energy healing session at the start of a trip. [00:16:34] So some other activities we did on this trip was we. whence. We one time on a trail to check out the bridge. That's famous in Fayetteville. The next day was rainy. And so it kind of fit our mood nothing felt like we really wanted to fully do, because like we were going to go paddle boarding. It was raining. [00:16:51] Like going on a full-blown hike when it's raining again, like it's doable. It just didn't feel like the most nourishing things for us. And so we [00:17:00] drove around, we like got to see the area. We saw some beautiful houses. And so that still felt nourishing. It felt like we were doing something that kind of gave us something to do, and it was just driving around. [00:17:12] And then we ended up stopping at the lake and got out into like a little bit of a hike. And so that felt good. We like took some pictures and really enjoyed the scenery because it was beautiful, even though it was raining outside. [00:17:26] We had a beautiful card reading from a friend of mine named Angela. She is a card reader. She runs the grounded dreamers mystical fair. she did a beautiful reading for us and we thoroughly enjoyed it. We also went shopping in the cute town of Fayetteville. And so it was just nice to kind of be in a town like that. I did get some cute items, which was nice. Cause I don't feel like I had gone shopping in person in years. And so that really like filled my soul. [00:17:57] And then. [00:17:58] We just made our own [00:18:00] little like charcuterie boards and went and ate at cute little places. And so it was nice that like, we just had this like beautiful experience in a place that's like near and dear to my heart. [00:18:11] So my sister-in-law and brother-in-law and niece and nephew, or my niblings. [00:18:17] they. Live there. And so visiting there is. A huge place in my heart. Like I love visiting there. And so it was fun to be able to bring my friend there. . My friend was leaving and my husband and kids were coming the next day. [00:18:31] The weather was clearing up. I decided to go for a hike. By myself the weather just magically clear it up. I had that nights myself. So I went on a hike. It was a really cool experience because. [00:18:42] I was just able to sit and chill and like notice the environment around me and then seeing the groups of people that were coming in and out. It was like, there was, Just like friends coming up. There was a bachelor party that came up there and I mean, I'm sitting on like, Pretty big rock, like a big cliff. it was nice to [00:19:00] just be there by myself and not have to worry about anybody I was with. But it was cool to see like just the different people that came up. I even witnessed, um, maternity photos happening they brought their child with them and It was a cliff. Like you don't want your child like wandering. It just so happened. This little girl felt really comfortable with me. So she went like she came and sat in my lap. Why her parents were getting their picture taken. [00:19:25] it was just fun, like that interaction. I even saw people from Akron, Ohio. And that's ultimately where I moved from close to there. just to be able to watch the sunset on the cliff by myself was like a beautiful transition from like being with some, a friend of mine to my family coming. it was that time by myself to, to be able to give my, that rejuvenation to be able to like transition from one thing to the next. [00:19:50] So the next day my husband and kids came and we went paddleboarding, which was a fun experience. we just kinda like. Wait, like hung out in the [00:20:00] water and, you know, just enjoy the day the weather like ended up. Being perfect, which was ironic because the last few days it was just like storming and raining. [00:20:09] and then the next day, my sister-in-law and my brother-in-law, my nephew and his friends, we all went on the river. We took, the raft, they brought their duckies, which are like, Blow up. Kayaks. I think they are. and so that was a really fun experience. I think my kids really enjoyed that. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Like. [00:20:28] There's something magical about that river. anytime I have an opportunity to go there, I will drop everything to go. Cause it heals my soul there. ultimately when I go there, I don't have to do that much. Outside of the experience there, because I feel like in itself, it is a very healing place for me. [00:20:45] I wasn't able to do my more morning routine. Like I normally do because the space we had didn't really allow it. And so being okay with like my children there while I'm doing yoga and, they were doing it with me. So it just brought a different [00:21:00] experience to it. And that was, that was fun. And that was nice. [00:21:03] are you ready to make a real change in your life? Here are just a few benefits on working with me as a certified holistic coach. Together, we gain insight into your authentic self. We explore your design with modalities like human design cycle, vitality and astrology. And you'll gain a deeper understanding of your unique strengths, challenges and your purpose in life. [00:21:28] Together. We work on improving relationships, understanding your own design helps you communicate more effectively with other people. Build stronger relationships and have more fulfilling connections around you. [00:21:41] We increase your productivity by aligning your work with your natural rhythms and your strengths. You'll be able to work smarter and not harder. Achieve your goals and live with a greater ease in your life. [00:21:54] We work together on reducing stress and overwhelm. By working with me, you'll learn how to [00:22:00] manage your energy. Reduce stress and cultivate more balance in your life. [00:22:04] We work on a more authentic life. [00:22:07] When you're aligned with your unique design, you'll feel more confident, empowered, and fulfilled in every area of your life [00:22:15] Those are the benefits with working with me [00:22:17] it's a certified, intuitive life coach. My focus is not telling people about their human design cycle vitality or even astrology. Instead, my role is to help you discover and align with your desires and take aligned action based on how you operate. It is time for you to look within at how powerful you are and welcome your intuitive intelligence. [00:22:38] If you want to work with me, head to Caradempsey.com/offerings [00:22:43] So another trip that I'd like to talk about we went to ocean city, Maryland and well going to a place like that is fun. It brings a different experience. I have been enjoying more of like the nature, kind of not being around a lot of [00:23:00] people. Like I do enjoy my trips being very low key and just me and my family, not that much interaction from the outside. I knew going to a place like ocean city, Maryland was going to be a little bit different. [00:23:13] And just bringing my expectations to a different place. I mean, I think to this day it was, it's been my kid's favorite tramp, but it is our most recent trip. So I'm sure that has a big piece of it. I mean, they had pizza every day. There was so many aspects to it. Like we just don't do in our everyday life that we did there. [00:23:32] I mean, there was a beach, there was a pool. And so having those things like right at our doorstep again, They've never experienced that. So I'm sure that was a piece to it as well. so as for things that I do and trips like this, that really help us is one, I make sure to have healthy snacks for me and the family, because when you're at a place like ocean city, Maryland, there is fries. There's pizza, there's fried [00:24:00] Oreos. Like that's the idea. So finding. [00:24:02] Easy healthy food. Isn't easy. having a fridge. Or a way that we can have a cooler last while we're somewhere is very important to me because I don't mind us eating pizza every day, but I want to make sure there's like fruits and vegetables in their diets. And places like that, it doesn't happen very often. That's actually a piece if we're driving somewhere, that is a big piece of that is making sure. We're packing things that are healthy, they're easy. And so there's really standards for us. Like. Just cheese sticks, yogurt, cucumbers, some sort of fruit cut up. Carrots cut up. And then of course, like you have to have the other stuff too, but it's just making sure that there's healthy things to balance out the not healthy things. Because when we go on vacation, we want to make sure that we're having like a very fun. [00:24:50] Time. And so it's finding the balance of limiting too much and not doing enough. everybody's balance is different. And so for us packing healthy food [00:25:00] is a must. Another little tip that my husband and I do is we split up the mornings. I know it takes away from having more family time. But we try to find depends. It depends on how long our trip is. Sometimes, you know, my husband gets a morning, which ultimately means like he's going to sleep in, or I'm going to get a morning that ranges from just having more, like having time by myself in the morning so that I can do yoga or meditation, it could be sleeping. [00:25:28] It's just, we both try to have an option where we just get an extra morning of rest and that might. I mean, we're in a hotel room altogether that one of us gets up and gets the kids out. So the other one can have the hotel room by herself. And so that is helpful to both of us. It works really well. [00:25:45] but we do try to find at least one day that it's like family morning. Like we all get up, we all do stuff. it's finding those pockets of time where my husband can feel like he gets what he needs. I can get my time, what I need. And so [00:26:00] we do that at home and we transfer it to when. We're on vacation. [00:26:04] So other things that, especially for driving. I always bring with me. I always bring my travel yoga mat. I have a yoga routine, the Tibetan rites that I've talked about. I do it every day. unless if I'm not feeling well, but majority of the time, I try to find some time to do it, but it's usually the first thing I do when I wake up. [00:26:22] I do bring my cards, my Oracle cards or my taro cards. They just helped me kind of sit and take a moment and connect with what I'm already feeling. It's like confirmation of what I feel like my day is going to be like, or what support I need. And so my cards are a piece of how I connect with myself. But again, there's room for not being able to do that. [00:26:43] I will always bring a journal or my iPad, which I digitally. Journal as well, to make sure that when like things are coming through, I can journal it and, and do it. And so a reflection piece of why I'm on a trip and what I'm feeling and what happens and maybe. Something [00:27:00] can be better next time. If I understand how something made me feel, it could just be the simplest thing about communicating something that I want. [00:27:08] Something that didn't go. Right. And so I just find that when I am able to reflect what I'm really feeling, I then relay that conversation better. it's just a piece of, That doesn't always happen on my trips, but I like to have something just in case of it does. [00:27:24] We also sometimes pick a night or two where we can be on our own. And so for me again, it's just being able to go take pictures at sunset. [00:27:34] It's that maybe my husband's just going to sit out and enjoy the water. nature is usually a big piece of our travels. And so while we know that visiting cities and historical sites are probably in the future for our children, Having that nature piece is really important for my husband and I, and we both enjoy just soaking in. [00:27:55] Nature. And we, like, I know he enjoys the ocean at night. [00:28:00] And so that feeds his whole. And so making sure that he has that peace and that I can stay up with the kids in the room. And so it's a way that we can still do these things that fill our soul, even if it has to be separate because, you know, we obviously can't leave our kids alone in a hotel room. [00:28:16] And so I brought it up before. But taking pictures is a big piece of. What I want to do on my trips and people usually aren't in them. I very much enjoy the nature. I like to kind of like take my time. I like to look at it and then like, figure out how I can take a picture. And like two young kids they're running around. It's very different than what it is like for me to take pictures of nature, because, You can kind of see your expectation of nature. And then with kids, they don't, they want to sit. Not that I don't enjoy taking pictures of my kids. I want those pictures and treasure those. But being able to go and admire nature and take pictures of it by myself is just, it fills my soul. And so [00:29:00] you can kind of see the big difference in one versus the other of why there's such a big difference for me. [00:29:05] with this conversation about finding wellness in your travels, it's finding what feeds your soul and how you can kind of pivot with that on your trips. This. Episode was actually inspired by a life-changing trip. I went on, to Switzerland's. And so it was something that I know I am extremely grateful to experience, but just different aspects that I brought into that trip for like a soul fulfilling life changing trip and S. [00:29:37] yeah, and even tips like there's going to be some beautiful tips in there. If you're ever planning on going to Switzerland. Even if that's not the case, you'll tune in because there were so many aspects to it that I just want to share. And even if you're not going to Switzerland, but you have an opportunity to take a trip. [00:29:53] To literally connect with yourself. Please listen, because there were so many moments in this trip that I just want to [00:30:00] share and yeah. That's why I made this episode and then keeping for the Switzerland one. I will also be doing a trip about different ways. That no matter where you're at practices in your life, that you should bring wellness into your every day. And so I want to share a bunch of different modalities so that you can try which ones speak to you and then bring the one that speaks to you back. And so I have so many. [00:30:26] Just suggestions and resources, and that's going to be a great episode too. [00:30:30] So the next couple months of content on this podcast, there's some really amazing interviews with amazing people. [00:30:38] So make sure you share this podcast with a friends. If you have any episode suggestions or healing practitioners you think should be featured on my podcast, you can email me at [email protected]. [00:30:51] Thank you so much for joining me on today's episode, if this was your first time. Welcome. And if you've joined me for previous episodes, thank you so much for coming [00:31:00] back before you go. Could you share my show with a friend and subscribe? Those few seconds may get big impact on my show and I'd be grateful for the support. [00:31:08] Finding wellness in my everyday life has ultimately changed how I experience things. And so it makes sense for me to be able to take these things that helped me and bring it into our travels. If you want to learn more about this episode, all the links mentioned and the ads and today's episode. You can visit Caradempsey.com/58. Thank you so much for being here and we'll chat soon [00:31:31]
Floductivity Podcast Episode

Are you ready to unlock your intuition and reach new heights of self-awareness and personal growth? 

Welcome to Floductivity, the show where we explore the intersection of self-development, spirituality, and self-care.

Each week, we bring you insightful interviews with experts in these fields, as well as solo episodes where we dive deep into topics like meditation, energy work, intuitive development, and how to bring wellness into your everyday life. Whether you're new to these practices or a seasoned pro, our podcast is the perfect place to elevate your intuition and connect with like-minded individuals.


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