Sacred Marks Exploring the Spiritual Significance of Tattoos and Birthmarks blog



Exploring the Spiritual Significance of Tattoos and Birthmarks and the Importance of Self-Care Through “Sacred Marks

In this episode, we will be discussing about the spiritual significance of tattoos and birthmarks through the lens of “Sacred Marks.” This episode emphasizes the importance of self-care, which is often viewed as selfish, but is essential for our mental and physical well-being. The speaker suggests creating a self-care toolkit to help those who are overwhelmed by the idea of taking time for themselves.

Discovering the Transformative Power of Self-Care Through Spiritual Practices

Stacee and I discuss that society conditions us to work hard and never stop, but taking time for self-care is vital. Through their own spiritual awakening, the speaker has learned that they have more control over their life than they thought and can control their reactions and actions. They mention that the book “Sacred Marks” delves into the spiritual meaning of tattoos and touches on the law of attraction and universal laws. One powerful message is that we have the power to control our reality with the help of the universe.

Understanding the Spiritual Significance of Birthmarks as Indicators of Energetics and Life Purpose

We also discuss the spiritual significance of birthmarks. While some people believe that birthmarks indicate how one died in a past life, the speaker suggests that birthmarks may indicate an energetic weakness in that area, which could be related to generational traumas or emotions. However, the primary purpose of birthmarks, according to the speaker, is to serve as a reminder of one's purpose and the healing they are meant to do.

Overall, this epsiode encourages viewers to prioritize self-care and provides insight into the spiritual significance of tattoos and birthmarks. It offers a unique perspective on how we can take control of our lives and manifest our reality with the help of the universe.

Guest Spotlight: Stacee Magee
Stacee Magee is a world-renowned medical intuitive and the author of Soul Purpose. In her practice, she helps people discover their soul purpose by interpreting the spiritual messages within their bodies. She also talks about the spiritual meaning of your tattoos, birthmarks, and more!

Stacee is known for her ability to connect with the energy of others and read them like an open book. Her clients describe her as insightful, accurate, and authentic.

Stacee has worked with clients from all over the world including celebrities and public figures.

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Picture of Hi! I'm Cara

Hi! I'm Cara

You are designed with unique intuitive intelligence that can guide you into an extraordinary life, and my job is to help you uncover your power and live with greater ease and purpose.

NOTE: This podcast was transcribed by an AI tool. Please forgive any typos or errors. Stacee Magee === [00:00:00] Cara: My guest today on floductivity is Stacee McGee. She is a world renowned medical, intuitive, and author of sole purpose in her practice. [00:00:08] Cara: She helps people discover their soul purpose by interpreting spiritual messages within their body. She also talks about the spiritual meeting of your tattoos, birthmarks and more Stacee is known for her ability to connect with the energy of others and read them like an open book. [00:00:25] Cara: I came across Stacee on tiktok. She has a big loyal following. And she has worked with clients from all over the world, including celebrities and public figures. [00:00:34] Cara: Stick around for this interview. Cause there's some surprises that we have in store for you. And I will see you on the other side. [00:00:42] Cara: Welcome to floductivity, a place to inspire and empower beings to embrace self-love and self-development for an achievable balance of productivity. I share different ways to come back to your intuition through spirituality, self care, human design, cycle planning, wellness, and [00:01:00] everything in between. [00:01:01] Cara: Thank you so much for joining me this week. If this is your first time. Welcome. And if you've been here with me before. Thank you so much for coming back. I'm so excited to join you in this journey. As we learn together. [00:01:14] Cara: Hi Stacee. Welcome to the show. [00:01:15] Stacee: Hi. Thanks for having me. [00:01:17] Cara: I always love asking my guests what their favorite self-care practices are in their life at the moment. [00:01:24] Stacee: Oh, well, I, I can answer this one very easily. It's massage. [00:01:28] Cara: Yes. [00:01:29] Stacee: I literally just had a massage before we got on and I'm like, woo, this feels so good. And the gal that I work with does like a little bit of energy work as she does it, and like she was like releasing some generational trauma as we went. And I was like, this is just like, it's heaven. [00:01:46] Stacee: So that's my favorite one right now. I, I have lots of others, [00:01:49] Cara: I was actually gonna ask if she had like energy work embedded into it. Cuz I feel like a lot of spiritual people, like they want a massage but they want, they want to go deeper with it. And so I love that [00:02:00] and I would love to know how long you've been seeing this woman for your massages. [00:02:04] Stacee: Oh, I actually have two people that I see. One does massage with sound therapy, which is like freaking awesome. And then the other does the energy work. So it's been about three months. [00:02:15] Stacee: And we were actually having this discussion as she was healing. She's like, oh, here's a generational trauma here. And she'd poked the area and then it w like I'd feel it in a different part of my body. And I'm like, oh, that's a generational trauma related, da, da da da. And so we were like having these conversations of like, she's like, I feel a generational trauma here, and I'm gonna, and then I'm like, I'm gonna tell you what it is. [00:02:35] Stacee: And so it was really cool. It was like, Interactive discussion where I was teaching and she was learning and I was learning and she was teaching and it was, it was super cool. [00:02:43] Cara: I love that. My massage therapist is also does more than just massage and so you're inspiring me. I was thinking about booking one for my birthday and I know your birthday is is here coming up and so I think you're inspiring me to do that because that is, it is the [00:03:00] ultimate version of self-care I feel like, so. [00:03:03] Stacee: it is. So definitely go do it. I, I highly recommend, and if you're in Arizona, you can let me know. I'll tell you where my, my person is. it's been life changing it. I think, you know, I used to think, oh, that's selfish. You know, my, my whole thought process with self-care is selfish. And I was like, it's so selfish. [00:03:19] Stacee: Just spend like that kind of money on just a massage, but it's become vital to keep me going so I can do the work I'm doing too. [00:03:26] Cara: I think that's important that you say that self-care is vital. I think so many people have been conditioned to make themselves think that self-care is selfish. It's been, um, a pain point, a journey of mine, and I actually had this lesson come up yesterday. I had the opportunity to go paddle boarding. feeling really guilty for it, and I was like, I actually have time to work. I should be working. and I decided to go and I had so much clarity around how I'm going to serve others and what I can do in my business on this [00:04:00] afternoon more than I would've had just sitting and staring at my computer. So I think sometimes what we get out of our self-care is more than what we can really do by thinking and doing the things that we should be thinking that we should be doing. [00:04:15] Stacee: Yeah, no, I, I'm with you on that. I, the more that I put thought into stuff, the harder things become, and if I just release and let things flow, it's, it's so much more powerful, you know? [00:04:29] Cara: I definitely feel like a lot of people have that pain point in their lives that we should be doing more than we should be being, or, you know, accepting these things around us. And so, self-care is important and, you know, going with the flow in that, that can always change. I love when people create these toolkits of self-care and just saying like, what? [00:04:51] Cara: I'm overwhelmed. This is what I need and when I wanna love myself, this is what I need. And then that way, when you have those moments, 10 minutes, an hour, a day, [00:05:00] you really can just look and say, oh yeah, this is exactly what I need. This is what my body, my mind, my soul needs at this time. [00:05:06] Stacee: we're conditioned, I think, as a society to believe that we must always work hard and to never stop. And you know, I, I've been doing a lot of research on this and I've been looking at different cultures and there's this, this interesting, um, I don't know what the word if, if dichotomy is the right word, but you have these cultures like in the Netherlands where they have the hoog culture where they, they rest and they relax and they have family time and per capita, they actually consume more meat and sugar. [00:05:37] Stacee: than we do in the us. And you know, those things are interconnected with heart disease, but they have lower instances of heart disease there. you know, you look at Japan where they actually have some of those cultures, that have lived like the cent cultures, you know, the green areas that have lived very long times, and it's a very slow natural culture. [00:05:58] Stacee: But then you go to like [00:06:00] Tokyo where they're like, really? Fast-paced and high stressed and they eat the same diets. And they have a lot of people who literally die at work cuz they're always stressed out and working all the time. There is something to be said about self-care that's incredibly powerful and I don't think we need to be working as much as we think we do. [00:06:18] Stacee: And I think during Covid, a lot of people realize that. They're like, oh, hold on, [00:06:24] Cara: Yeah, I was definitely one of them. I was, my spiritual awakening happened before Covid, and then I had the beautiful opportunity to really dive into ultimately like what I wanted as a person. And I know not everybody has that opportunity or experience, but I started to say like, I do have more control than I'm leaving up to me. [00:06:45] Cara: So like, what can I do to change this situation into what I want in my life with my family? And so, it was the biggest blessing for me, even though there was definitely some hardships with it. And so it's just understanding of [00:07:00] we don't wanna have a life like this. What can we do to change that? [00:07:02] Cara: And we do have the power to change, a lot of our situations. [00:07:06] Stacee: Yeah, we, we hold the ultimate power. And I think, you know, my dad said to me once, he goes, everything that happens to you is your fault. And I got kind of pissed off when he said that. I was like, . How rude. Like what? No, like it's not my fault. All these bad things happened. it did get me thinking though, and now I'm older and I'm, I'm more spiritually awakened and I'm like, maybe it's not my fault. [00:07:27] Stacee: And maybe there's things that happen that are outside of my control, but I can control my reactions. I can control what action I take after I can control the trajectory of what happens. and the hours, minute, stays, months, what emotions I hold onto and that makes all the difference in the world, you know? [00:07:47] Cara: I love that you brought that up because I am currently reading your book about the spiritual meaning of tattoos and some of the things, if you don't mind me sharing about your book at all. Is how you touch on the law of [00:08:00] attraction and the universal laws. And so a couple things that I made note that I felt were really powerful is you said you have the power to control your reality with the help of the universe. [00:08:10] Cara: And so I think that's a big piece of what we're saying and that, When you achieve true change, it is because you master yourself and focus on the larger interconnectedness of all things. You do not get caught up in the material rewards or self-centered desires. This leads to intention that prioritizes the wellbeing of others as much as your own. [00:08:32] Cara: And so I love how you take the idea of tattoos and you connect it to the universal laws and, Once I started to read it, I saw the connection and I love that so much. [00:08:42] Stacee: Well, and I, I think you know that concept is if you know we are all one, if one hurts, we all hurt. If one is healing, we are all healing and. . You know, when we look at it, the concept of the tattoo is this internal desire to self-heal. and so it, it really becomes a really powerful [00:09:00] way to look at things that, you know, the person with the tattoo is hurting or healing, and we can help facilitate that process in some way. [00:09:08] Stacee: Also, [00:09:09] Cara: So was it that TikTok that you had posted, was that the general idea of what you know, inspired you to write this book? [00:09:18] Stacee: Um, yeah, the tos were actually what inspired me because I had kind of started to understand this concept with birthmarks about five years ago, and, and I talked about it in the book, how. . There was actually this moment where I was at this little medical convention with my husband where I was like, tattoos, oh my God, they're healing, they're releasing, and like this epiphany. [00:09:41] Stacee: And I started sharing it on TikTok because it was just like this little weird thing. And I was like, oh yeah, look, I could tell you what you're healing. I could tell you about your personality based on where your tattoo is. And people were like, yeah, I love this and. The funny thing is, is that I was still really focused on [00:10:00] that birthmark book, and I, I was like, I'm not gonna write a tattoo book. [00:10:03] Stacee: Like, nobody's gonna wanna read a book about tattoos. Um, and then I started to realize as I talked to my audience and my people that no, like everybody wanted a book about tattoos, and then I started writing it. that book, I've only been writing for about three, three weeks, maybe a month at this point. Um, it just flowed. [00:10:22] Stacee: It was like p bing, bing, bing, bing. And I'm nearly done with it at this point, and it's gonna publish at the end of March. and so it, it was just kind of spirit was like, this is where you need to be. And it, I didn't really think of myself as someone who would produce. A book about tattoos it. I was like, no, I wanna talk about healing and soul purpose and you know, all the flowery spiritual stuff, not tattoos, you know, [00:10:45] Cara: Well, I think it goes to show when you're flowing with the universe, how the universe will provide you with what you really wanna talk about and taking that connection of spirituality and tattoos. And I have two tattoos, technically three, but I have one tattoo [00:11:00] over another tattoo. But how it resonated. I wanna say that's how I found you on TikTok, but I cannot remember. [00:11:06] Cara: I've been following you for a while, but I would guess that would probably be the the reason, but so much so. I had a friend who went through some really hard trauma in her life and her latest tattoo. Resonated exactly with what you said. And so I had reached out to her and was like, I just, I want to, let you know that like what you're going through, it's being seen and heard and like your tattoo, like that's your way of healing. [00:11:30] Cara: And she just was like, I'm gonna cry. Like just knowing that that was such a connection to it and. It's showing that the things that you do may reach more people than you realize. And seeing that, another reason that I wanted to really dive into your book is I've found, looking back that I tend to get a tattoo like every. [00:11:50] Cara: 10 years. So when I was 20, when I was 30, and I'm gonna be 40 in April and I've been the last year, I'm like, I wanna get a tattoo and I want it to be [00:12:00] really purposeful and meaningful. And I had an idea of where I wanted it on my body. And when I read about that area, I was like, well, that is exactly where I'm going to put it. [00:12:08] Cara: So it was just confirmation of what I want. and where I want it is, is most likely gonna be the case. But stay tuned, I'll let you know. [00:12:16] Stacee: I I love that. And it, it's really interesting. I don't know if, if you, you know this, but um, even, um, on a physical level, every seven years, seven to 10 years, um, your body is completely, genetically different because the cells change over so much. And so, you know, your body, I, that makes sense of like every 10 years you're like, I need to release something else. [00:12:35] Stacee: My cells are different, my body's different. And. . It's funny. People ask me all the time, like, you know, where's the best place for me to get a tattoo? X, y, z, da da da. They could come up with like things, and I'm like, well, what do you wanna heal? You know, what are, what are you healing? That's the question. [00:12:49] Stacee: What do you want to heal? And that's where you're gonna get a tattoo and. as I was researching for this book, and I, I haven't put this in this book, but I, I feel like I need to se put a section of this in this book is [00:13:00] that, um, they actually found a tattooed mummy. Um, and I'm brain farting where, but there was tattoos over acupuncture points, over the knees, the wrists, the legs, and they also. [00:13:13] Stacee: Kind of determined the archeologist, that it was intentional for healing and I was like, oh my God. Yes, yes, yes, yes. This is healing and I hope actually to write a book in the future where I want to travel, um, to. traditional tattoo artists, indigenous tattoo artists, and speak to them also about what is your belief system about how these tattoos are spiritually and energetically. [00:13:36] Stacee: Um, I've read about Tibetan monks that would tattoo the soldiers on their spine before sending them into battle. I'm like, well, yeah, of course they're gonna tattoo their spine because they're less likely to get injured or killed because those tattoos are constantly exchanging the energy. [00:13:52] Stacee: And it's funny that I'm so excited about this topic cuz it wasn't something that, like five years ago if you'd be like, you're writing a book about the spiritual meaning of [00:14:00] tattoos, I would be like, huh? What? No, that's weird. But yeah, it seems like every con bit of content I produce, whether it's a TikTok or a book, is on that slightly irreverent side of the spiritual world. [00:14:11] Stacee: Um, it's not all that love, peace, and mantra stuff, you know? So [00:14:16] Cara: Yeah, well healing is one, a forever journey. And two, it's deep, it's dark. I mean, I think a lot of people think this like enlightened spiritual journey and um, it. It's beyond that and so there's so much healing behind it and it makes sense how getting tattoos can have that connection. And I love that idea. [00:14:33] Cara: I think beyond a book, it should be like a YouTube series or even a TV series, cuz I think people would wanna see it and see maybe some tattoos and stuff like that. or at least have some. Imagery in the book too, cuz I think being able to visualize what they're saying would be, would be great. And I think just in general, honoring, you know, the cultures, I, I love that idea and I'm always into learning more about how to honor it [00:15:00] and be able to kind of bring it forward too. [00:15:02] Stacee: Yeah. Well, and I think too, there's this process of also releasing the stigmas around tattoos. You know, cuz I'm turning 44 tomorrow and um, I grew up, people with tattoos were to be avoided. They're scary. They are, not people you wanna be around. They're prison inmates or you know, sailors or drug addicts. [00:15:23] Stacee: Those are the people who used to get tattoos and, you know, so getting a tattoo is really taboo. And interestingly, I even some research I've done now, even in Japan to this day, um, if you're tattoo. Certain places will not let you in. you cannot go into restaurants, um, or certain bathhouses if you have tattoos. [00:15:42] Stacee: but even Japan had a form and I, I'm, again, my brain farts so much. I'm like, not remembering this, there's a name for it. But they would tattoo their traditional tattooing the hands of the women. And then it was outlawed and banned. And so that is one thing I want to bring forward. , the knowledge that [00:16:00] these are traditional methods that have been used throughout many cultures. [00:16:03] Stacee: you know, I've been researching the Scottish culture, the picked people who tattooed their entire bodies and read around naked fighting the Romans. And it's just so exciting. And I think, you know, the cultural part for me may be a secondary book. I would love to include pictures of tattoos and things and. [00:16:21] Stacee: I think right now it's just getting the knowledge out there and I feel like the book will maybe get republished with pictures and then add secondary books as we go. [00:16:30] Cara: I love that. And this is a little bit off subject, but still in the same like idea is that there's been like an uprising in tattoos and I think it's, you know, they're saying like the millennials and older are trying to rebel against being in the corporate world, so they're tattooing themselves so that like, subconsciously, they can't be hired in these places. [00:16:49] Cara: But then it's, it's kind of a joke that millennials are the ones stepping up into those c e o roles and they're like, yeah, we love it. Like, express yourself. So it, I think the times are changing with that a [00:17:00] little bit. but I love the idea of that, it's like this subconscious way of like, I'm not going to conform to your ideas but, I think it's changing. [00:17:08] Stacee: it, it is absolutely changing. I actually heard a tattoo artist that was saying, you know, most people that are getting tattooed now in, in my office are women, are mothers and daughters coming in to get tattooed. the, I follow a lot of tattoo artists and some of them would do these beautiful little fine line, subtle tattoos If a woman tattooed her hands in the past, it was like, oh, she's, she's probably been in jail, or, Ooh. But now it's like it, there's no stigma. It's like these beautiful tattoos and they mean things and they're delicate and just absolutely stunning. The way that the, the artwork now is just, it's incredible. [00:17:47] Stacee: It be makes like this masterpiece. And I had this discussion with somebody online where, you know, we were talking about it and people are like, oh, well don't damage your temple. Your temple is a gift from God. And I said, well, we, we decorate [00:18:00] our churches. and our chapels and our temples, we put curtains up and flowers and why not our bodies, you know, why not add beautiful artwork that can be healing? [00:18:11] Stacee: So, yeah. [00:18:12] Cara: I do love the idea of the fine line tattoos because that is, I see that more in the tattoo that I'm getting and, and that there is like more of a feminine space for it as well. we've kind of had this conversation in the past of, you know, being more in our masculine than in our feminine. [00:18:27] Cara: And a lot of my spiritual awakening was understanding that my feminine is really important for me to. For me personally to be connected to spirit, and so I wanna have that honor to that feminine nature, and so being able to have a tattoo that represents that is really important to me. [00:18:44] Stacee: Yeah. Well, and I think, you know, tying into your, your comments about the corporate world. We've been in this masculine world. For so long it has been almost survival instinct for women to have to conform to the masculine and operate in the masculine to survive. [00:19:00] And we are in this transition now where the masculine structures are crumbling. [00:19:06] Stacee: and we're moving into that divine feminine controls world. And even in tattoos, we can see this, but we can see this apparent everywhere where people are more in tune with their emotions. And you know, like in Covid where people are like, hold on, I don't have to go to the office every day. I can, I can work at home. [00:19:25] Stacee: Wait, hold on, I don't need to do this. Corporate bs there's other options. And the, everyone's starting to awaken to the fact that, wait. Structures in this world are not what we need or want. They're not good for us, and we don't have to do them. we don't have to work a nine to five. We don't have to burn ourselves out, you know? [00:19:47] Cara: and it's also having that idea that we get to redefine success because I feel like the definition of success was in this masculine success. You know, like this is how it should be. And being [00:20:00] able to take a step back and say, you know, this version of success for me is to. Be present with my family. It's to be able to work from home. [00:20:08] Cara: It's be able to have freedom to be able to do these things, and so sometimes when we redefine that version of success, it will let these certain things that we thought we needed in our life kind of fall away because everybody else told us we had to do that. [00:20:24] Cara: Are you ready to make a real change in your life? Here are just a few benefits on working with me as a certified holistic coach. Together we gain insight into your authentic self. We explore your design with modalities like human design, cycle vitality, and astrology. Angel, gain a deeper understanding of your unique. [00:20:46] Cara: Challenges and your purpose in life. Together we work on improving relationships. Understanding your own design helps you communicate more effectively with other people, build stronger relationships, and have [00:21:00] more fulfilling connections around you. We increase your productivity by aligning your work with your Burke, but you're a natural rhythms and your strengths. [00:21:08] Cara: You'll be able to work smarter and not. Achieve your goals and live with a greater ease in your life. We work together on reducing stress and overwhelm. By working with me, you'll learn how to manage your energy, reduce stress, and cultivate more balance in your life. We work on a more authentic. Life. When you're aligned with your unique design, you'll feel more confident, empowered, and fulfilled in every area of your life. [00:21:35] Cara: Those are the benefits. With working with me as a certified intuitive life coach, my focus is not telling people about their human design. Spa vitality, or even astrology. Instead, my role is to help you discover and align with your desires and take aligned action based on how you operate. It is time for you to look within at how powerful you are and welcome your intuitive intelligence. [00:21:59] Cara: If you wanna [00:22:00] work with me, head to kara [00:22:04] Stacee: Yeah. And it, and it is so true. You see people that are like going to the tiny houses or living in RVs or Yts and they're like, hold on, I don't have to have the three bedroom house and the two cars and, you know, all of this stuff. I can just be kind of free and flowing with my life. And, you know, I, I'm actually in the process of convincing my husband of the same, like, we don't need. [00:22:27] Stacee: Let's, let's go. I told him, I'm like, I just wanna go live in a year in the woods. And he was like, okay. But like, he doesn't see how it can happen, but I'm like, I'll make it happen. Just flow with me. Right. but yeah, there's, there's a beautiful realization and an awakening and a healing that is happening in the process. [00:22:44] Stacee: We are starting to heal. Ourselves and others, and you know, unfortunately there's the masculine that's still like, Hey, wait, no, we need control. So there's, there's still some pushback that's happening, but, it, it's been very beautiful to see people [00:23:00] awakening to that fact like, Hey, I can have something different and, oh wait, I don't have to work my whole life. [00:23:05] Stacee: to retire and get what I want, I can kind of retire now. my dad always told me this story and I don't, I don't know if I'll retell this properly, but. , it was a story of this fish fisherman. Um, I think this setting was in Mexico or something. And, um, he went out fishing every day and caught enough fish to support his family. [00:23:22] Stacee: And they lived on the beach and they kind of loved their life. And one day this businessman came and he noticed. Like, oh yeah. Like, you know what? I'll invest in your business. We'll get a big fleet of boats and then someday you'll be able to retire on the beach and just live happy and love your life. [00:23:38] Stacee: And the guy looked at him, he goes, I'm already doing that. I'm already living on the beach and loving my life. Why would I, I need more, you know? And I think, we think we have to accumulate more, and really, we don't need as much as we think we do. [00:23:51] Cara: Yeah, I love that. And I feel. that resonates a lot right now is I am having a hard time thinking that I have enough right [00:24:00] now, and it's because I'm expecting the universe to provide more than I need instead of what I need. And so that, that definitely resonates and I'm like trying to sit into the, like I am taken care of. [00:24:11] Cara: do I think I need more than what I need? [00:24:14] Stacee: And it, it's, I even get there, you know, I'm like, oh, I need X, Y, Z or I need stuff. And then I look around my house, I'm looking at my room right now and I'm like, I have stuff everywhere. my needs are met, I am divinely supported. I have enough food to eat, I have a roof over my house. [00:24:29] Stacee: I have more stuff than I need that I'm tripping over sometimes. I think, I also look at, and I had this discussion with, with my sister yesterday, cuz we were talking about decluttering. And she goes, you're not gonna take any of it when you. absolutely none of it. And I was like, you're right. [00:24:46] Stacee: The only thing we take with us is our knowledge, our wisdom, and all these things are, tying us down and we feel like we have to be these little hoarders and collectors of things and emotions and experiences, and that's what makes us [00:25:00] successful. When success is not a number in our bank account. It's not the number of possessions we have. at the end, you know, the success in our homes and our hearts and our families. like, for me to be truly successful, it's helping people heal. It's, you know, teaching people, it's leaving a legacy of healing that will continue. instead of a legacy of stuff like my mother-in-law's, like she collects antique. [00:25:26] Stacee: She's like, I'm collecting all this stuff so you can have it when I'm, when I die, and I'm like, I love you, but I don't want all your junk, I don't want all your charge keys. I don't want your cabinet full of crystal. I'd rather you not buy that stuff because it's just all stuff that we're gonna have to get rid of you. [00:25:43] Cara: Yeah. I, I feel that my, one of the words that describes my 2023 is simplify. I'm trying to simplify my life. I'm trying to simplify my messaging. I'm trying to simplify it all cuz there was a point in my life where I was trying to prove my worth. So [00:26:00] much that I was complicating it. I was complicating everything around me. [00:26:04] Cara: And so a part of that is getting rid of stuff. I get overwhelmed by stuff I have my whole life, and I think some people always probably think when it comes to gifts and things that I want, I'm very particular and it's not because. It is because I'm picky. I will say that I am picky, but it's, I feel like it's wasteful. [00:26:23] Cara: Like to get something that it's not gonna be use of for me, or it's not gonna serve a purpose, it feels like a waste. And then I get overwhelmed with all of it. And so having two younger kids, they come with stuff just going through and being. Is this useful for us? Is it just filling up space? [00:26:41] Cara: And so right now my back porch is filled with stuff I'm either donating or selling to just get it out and away. And I know once everything is gone out of there, I will be able to take another little breath of being like, okay, one more step into simplifying. [00:26:57] Stacee: Yeah, no, I, I'm absolutely with you. [00:27:00] Way back porch is the same, and I was getting overwhelmed. I was like, oh, I have to have a garage. I have to do all this stuff. And my sister last night was like, , just pick one thing and put it on Facebook marketplace and sell it, and then pick another thing and sell it. [00:27:11] Stacee: eventually you'll get rid of all of that stuff. And I think too, we look at stuff as things, but it also, things hold energy. Objects hold energy. And so, you know, we look at the the object and we say, what energy does this hold? And even with gifts, someone said to me once they said, The gift is not the item, but the gift is the act of giving, and that once it's given, then it's served. [00:27:35] Stacee: Its. . And what you do with that after is up to you. And so if someone says like, oh, Stacee, here's a kambucha. And I'm like, oh, but maybe I said, I don't like this flavor of Kambucha, but you feel like you're forced to drink it. Like you would just be like, Ugh, the whole time. [00:27:48] Stacee: Right? But you're just like, oh, thank you so much for the gift. And then, , maybe I'll give it to my husband cuz he likes this flavor. Or I just say, well this is awesome, but I don't like this flavor and I'm gonna throw it in the trash or donate it or [00:28:00] whatever. that's okay. Like we don't have to hold onto stuff like when my grandmother passed away, I was holding on. I realized all of clutter like old bath towels because I remember using this bath towel to go swimming as a kid with my grandma. So I needed that bath towel for that memory. And I realized like, I don't need this radi old bath towel cuz I have this beautiful memory the energy behind things can be released so that we can make. for new energy, whether it's a thing or an idea. And just like with my birthmark book, I had this idea, I wrote this book and I always felt really kind of stuck with it. And so I was like, I'm gonna release this birthmark book and go on and do this tattoo book. And when I set it aside and released it, that tattoo book just flowed. [00:28:44] Stacee: And even my husband who's. Quasi spirituals. Like this is the book, this is the book that people are gonna wanna read from you. And I'm like, I don't know. Maybe, maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I'll see when it comes out. But it was very interesting how easily [00:29:00] it flowed once I released and I let go, just like you said with paddleboarding and like I just released and went then I got all this stuff that came to me. [00:29:07] Stacee: Right. Cuz you let go. Right. and sometimes we hold on so tightly to things and emotions and even our traumatic experiences, and it, it sounds horrible to say like we are intentionally holding onto trauma because we like the feeling of it, but we get so used to being in the trauma, we don't know how to get out of it, we get used to being the victim, and it feels like a badge of honor or a badge of courage. . and it, and it affirms, yes, something horrible happened. And you're justified by holding onto that emotional clutter. You're justified of ho holding onto that trauma. And like the first time that someone told me that I needed to forgive, I was like, you're full of, I, I don't know if I can curse. [00:29:47] Stacee: I, I cursed a lot, but like, we're living curse. But you're full of it. Like, no, I'm, I'm not, gonna forgive them. They hurt me. That's their fault. Right. . now I've realized that not forgiving is only [00:30:00] toxic to myself and that most people who cause harm to us don't care that they did. And if, you know, they may not even be aware and we're putting them in control of our healing process. [00:30:11] Stacee: you know, that's why I love the idea of tattoos because it's taking control of our healing process. It's saying, you hurt me. I'm gonna release, I'm gonna put a visible reminder on my skin that I'm in control now, that I am healing now. And yes, I do understand there's some people that still have it healed who have tattoos. [00:30:28] Stacee: Right. but I, I like to focus on the positive healing messages that we all have potential to. and even if we're not quite there yet, cuz there are some people that are, you know, not so nice that have tattoos too. But if we looked at people with tattoos as like, even if they're not nice person, like oh, that's what they're healing, that's what they're about. [00:30:48] Stacee: We would have more compassion for them and we might be able to help them heal more. We might be able to help them on their journey. And you know, some people don't wanna heal. , that's okay too. [00:31:00] But even if we're just aware, right? We are aware that that person had some stuff that happened and they're struggling, right? [00:31:08] Stacee: And people always ask me about the dark side of tattoos and, and I'm like, I don't, I don't wanna talk about it because I don't want you to look at that person. and judge them because that's not what this is about. Because I can tell you like, they're like, which tattoos are warning signs? Well, there, there are some, for sure. [00:31:25] Stacee: Right? if I tell you that you're gonna look at the dark side of everyone, you're gonna be like, oh, every person that has X, Y, Z tattoos a narcissist. When it's not true. That person could be healing from a narcissist. Right? And so that's why I kind of stare away. [00:31:40] Cara: just the sense of, how that all came full circle is like when we release things. Things will come back into our life, like good things and it's whether it's things that are cluttering our space, whether it's generational trauma, whether it's our own trauma and these things of just going through the process of healing. [00:31:59] Cara: It's not [00:32:00] easy, but when we put that energy into it and when we try to focus on releasing the bad, not giving. too much light to the bad thing, saying that you don't wanna talk to someone about the bad side of tattoos. There's a dark side to everything. And so I think in the spiritual space, if we can focus on the healing, the good side and kind of move it away, you know, we'll put that good out there and we'll get. [00:32:24] Cara: back that good, like the universal laws of getting what we need. And so, you know, it's all, it's all connected you know, I know you mentioned your book of about birth barks, [00:32:34] Stacee: Um, yeah, it's the secret messages of birthmarks, [00:32:38] Cara: So I have a question. I actually have the same birthmark as my mom in the same place, and then it was also a topic of conversation with my massage therapist who also practices shamanism. And so I would love to hear your take on possibly my birthmark if you're up to it. [00:32:56] Stacee: of [00:32:57] Cara: It's, on the right side under like on my.[00:33:00] [00:33:00] Stacee: Ah, okay. . so rib emotion. So let, let's kind of preface by like, what, what is a birthmark really quick, spiritually, you know, cause a lot of people are like, birthmarks are, focused on like how you died in a past life. So if you talk to most spiritual people, they're gonna be like, you were stabbed in the ribs and that's how you died. could that have possibly happened? Potentially because it shows an energetic weakness in that area, right? It shows emotions, sometimes epigenetic, generational traumas that have been carried through. So could you have had an ancestor that died of broken ribs or something around that area? Sure. but. , you know, just to kind of dispel that because really what it is, is a reminder. [00:33:40] Stacee: What are you here to do? What are you here to heal? What is your sole purpose? And so when you are saying repeating birthmarks, obviously there's a generational epigenetic connection that there's emotions there. And so, um, are you okay if I just. Scan your body and ask your body specifically what it means to you, because the things that I know, [00:34:00] so I know that ribs are too usually being kicked while you're down. [00:34:04] Stacee: Um, betrayal emotions, um, being guarded, right? and sometimes people who have rib emotions can, you know, tend to just have a lot of intense emotional swings. But let me ask your body specifically why you have your birthmark. Um, so let's see. Kara, and you said right side, right? [00:34:24] Cara: Let me check real quick. [00:34:25] Stacee: did it disappear because that's even cooler if it did. [00:34:28] Cara: Oh my gosh. [00:34:32] Stacee: I love this. This is so fun. [00:34:34] Cara: I think it disappeared. [00:34:35] Stacee: Okay. That, that's actually a good thing. Um, so we're gonna, we're gonna talk about why birthmarks disappeared really quick. So when your birthmark disappears, it's literally saying lessons learned. It's saying, I, um, have kind of learned and grown. From where I was supposed to be. [00:34:56] Stacee: And so that is actually like a [00:35:00] really, really good thing that your, your birthmark has disappeared because it means that you have basically learned those lessons. And I always love it to see when people's birth marks. or go away because that shows that hey, you know, we're, we're successful, we are successful in, healing, basically. [00:35:24] Stacee: And so when we look at that, that core strength, it's saying, you know, the torso's about core and about your individual core being and your secrets and your emotions. So it shows that you have really kind of started to become active. and self-reflective and introspective and healing yourself. [00:35:44] Stacee: And so for me, that's a really good thing that you've healed. Right. so I'm just gonna ask your birthmark really quick about it, even though it's there and it's, it's been generational. Your body will still have the memory. Um, so you tell me [00:36:00] why we have the birth work on our rib as a reminder. [00:36:02] Stacee: to always trust oneself and others. So this, this birthmark is about distrust. So you remember like I was saying, like, okay, I know this is about betrayal. Um, so it makes sense about. , you know, learning to trust. So this is a birthmark that reminds you to trust more. Um, and so we're showing generational epigenetics of needing to trust and learning to trust ourselves and learning to trust others. [00:36:29] Stacee: Um, there's also an emotion of men hurt me in there. And so that's a generational thing that like the masculine is hurtful or has hurt you or like your ancestor. How many generations back is this? Four. So four generations back it feels like. Um, so not just you and your mother, but it feels like it's gone beyond, um, that it's been carried through, um, from those generations. [00:36:52] Stacee: Any other messages? Okay, so what other message Spirit is saying about this is that you've learned to trust [00:37:00] more, but your mom, not so much that your mom's still learning that lesson for her, if that makes sense. [00:37:06] Cara: Yeah, [00:37:07] Stacee: Okay. So, so yeah, mom needs to learn to trust, and for you, I would set the intention that the healing you have done is. [00:37:17] Stacee: To all generations, all levels to receive that healing work that you've already done, um, send it. And so this is why when we talk about healing is never done. Like you've done your healing work, but there's ancestral healing work that still needs to happen, right? And so it says layers. So you send your healing back and say, Hey, , I'm healing this and so can you, and here's some of my healing, and allow it to pass through those lines. [00:37:44] Stacee: So I don't know if that all makes sense, but that's kinda what I got for you, [00:37:49] Cara: It does. I mean, when we were talking about, well, one, I'm like had no idea that my birthmark disappeared, like that's blowing me away. And then just the reasoning for it, because I have worked really hard [00:38:00] on on healing myself. So to know that there's like an actual visible. Transformation there. That's, you know, that's crazy. [00:38:06] Cara: Especially because I had it, my mom had it, so it wasn't just that, it was just on me. And so that, that makes sense and I appreciate you taking the time to do that. Like that, that felt like really connected. And so, and there was a lot of connection to what my integrative specialist was talking about, the generational trauma and how that was connected and, and so that, that felt very true. So thank you so much for sharing that. [00:38:32] Stacee: Absolutely. I, I'm always glad to help and I think, you know, that's the awesome thing about being able to help each other heal and recognize what we, we have to heal. Um, . And I know some people are probably asking like, well, what if my birthmark hasn't disappeared yet and just keep working on it? And some birth birthmarks don't always disappear. [00:38:52] Stacee: Typically it's the, um, the brown-ish colored ones that will tend to disappear a little bit more. or [00:39:00] brown or blue tends to di disappear a little bit more. the ones that are like red are purple. There's a lot of intense emotions with those. they're emotionally reactive. So those take a lot of inner work, um, and usually, typically won't disappear. [00:39:14] Stacee: But yeah, [00:39:15] Cara: Wow. Yeah. Thank you so much. Now of course, of one of the things that I've recently gone through with you is the Radiant and the intuitive course, and I do have A clarity moment, going through this course, and I realized that I've distanced myself from a lot of people in my life, and I realize now why intuitively I can see someone how they need to heal, how they need to strategize or take action in their life to kind of propel themselves forward. [00:39:45] Cara: But I know not everybody's in the right place to hear this and that. The second piece is coaching. isn't telling people what to do and how to help them to a conclusion, and so is there any feedback to help me navigate [00:40:00] this because it's taken me going through your course to realize that is my intuitive gift, is I can honestly feel what someone needs to do and what's the best way to go about that and using that in what I'm doing to help people. [00:40:14] Stacee: Oh, there's so many answers here. Um, first. we always come from a space of like non-reactivity, non-judgment. You, I, I see myself as a deliverer of information. Here's the information. , you do what you want with it, right? Mm-hmm. , it, it's like giving someone a donut, like, here's a donut. You can eat it, you can throw it in the trash, you can give it to someone else. [00:40:35] Stacee: and that's the way it is when you're helping people heal. You're like, I have a gift for you. What are you gonna do with it? For me, the hardest part was not being attached to the outcome, not being attached to, like, I have to help them heal. Not being attached emotionally to the progress that they were or were not making. [00:40:52] Stacee: It was, here's, here's your gift. You deal with it what you want. and as we heal, I have learned, there's kind of three things that happen. One, people [00:41:00] are gonna go. Gonna go along with the ride. This is awesome. We're gonna all heal together. and they get very excited about the healing and they start doing the healing work. [00:41:07] Stacee: Um, that number of people is pretty small, right? Because most people like you point out what's wrong or you talk to them about what they need to heal, and they're like, eh, that sounds hard. I can't do that. and that's kind of the, the second thing that'll happen is during the healing process, people will. oh, I'm not ready. I don't wanna do this. This is too hard. Um, and this is also why like, you notice that you're distancing yourself from people and sometimes it's not even intentional. You're just like, oh, wow. Like I haven't talked to that person in like eight months because their energy becomes, mismatched with you. [00:41:36] Stacee: And you know, we always talk about high vibration, low vibrational. I don't like to go there. I just like to say our energy is different and we're in different spaces of our journey. as a healer, your journey will not always align with people. And people will ebb and flow out of your life. And sometimes people will go, ah, that healing's not for me. [00:41:52] Stacee: I don't wanna go on that journey with you. And they're gonna go Peace out. Have a nice. and you're gonna piece out people, right. You know, like, thanks for being here, and they're just gonna fade away.[00:42:00] And the third thing that happens is this reactivity where either we become reactive, we're like, ah, this is hard. [00:42:06] Stacee: I can't heal. Ooh, we tense up, we hold onto stuff. Or the people around us go, oh, hold on. You went to heal. No, no, no. You're not allowed to heal. Let me make your life a living hell so you can't heal. Right? And those are the people that you have to burn bridges with. You have to set very clear boundaries and you have to say, no thank you. [00:42:25] Stacee: And so, you know, the same thing is with clients is that some clients are gonna go, I'm, I'm with this. Let's heal together. This is amazing. And some clients are gonna go, oh no, this is way too much. And other ones are, Fight you the whole way and say, no, you're wrong and let me do it this way. And so kind of bringing this back together, when you're in a space of non-judgment, non-reactivity where you're just like, Hey, I'm giving you a gift of knowledge or reflecting what you need to heal and you do with it what you please. [00:42:56] Stacee: that becomes so helpful even intuitively, [00:43:00] because when your intuition is just about sharing what spirit gives, and nothing more, nothing less. I'm just sharing. It becomes so powerful. But if you sit there and you think about things and try to plan things out and like, what am I gotta do to help this person and how I gotta fix it? [00:43:16] Stacee: It causes problems. And so like when I go into my sessions, I have prayer and meditation before, and I just set the intention, help me to speak the words that are most important, important for this person to heal. Show me the most important places of healing for this person. And I go with the flow, and I never. [00:43:33] Stacee: Think about what is my next step, or where do I need to go? It's always, okay, where am I going, spirit, what is the message I'm selling? Sharing spirit? What does this person need? And intuitively, whatever pops in my mind. Whatever kind of comes up, that's what it was meant to be. Right? And people will book like a medical intuitive call with me and it ends up like 99% being sole purpose. [00:43:57] Stacee: And they're like, I didn't expect my call to go [00:44:00] this way. And I thought we were gonna focus on this. And I said, we did. Remember when we talked about x, Y, Z? This is why this illness energetically is happening, right? This is the energetic. point to this. And so as you heal with a therapist or a life coach, your body's going to be more reactive and receptive to the medical therapies that you're getting and the physical therapies. [00:44:21] Stacee: So I don't know if that answers your question [00:44:23] Cara: Yeah, definitely. No, that makes sense. I had a session with someone last night and I pulled a card at first I was like, I don't know how this relates. We had just gotten started, so I didn't even really know how it related and in the ends it all connected and it was kind of one of those where we were both like, and she was like, wow. [00:44:40] Cara: Oh yeah, that, that now seems like it. There's a reason for that. And so sometimes when you know you're stuck in what you think you're should be doing, like spirit or your intuition veers you off into like another, Realm with it. And then just some things that you were saying about how you do things. [00:44:57] Cara: Like, I've just noticed being in the spiritual [00:45:00] space, how people are living their human design and they might not know much about it. And just how you're living in your projector world of like you know, are invited into it and you give it to them and if they take it great and if they don't yeah, like you're just meant to use your gifts at a. Appreciation and your life theme. You know, I read your life theme and it, I felt like it really connected that like just how much your family means to you and your theme is a part of that, and that the security and the future wellbeing of your family and your community is, where your passion comes from and that bringing your skills and your attention to detail on what your family does and your community does and how that flourishes. [00:45:41] Cara: And so your gift is being aware of those needs of others, and that's really important to you. And helping them plan how they can improve their life is your gift. And just making sure that you're coming to clarity emotionally. it may take [00:46:00] patience and determination, but when you're emotionally clear, that will leave you satisfied. [00:46:04] Cara: And so the things I know about you, it's like you are living so many pieces of your human design. And so I love that when I see someone in that spiritual space, like whether they know it or not, and that's how they tend to flourish. So I love that. [00:46:17] Stacee: It was not easy. I'll tell you that. The wait for the invitation thing. I was like, I still struggle with that. I'm like, God, [00:46:24] Cara: Yes, mine's not as intense as that, as being a manifesting generator. Mine is waiting to respond, but like I wanna do things before they come to me. And so just even coming back to that paddleboard session was like, I wanted to just start creating things and how much time that would've wasted when I just sat and let it come to me and be like, Oh, that felt good. [00:46:46] Cara: So, it's practicing our human design. We'll never master it, but it's knowing that when you're on path and you're connected to it is really empowering place. And so, you know, I just thank you for what you're doing and I [00:47:00] appreciate our paths, crossing. And I would love for you to tell listeners of all your offerings, like your podcast, your courses, your books, your classes, and how they can find you. [00:47:10] Stacee: Well, yeah. Awesome. Um, so my website is spirit All of my social media is spirit fluent, so any major social media platform, you're gonna find me there. Spirit fluent, no, no extra numbers or hashtags. There's, there's some fake accounts out there, so it's just spirit fluent altogether, one word. and as well as my podcast, the Spirit fluent podcast, where I just talk about my ran random. [00:47:33] Stacee: Spiritual intuitions for that day, and nothing is planned. I get on that podcast and spirits like, talk about this. I'm like, okay, cool. And we talk about that. I do have classes, most of them are free or donation based. Um, on my YouTube as well as live classes that I teach all the time. We're very much focusing on healing, soul fractures, generational trauma, childhood trauma, and I'm co-facilitating a retreat. [00:47:59] Stacee: uh, [00:48:00] with Des that's in a couple weeks, uh, here in Phoenix. And we're also planning a retreat in Scotland coming up. My gosh, I'm doing so many things now that I think about it. I'm like, gosh, I have this and this and this. I have my book, my Spiritual Awakening is a shit show that is already on Amazon and, uh, my tattoo medicine book will be out. [00:48:18] Stacee: Probably the end of March, um, beginning of April. We'll see how it goes with editing. March is my goal, uh, to be out and there's a wait list also to sign up if you're interested for that book on my website. [00:48:28] Cara: Perfect, and we'll make sure all of those links are in this show notes. And I just again appreciate you coming on here. I feel like we might need a part two whenever you have a space because I can talk to you all day and yeah, I just thank you so much for coming on here. [00:48:42] Stacee: Heck yeah. Anytime you want me on, you just let me know. I, I love doing podcast interviews. It's so much fun. I'm just talking to other spiritual people makes me happy. So anytime, and thank you for having me. And thank you to your listeners for listening. [00:48:54] Cara: All right. Thank you, Stacee, and we'll chat soon. [00:48:57] Stacee: All right. Bye. [00:48:58] Cara: Thank you so much for joining me on [00:49:00] today's episode, if this was your first time. Welcome. And if you've joined me for previous episodes, thank you so much for coming back before you go. Could you share my show with a friend and subscribe? Those few seconds may get big impact on my show and I'd be grateful for the support. [00:49:14] Cara: I love so much that Stacee was able to come on this podcast. I loved our conversation and she is the reason I became a coach. It was because of her. I understood the importance of becoming certified. And because of that, that's how I found radiance. And I was lucky enough to also take her intuitive course alongside of it. [00:49:34] Cara: just diving into the idea, the spiritual meaning of tattoos and birthmarks. It's always been something I've been fascinated about. I hope to have her on. Again, as a guest. [00:49:44] Cara: And if you want to find out how to connect with Stacy, you can check the show notes and all the links mentioned everything will thanks for being here and we'll chat soon [00:50:00]
Floductivity Podcast Episode

Are you ready to unlock your intuition and reach new heights of self-awareness and personal growth? 

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Each week, we bring you insightful interviews with experts in these fields, as well as solo episodes where we dive deep into topics like meditation, energy work, intuitive development, and how to bring wellness into your everyday life. Whether you're new to these practices or a seasoned pro, our podcast is the perfect place to elevate your intuition and connect with like-minded individuals.


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