Essential Tips for Spiritual Alignment Why Integration is Key blog



Self-Care Practices as a Toddler Mom: Prioritizing Rest, Podcasts, and Unstructured Time

Rosa and I both agree that as a toddler mom, our self-care practices always prioritize rest, especially when we’re feeling overwhelmed or pressured. Being a working parent comes with a lot of time pressure, but I remind myself that it's okay to take a break and recuperate. We can do this by listening to podcasts or reading books, sometimes choosing something academic or useful to learn from. It’s also important to give ourselves unstructured time just to space out and think about what's going on in our minds, what we need to untangle or digest. It's not a passive activity, but rather an active way to work on my stuff and benefit from distraction-free time. As a mom, it's essential to allow ourselves this time to process, especially when we're always thinking about the next thing, next step, or next time. Giving ourselves this time to be with ourselves and our thoughts can lead to beautiful ideas and spiritual awakenings. And it's important to remember that we are in control of our external reality, and allowing ourselves to process, is a way to take control of our well-being.

Unlocking Spiritual Integration: How to Bring Your Retreat Experience into Daily Life

Spiritual integration is the process of merging the physical and spiritual aspects of life to create a deeper understanding of one's spiritual existence. It's a crucial part of spiritual growth and involves applying spiritual knowledge in daily life to create wisdom. Spiritual awakening is not a one-time thing but an ongoing process of learning and discovery. Integration helps to turn spiritual knowledge into wisdom by applying it to daily life. It is a continuous process, and it's essential to have a framework that helps you align with your spiritual nature. By doing integration work, you can bring spirituality into your daily life instead of using it as an escape. I specialize in helping people with the integration process and bringing together their spiritual practices and daily life.

Why Processing Time is Essential for Spiritual Integration

As someone who values the importance of spiritual integration, I believe that processing time is essential to this practice. While some may find it beneficial to meditate and focus on the crown chakra, I personally find it more effective to ground myself in my body through processes and rituals that work for me. Recently, I attended a retreat where I discovered the benefits of breath work and meditation, which helped me feel more grounded and focused. However, I'm still figuring out how to integrate this 45-minute practice into my daily ritual without losing the other important elements. I know that this practice will ultimately support my growth and development, and I encourage others to prioritize their own spiritual integration and find ways to make it a part of their daily routine. Consuming information is helpful, but the integration process truly takes us to the next level.

Navigating the States of Consciousness and the Journey to Spiritual Awakening

As someone who has gone through my own spiritual journey, I understand the importance of exploring different states of consciousness and finding the right practices to achieve spiritual awakening. It's not uncommon to get caught up in the more “out there” practices, but at the end of the day, we are living human lives and must find balance in our daily routines. That's why I love the concept of integration, where we take the practices that work for us and use them as markers for our consciousness. Once we know how to achieve a certain state of consciousness, we no longer need to spend as much time practicing to get there. This is where Rosa’s offerings come in, as she offers guidance and support for individuals looking to navigate their spiritual journeys and find the best practices for them.

The 60-day Whole Life Integration Intensive  is a container that supports people who have experienced spiritual awakening or a dark night of the soul and need guidance on how to integrate it into their lives systematically. The system is focused on three areas: confluence, courage, and connection. Confluence is about how our day-to-day physical life carries spiritual information that tells us what to work on. Courage is about being our authentic selves and acting with integrity. Connection is about how we interact with other conscious beings and how we act as mirrors for one another, directing us to where our work lies. The system is based on a meaning-making practice that can take you on an internal journey of untangling, starting with asking what something is here to teach you. The practice uses the external world as a mirror to point in the direction of where your work lies.

Learn to Integrate Powerful Workings into Your Life

Rosa and I discuss how individuals can learn to engage in meaning-making without believing in an external universe or receiving messages from it. She emphasizes that individuals can send themselves messages and engage in meaningful work by focusing on their sense of integrity and being true to themselves. Additionally, she discusses the importance of not being afraid to show up and be oneself and the cost of hiding one's true self. Rosa highlights the importance of relationships and using them to grow and understand oneself but also warns against being too evangelical after a spiritual awakening and respecting other people's boundaries. We both encourage individuals to embrace who they are and to engage in meaningful work to lead them to where they need to be.

Develop Your Own Toolkits for a Better Life and Mastery Over Your States of Consciousness

Consciousness and spiritual awakening can lead to a profound sense of connection with the divine, but it can be challenging to maintain that connection in day-to-day life. Practicing consciousness is like a drill, but the more you work at it, the less time it takes to achieve the desired state. Spiritual teacher and integration coach focuses on three areas of development: confluence, courage, and connection. Confluence is the physical and spiritual merging, courage is about authenticity and integrity, and connection is relational. Individuals can derive spiritual meaning from even the most mundane experiences by engaging in a meaning-making practice, leading to internal growth and greater self-awareness.

Transpersonal Hypnosis: A Spiritual Approach to Navigating Your States of Consciousness 

Rosa is a transpersonal hypnotist who offers hypnosis sessions as part of her integration offering. Her approach to hypnosis differs from traditional hypnosis in that she doesn't plant suggestions into the subconscious to change someone's behavior. Instead, Rosa believes that our spiritual being is not trapped in the body, and hypnosis can be used as a tool to train states of consciousness. Transpersonal hypnosis is intrinsically spiritual and can help individuals navigate their states of consciousness, allowing them to have a masterful life experience. Using hypnosis as a tool for learning can help train consciousness to be used freely, and Rosa finds this approach to be a very juicy and cerebral thing to explore.

Overcoming Over-Planning as a Safety Response: Finding Tools for the Present Moment

As someone who has a tendency to over-plan as a response to feeling overwhelmed, I was inspired to find tools that would allow me to stay present in the moment. While I used to get stuck in the planning mode, constantly seeking a way out of the overwhelm, I realized that this wasn't serving me well. By having a set of tools that I can turn to when I'm feeling stressed, I can shift my focus to what feels good to me now, rather than getting bogged down in planning. This requires some planning ahead of time, but it ultimately allows me to be more present and in tune with my needs in the moment. It's been a valuable lesson for me to learn and one that I hope to continue to build upon.

Empowering Your Mindset: How Shifting from Victim Mentality Can Help You Learn and Grow

Before a spiritual awakening, I was a victim of my own thoughts, but I learned to shift my mindset to ask myself what I could learn from any situation. I then realized that some people were stuck in a victim mentality and were trying to pull me back into it, so I had to set boundaries. I believe that meeting people where they are and finding common ground is important, especially when developing community and collaborating in spiritual practices. I try to be more flexible in my beliefs and values, what works to lead to a more fulfilling life, more love, and enriching relationships with family and friends.

A Journey Towards Community and Collaboration in Spiritual Growth

As someone who has embarked on a spiritual journey, Rosa has come to realize that meeting people where they are is the best thing you can do for them. However, when the differences are too great, it becomes challenging to find common ground. Rosa and her husband have a spiritual relationship that has been very fruitful for us, but they understand that no one

person can be all the things for another person. Developing a spiritual community and collaborating with others has been essential in her journey toward spiritual growth. Her beliefs are flexible, and she speaks very little about my core beliefs because I am open to learning more. What I know is what works and what has led to a more fulfilling life and love. Maintaining relationships and being with people that are actively engaged in their journey too is vital. Our ability to do our work together leads to exponential growth and understanding, which is a profound joy. In the beginning, our journeys were isolating because we wanted to have fully engaged conversations, and many relationships had to fall away.

Understanding Human Design as a Generator: How Your Unique Energy Type Can Help You Create More Efficiently and Enjoy the Process

As a generator, Rosa’s Human Design type as a Generator is meant to transform ideas into something tangible and enjoy the process. Rushing through life and having the pressure to get things done can be unhealthy for her design energetically, causing frustration. Understanding Human Design has helped me to evolve and realize that I shouldn't force my ways onto others, including my husband, who has a different design. Instead, Generators and Manifesting Generators should wait for something to respond to and take aligned action based on our gut response if they are a sacral authority. This approach has made me more fulfilled in life and efficient in what I create. It's important to recognize that we are all built uniquely, with different strategies for taking aligned action and making decisions. By tapping into our own unique energy type and using our authority, we can make more fulfilling choices and enjoy the process.

How Human Design Can Help You Find Your Unique Pathway to Success and Alignment

Human Design can help individuals find their unique pathway to success and alignment. Rosa is someone with a left angle cross, every interaction she has is for a reason, and she is designed to fulfill her interactions with others. Understanding my human design has helped me to discover my authentic self, and I love empowering others to step into their own design. I already embody how I am designed because I follow my intuition and what feels good. By aligning with our designs, we can show up with our gifts for the world and make a positive impact.

Guest Spotlight: Rosa Hope

Award-winning scientist. Performing artist. World citizen. The pursuit of knowledge, understanding, and experience have been the guiding principles of Rosa's life. With three college degrees and an astrophysics PhD in the works, years spent living in Europe and Asia, and extensive study of spirituality, religion, and metaphysics, Rosa endeavors always to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the universe we inhabit, while supporting others in creating their own deeply aligned lives.


Connect with Rosa:


The 60-Day Whole-Life Integration Intensive

Are you ready to fully integrate your spiritual journey with your everyday life, so that you can live in total authenticity and integrity, experience awe and deep connection every day, and align with your soul's purpose in a vibrant, fulfilling life that you love? Join us this summer for a live, interactive community container that encourages connection, discussion, and “doing the work” together while developing skills and practices that will serve you for a lifetime and guide your integration process.

Soul Journey Hypnosis Workshop

Visit a Past Life & Meet Your Guides

Sign up for the Soul Journey Hypnosis on June 24th at the Dancing Moon in Raleigh. In this insightful workshop, we'll explore the power of hypnosis to help your consciousness travel, connect with your past lives and meet your spirit guides. 

As we shift into summer, receive personal spiritual guidance and a deeper understanding of your soul's journey!


Join us for this live, in-person workshop on Saturday, June 24 using the Dolores Cannon group regression hypnosis method. Together we'll take a gently guided journey through consciousness to visit a past life and receive wisdom from your spirit guides to support your highest good on the road ahead. 


If you are curious about Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ (QHHT®) or applying the tools of hypnosis to further your spiritual development, these group workshops are an excellent introduction! 


Limited to 30 participants, so please enroll early! 

$40 registration

Join us for this transformative workshop and experience the power of Soul Journey Hypnosis. See you there!

Episode Resources:


Picture of Hi! I'm Cara

Hi! I'm Cara

You are designed with unique intuitive intelligence that can guide you into an extraordinary life, and my job is to help you uncover your power and live with greater ease and purpose.

NOTE: This podcast was transcribed by an AI tool. Please forgive any typos or errors. Rosa Hope === [00:00:00] Cara: Hello, and welcome to today's episode of floductivity. Today's guest Rosa hope is an award winning scientist, a performing artist, and a world-class citizen. The pursuit of knowledge, understanding and experience have been the guiding principles of Rose's life. With three college degrees. And an astrophysics PhD in the works. [00:00:20] Cara: Years spent living in Europe and Asia and an extensive study of spirituality, religion, and metaphysics. Rosa endeavors always to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the universe we inhabit while supporting others in creating their own deeply aligned lives. [00:00:38] Cara: There's something to be said. When I have used my intuition to guide me towards the next person that I will be interviewing on the podcast. And Rosa is definitely one of them. I am so excited to join her in her 60 day, whole life integration intensive. [00:00:53] Cara: It is when you are fully ready to integrate your spiritual journey with your everyday life so that you can [00:01:00] live in total authenticity and integrity and experienced all and deep connection every day and align with your soul's purpose if you're a local in Raleigh is a soul journey, hypnosis workshop. [00:01:12] Cara: That's going to be on June 24th at the dancing moon in Raleigh. [00:01:16] Cara: In this insightful workshop, she helps explore the power of hypnosis to help us connect to our consciousness, travel and connect with our past lives and meet our spirit guides. I am so excited to be a part of both of these beautiful offerings and i hope to see you in there but to learn more stay tuned for this brilliant episode i can't wait to dive in and i will see you on the other side [00:01:39] Cara: Welcome to floductivity, a place to inspire and empower beings to embrace self-love and self-development for an achievable balance of productivity. I share different ways to come back to your intuition through spirituality, self care, human design, cycle planning, wellness, and everything in between. [00:01:58] Cara: Thank you so much for joining me this [00:02:00] week. If this is your first time. Welcome. And if you've been here with me before. Thank you so much for coming back. I'm so excited to join you in this journey. As we learn together. [00:02:09] Cara: hi Rosa, and welcome to the show. [00:02:11] Rosa Hope: Hi Cara. Thank you so much for having me today. [00:02:14] Cara: I always love to jump in and ask what your favorite self-care practices are in your daily or weekly routine. [00:02:21] Self-Care Practices as a Toddler Mom: Prioritizing Rest, Podcasts, and Unstructured Time --- [00:02:21] Rosa Hope: So my personal self-care practices, I'm a toddler mom to start with. So they always incorporate rest. So whenever I notice myself experiencing overwhelm or feeling pressure, usually it's around time pressure again, like parents have to deal with that a lot, working parents. and I always remind myself that it's okay to allow myself to recuperate. [00:02:46] Rosa Hope: So I love listening to podcasts, so this is very appropriate. So, sometimes I try to make it sort, sort of constructive, like I choose a podcast where I think I can learn something, whether it's useful or kind of academic in a way. I [00:03:00] also like to read a lot. [00:03:01] Rosa Hope: I've been a voracious reader my entire life. And that's a nice way to check out. But I'm also, really enjoying, I guess what I would call my space out time, letting myself just lay down or get in a really big chair and get super cozy with a blanket. And just space out. What am I, what am I thinking about? [00:03:21] Rosa Hope: What am I ruminating over? What's sort of in my process that I need to digest or untangle? And I give myself, I would say unstructured time to work on those things. So it kind of lets you crack open. It lets you work on your stuff. So you know, there's sort of this active rest, which is consuming like a, a podcast or a book. [00:03:41] Rosa Hope: And then there's this, it's not truly passive, but it's like, , not giving yourself the benefit of distraction, giving yourself some unstructured time and space. And for some people that leads to creative endeavors. For me, it's about processing. And I'll talk more about, that specific type of processing, like later in the podcast, so you get a sense of [00:04:00] what I'm talking about. [00:04:00] Rosa Hope: It's also what I teach and help people incorporate into their own lives. [00:04:04] Cara: Yeah, I think that's all so beautiful, especially just allowing yourself to be, and it could be receptive, it could be just that processing, and I think so many, especially moms of young children, don't give themselves that time, you knowit leaves them so overwhelmed because they're always thinking about the next step, the next thing, the next time. [00:04:29] Rosa Hope: Mm-hmm. [00:04:30] Cara: I remember a big part of my spiritual awakening was the time where I was allowed to go be. And I hadn't done that in years. I [00:04:42] Rosa Hope: Mm-hmm. [00:04:43] Cara: think my son was about a year old, and that was my spiritual moment. Like I had felt the spiritual awakening brewing in inside of me. But that moment cracked me wide open to say I am in control of my external [00:05:00] reality. [00:05:00] Cara: If I wanna be less overwhelmed, I have to really let myself process day. like you said, that time to process. But I've gotten so many beautiful ideas when I allow myself to just kind of shut down. I think that's beautiful. And I think that conversation for moms, whether they're spiritual or not, however they're being in this life, you need that time of uninterrupted, whatever it is. [00:05:23] Cara: You're not scrolling, you're not watching tv, you're not doing anything. And if you have to get yourself, noise canceling headphones, if you have to get an eye mask to kind of break down those sensory overloads, whatever you can do to be with yourself. I'm so happy that you brought that up and that's beautiful. [00:05:41] Cara: And would you wanna dive into what you were kind of talking about, why it's important for us to process? [00:05:46] Unlocking Spiritual Integration: How to Bring Your Retreat Experience into Daily Life --- [00:05:46] Rosa Hope: Yeah, so you, you actually kind of brought us there yourself For you, it, it created this opening in your life where the spiritual, evolution you were already trying to engage in finally had [00:06:00] like a crack to come through. in general, we can use different language to talk about it. So some people talk about spiritual awakening. [00:06:07] Rosa Hope: Sometimes your spiritual awakening is really dramatic or traumatic, or very intense. For some people it's more like a slow burn. Like I slowly came to realize, I'm a being of spiritual nature that is living through a body instead of being the body, you know? So it happens for people in different ways. [00:06:25] Rosa Hope: But again, if you don't have time, well, I would argue that we all do if we prioritize it, but, if you don't make some space in your life to actually, engage in that work and in your processing, then you're gonna get stuck. and you're gonna find yourself stuck in a loop, whether it's a behavior pattern or for some people it's like, I keep dating the same person in a different body. [00:06:50] Rosa Hope: you find yourself in behavior patterns that you know aren't serving you, but they're not changing either. Having space to grow and to work on yourself, to digest, [00:07:00] to untangle is a crucial part of this. And what I call that in my practice is integration. So spiritual integration, they sound like buzzwords these days because especially in, sort of the hardcore spiritual community, everyone's talking about it. [00:07:14] Rosa Hope: it's not a one-time thing that you do. In the same vein that a spiritual awakening isn't necessarily something that happens once either because there's always new things to learn and new things to discover. it's just that a spiritual awakening feels like a huge aha where like a lot kind of happens at once. [00:07:30] Rosa Hope: And when we get a huge download of that kind, whether it's through circumstance or you know, just living our lives, sometimes it happens. you need to make space to figure out what that means for you because having a lot of spiritual knowledge or spiritual awareness isn't gonna take you very far unless you can apply it in the way that you're living. [00:07:50] Rosa Hope: And that's what the integration process does. So it's doing two things. it is. Essentially creating wisdom. It's turning knowledge into wisdom [00:08:00] through the application in your life. But in order to apply it in your life, you need to understand the spiritual nature of your life. So integration merges the physical and the spiritual so that you can understand that your, your life and your spiritual practice or your spiritual existence are not separate things. [00:08:16] Rosa Hope: They're actually one thing. Your life is spiritual practice, whether you are aware of it or whether you're engaged in it or not. It's happening all the time anyway, so you can get on board and engage with it and do something with it. Or, the hard knocks of life will do it for you if you don't feel like engaging with it. [00:08:36] Rosa Hope: In my practice, what I help people with is the actual integration process getting started and you reintegrate throughout the course of your life. It never ends, but it's good to have either a framework that can help you, stick with the things that actually do this alignment for you. and to understand that as you evolve and as you learn more, there's gonna be new things to integrate. [00:08:59] Rosa Hope: [00:09:00] Also, life circumstance, sometimes stuff happens and you get knocked out of alignment and you feel, too grounded or totally not grounded, and things just aren't coming together and they don't feel right. And that's just a big indicator for you that it's time to look at yourself again and do some more integration work or realign or whatever language you choose. [00:09:19] Rosa Hope: that's kind of my, area of expertise. How do we bring these two things together? How do we bring spirituality into our daily life all the time, every day, instead of using spiritual practice as an escape from daily life? So I think the clearest example of this is something I call retreat syndrome, where we go on retreat maybe for a week, maybe for a couple days, have incredible connections with other people, feel truly tapped in as our spiritual being, feel connected to that sense of greater than myself, and really get blown away by that and love being in that space. [00:09:58] Rosa Hope: Then you [00:10:00] leave the, the mountaintop, and come back home. and in my case as a mom, it's like, you come home and there's like dirty diapers, you know? So it, there's this big gap between I felt this way in this environment, and how do I access, like, I can't seem to access that like back in my normal day. [00:10:17] Rosa Hope: For some people, it's their job. Their job feels totally out of alignment. And when they show up at work, they're like, how, how can, what I felt was so true up on the mountaintop, have anything to do with what I'm doing down here in the real world? And that's where integration comes into play. That's why that's so important. [00:10:34] Rosa Hope: We want to bring them together. Your day-to-day life, you're not gonna get to the mountaintop every day, but what you can do is bring all of that deep meaning and connection and work your spiritual work into the day-to-day. [00:10:49] Cara: Yeah, I love that. And I think a big piece that feels resonant to me is a part of what I used to do in my spiritual practice was to get like [00:11:00] up crown. Open. And to be honest, I do better when I'm in my body and I'm grounded. Finding the processes, the rituals, the things that help me get in my body, have led more to this grounded steps into what I should be doing in my work and what I'm trying to cultivate. [00:11:19] Cara: I actually was just at a retreat on a mountaintop, so it's funny that you bring that up. so I had some really huge spiritual moments while I was there and it felt really good and I'm trying to. Bring that same feeling back. Pretty much what this retreat was about was bringing br breath work and meditation into a practice. [00:11:41] Cara: And the practice that I learned was about 30 to 40 minutes. And while I have a ritual every day, I'm trying to figure out where this added, this whole other added thing can fall into my ritual. And I know with my life I don't wanna lose out on my other rituals. [00:11:59] Cara: So [00:12:00] how can I bring this 45 minute practice in while not overriding the other ones, but also, like you were saying, We evolve. I know that this practice is gonna help me be grounded in my body. I don't need to be up in my crown to get all these ideas. I get more ideas and support grounded. And this breath work, this meditation brings me into my body. [00:12:23] Cara: It's up to me to find that time, to make that importance. , my plea to anyone listening who says they don't have time for these things, these things will be the ultimate support in your being, in your growth. so it's really important to figure out how to integrate that. [00:12:39] Cara: I love that, that you're merging that too, With my sun being in my ninth house of self-development and education. I wanna learn all the things. I wanna listen to the podcast, I wanna read the books, I wanna take the courses. I love information, but consuming the information isn't going to help me take it to the next level. [00:12:59] Cara: It's that [00:13:00] integration process. so what more of your offerings, your support, can you help people kind of take tangibly in that integration process to help support themselves? [00:13:11] Unlocking the Power of Integration: Navigating States of Consciousness and the Journey to Spiritual Awakening --- [00:13:11] Rosa Hope: So, while there are two things that you brought up that I wanted to comment on first so, the first was that,, in your past spiritual practice there was a lot of very, you know, tip top out there. work. And that's actually, relatively common, especially for people going through a sort of spiritual renaissance because we've spent a lot of time down here. [00:13:31] Rosa Hope: We haven't spent a ton of time out there. So we really want to explore and experience that and it's really valuable, but it's not the end game, right? Because we're here, we are incarnate, we are living human lives. you knowyou are intuitively following this beautiful wisdom that says, my work is here though I love this, but my work is, is here being this person now. [00:13:59] Rosa Hope: And that's,[00:14:00] very valuable you already identified it and that's fantastic. You can't throw all this out. This is how we're doing it. This is how we're doing the work. This is how we're growing. And evolving. the other thing you mentioned about, creating space around the rituals you already have in incorporating these new rituals. [00:14:19] Rosa Hope: This is one of the things I love about integration, generally speaking, because what you have right now is a collection of practices and you know the results that those practices lead to in your experience. And when you're really on track with integration, what happens is that you don't need the practices anymore because your memory, your ability to identify the result that you're getting to, the resulting experience that you are seeking and trying to explore becomes, almost like a, a mile marker for your consciousness. [00:14:55] Rosa Hope: The practice is a way to get you there. But it's your job to put [00:15:00] down the marker and say, this is a mile post. This is an experience I can revisit any time I need it. And then the practice can fall away because you already know where it is. And that's where that unstructured time for me really comes in because I have a set of these different mileposts of experiences that are, rejuvenating or recuperate or calming or energizing, and I'm seeking out these states of consciousness through doing my inner work. [00:15:29] Rosa Hope: you have to sort of put your, put your marker down and say, I know what this feels like. I know what this. Consciousness, the state of consciousness is like, and the practice it, oh, I mean, it's the word practice, right? You're practicing to get there, and when you know how to get there, the, you don't need to do the drill anymore. [00:15:49] Rosa Hope: So it, in a sense, it's like, spend enough time working on that and you won't need 40 minutes of your day anymore. You'll need 10 or five or 30 seconds. once you [00:16:00] really can like, identify that state of consciousness and, and navigate to it. So that, that leads me to my offerings, right? So there are a couple different things that I do. [00:16:08] 60 day whole life integration intensive --- [00:16:08] Rosa Hope: my focus is, Essentially an integration container. So it's a 60 day container for people that have already experienced some form of spiritual awakening or dark night of the soul, and they want some support and, a sort of systematic framework for how to work through integration really for the first time. [00:16:29] Rosa Hope: So these are, these are people who may have tried to go it alone and could really use support or people that like having a system. And that system is based on three areas. and they're not specific practices as much as their areas of focus. And I call them confluence, which is, conceptually that's the coming together, the merging of the physical and the spiritual. [00:16:52] Rosa Hope: How is your day-to-day physical life carrying spiritual information to tell you what to work on? courage, [00:17:00] which is about showing up. Being your authentic self and acting with integrity, acting with an increasing level of integrity, with time and connection, which is relational. So that's about how we interact with each other, with other people around us or with animals. [00:17:17] Rosa Hope: How are we interacting with other conscious beings and how are we acting as mirrors for one another, directing us to where our work lies. you knowwe're dealing with the external sort of non, I, I mean, I would argue there's an element of consciousness in everything, but we're dealing with the kind of inanimate external world. [00:17:36] Rosa Hope: We're dealing with our internal world, and we're dealing with the relational world. How are we interfacing with other uhe conscious beings? Okay. Well now that I'm talking about, it sounds a little heady, but we could kind of take it one step at a time. so I'm gonna start with these states of consciousness because that's what we've talked about and that's where people's spiritual practice tends to come in. [00:17:57] Rosa Hope: They're trying to experience an altered state of consciousness [00:18:00] in which they can experience this kind of connection with the divine, or a sense of. Being greater than oneself or they're getting influxes of creativity or, or really just a, a kind of spiritual bliss that, that sense of kind of overwhelming every emotion I'm cracked open. [00:18:19] Rosa Hope: I, I am experiencing my spiritual nature. that's a very internal process. You can't like hand that to somebody. In fact, you can't really teach it to somebody. It has to be experienced. And, when we step away or sort of like, come back to reality, we don't feel that way anymore. and, and the question is why? [00:18:40] Rosa Hope: And I use the practice of meaning making. and it doesn't really matter where, where you're kind of coming from. So there are some spiritual people who feel like the meaning is already there. Meaning is in everything already if you have eyes to see it. And that can be very healthy for some people. [00:18:58] Rosa Hope: But if you're more [00:19:00] skeptical, you may ask yourself, you know, I don't think the oatmeal spilled all over my kitchen floor has spiritual meaning in it. But if you're engaging in a meaning making practice, it can. And then you'll ask, well, what is the spilled oatmeal teaching me? it's a big mess. It has triggered feelings of frustration, feelings of time, pressure, feelings of, I'm being asked to do more than I want to do. [00:19:28] Rosa Hope: ? So in a sense it is point if you're using it this way, it is pointing at your responses. So, for example, the time pressure one, well, am, I really pressured for time. Why do I feel that way? how do I, sit with my experience of time? Will I actually be okay? [00:19:48] Rosa Hope: Spinning an extra two minutes cleaning this up? Am I gonna be harmed? No. , do I need to be angry? This wasn't on purpose. So it like takes you down this internal journey of like [00:20:00] untangling, but it starts with meaning making. So it starts with saying, what is this here to teach me? [00:20:06] Rosa Hope: And that's a pretty common approach. I, I just, I deal with a lot of, academics just because of my background and they don't always believe that your physical reality is just impregnated with meaning at all times. That's okay. You don't have to believe that you can engage in the meaning making to lead you to your own places where you know you need to work. [00:20:31] Rosa Hope: So it's like you don't have to believe it's like external or that the universe is sending you the message. You can send your own self the message and engage in really helpful work just doing it that way. So, so both really work that's using the external world. As a mirror, as a, as an arrow pointing in the direction of where your work lies, the things you have to, to process and work on. [00:20:53] Rosa Hope: when it comes to showing up, people have a lot of fear. They are afraid of being seen because they're [00:21:00] afraid of rejection, or they're afraid of criticism or, there are reasons we feel this way. W we are in a culture that has very tight boundaries around what is attractive or what is, what's appropriate or, you know, what's foolish, our cultural expectations tie us in this little box that says, if you are totally yourself, there's gonna be something that leads to you getting like, kicked out. and then you'll starve to death or something. you know, like there's, there's kind of ideas like that, that are sitting deeply within us. [00:21:31] Rosa Hope: And rather than being afraid of what might happen, if you are really showing up, there are two things that I recommend you focus on instead. One is your sense of integrity. You are gonna feel totally out of whack in perpetuity if you're saying and doing things that are not in integrity with yourself. [00:21:52] Rosa Hope: It's your own conscience, your own sense of like what's right and what's wrong and what's true. And as long as you are [00:22:00] engaging in behaviors that are not in integrity, you're gonna hurt for it. And that's hard because it's hard to, to really stay accountable to yourself and, and live in an integrous way all the time is a big ask. [00:22:14] Rosa Hope: But, Just say it's the North Star. You're not gonna like get there, but like, that's the direction you wanna be facing. And just focusing on building your integrity and really showing up in integrity is a really good place to begin because , you know what that feels like when you're doing it and when you're not doing it. [00:22:32] Rosa Hope: The other thing is, instead of being afraid of being yourself and what might happen if you're being yourself, focus on what it's costing you to hide, what is it? What is the true cost of not showing up as yourself? You are gonna feel constantly misunderstood. You're gonna feel like nobody knows the real you. [00:22:52] Rosa Hope: Well, whose fault is that? You're not showing them the real you. we can only engage with what we see. And, [00:23:00] and you could argue, people who are deeply intuitive or deeply psychic can sort of see through the bs. And, and sometimes they, they can, but it's, but that's such a waste of effort. Let's not do that to each other. [00:23:11] Rosa Hope: Let's not have to rely on psychic abilities to truly see each other. Let's just be ourselves and save, save ourselves all this extra work, right? And then we can show up and really engage with each other where we are at. And of course, I, I also hear back from people, well, not everyone's gonna treat me this way. [00:23:30] Rosa Hope: Some people are not living in an integris way and are not concerned with living, with showing up as themselves and are more, they're like, they have an agenda and all this other stuff and, but it's like, I assure you, the more you show up, the less those people are gonna be in that game with you. [00:23:47] Rosa Hope: Cuz they don't wanna play the game you're playing. And eventually they will take their ball and go home. And if there are big changes in shuffles in your life because you're trying to really show up, that's not necessarily bad. You [00:24:00] gotta make space for the right people to show up and for you to be doing those things that are in alignment. [00:24:05] Rosa Hope: Okay? And the last thing is about connection. Relational stuff, right? It's about how we use our relationships to grow. Every relationship is a contract for soul growth. Every single one. Every single one, even your relationship with your dog and your cat are, are about growth. It's about love, it's about understanding, it's about respect. [00:24:28] Rosa Hope: And there are a couple things I I direct people to focus on in their relationships, especially shortly after spiritual awakening. A lot of folks are, are feeling a little evangelical, shall we say. They have seen in the distance from the mountaintop and they wanna shout it to the world. They want their friends to come along. [00:24:48] Rosa Hope: They're like, why are you people? Why won't you wake up? they're like trying to wake people up or as if like shaking them or convincing them. Will, will do that. Well, it won't. And, and the other [00:25:00] part of this is that it, it's not being respectful of their journey. If your intent on like doing something about their, their state of consciousness. [00:25:09] Rosa Hope: It's such an individual thing that's like finding a flower bud attached to the plant and being like, if you won't open, I'm gonna open you myself. Well, does it actually like help that plant bloom if you're peeling back like the, the pedals of the bud? Like that's, that's actually a destructive, that's opposing their healthy evolution that's not actually helping. [00:25:31] Rosa Hope: So it, you wanna take a more invitational approach. You're not trying, you're not trying to teach people, you're trying to love them. When people want to be taught, they will come to you and ask and say, I see you're living this way, or I, or I, I feel like you might know something about this. And they'll, they'll come to you and they'll ask, when they are ready to learn or be taught by you, they will come. [00:25:54] Rosa Hope: And if they're not ready, do not. Just, just like, don't teach just love. Just love and, and [00:26:00] be this living example of the thing you wish for for others. And then the people that are ready and that are appropriate to, to learn from you will come to you because even people you love aren't necessarily the right, you're not necessarily the right teacher for them. [00:26:16] Rosa Hope: So you gotta, you gotta let people do their thing and, and just worry about your thing. And then loving. And when people come to you for assistance, like give what you can. Don't give more than you can, but yeah, show up for them too when they come and are ready for it. Right? and then sort of like, last but not least, forgiveness. Okay. Hot topic. It's huge. This is relational kind of internally and externally. Usually it's easier to start forgiving others. Interestingly, most people find it harder to forgive themselves than to forgive others. And, and that sits in. you know, feelings of unworthiness, feelings of being unlovable or like fundamentally un unlovable. [00:26:58] Rosa Hope: Like I have to prove that [00:27:00] I'm lovable, or something like that. so it's easier to start looking out of yourself and saying, well, I know who I'm still pissed off at. Let's start there. , and then you can do your kind of forgiveness work there. And then after you feel like you've kind of handled, The things you're still holding and caring, these, these sort of burdens of resentment and stuff that you carry for others. [00:27:21] Rosa Hope: Once you've done a good job of processing that and you feel pretty free of that, then it's time to turn it around and be accountable. Cuz you can start to feel kind of righteous if, like you're forgiving everybody else, but you're not being accountable about the role that you have played in, in difficult circumstances are in harming others. [00:27:37] Rosa Hope: So it's like you gotta get knocked off your high horse here at the end and, and actually look at the role you've played and the harm you've done and understand that closure doesn't come to everybody in all circumstances. So it really sits in your ability to forgive yourself and have compassion for the, the version of yourself that engaged in harmful behaviors and to understand why you were that [00:28:00] way, why you acted that way, what you have learned and what is different now, and and, and how you are gonna shift what you bring forward in the kinds of patterns you're gonna create in your life. [00:28:11] Rosa Hope: In, as opposed to older, more damaging patterns that you're not interested in bringing forward anymore. [00:28:17] Learn to Integrate Powerful Workings into Your Life --- [00:28:17] Cara: It was, it's so powerful, but like I, it just makes me so excited to join that whole life integration intensive, so I'm like so beyond excited for it. I always believe in whatever you need to support you in your journey will come to you. And that is something that I just know I'm gonna get so much out of. [00:28:36] Cara: So if anybody is looking to integrate these kind of workings to really be their best version of themselves, I hope you can join us. This this round is June 5th, and then, there'll be another one in the fall and we'll announce those dates. But there's a few things in this whole conversation that I wanted to bring up. [00:28:54] Cara: I call those toolkits [00:28:56] Rosa Hope: Mm-hmm. [00:28:57] Develop Your Own Toolkits for a Better Life and Mastery Over Your States of Consciousness --- [00:28:57] Cara: it's knowing that we are not [00:29:00] meant to be this high vibration all the time. There's going to be things that trigger us that bring our vibration lower. [00:29:06] Cara: you knowI always encourage people to create these toolkits to. Kind of support you as you go through your life. A lot of what I do is about the cycle. I know what I need emotionally is gonna be different when I'm in my ludia phase versus my spring phase. you knowhaving these things that, you know, you can always go back to, to say, you know what? [00:29:28] Cara: I was overwhelmed with my children's emotions. How can I be true to myself? What can I do in that moment? And yeah, it could be putting, you know, my eye mask on, putting my earphones on, and kind of letting my senses rest for a little bit because I was overstimulated. It's knowing that there's going to be something for you that's gonna help support you, and that is evolving and knowing what you can go to. [00:29:54] Cara: Is it just a walk in nature? you knowknowing that it's. Going to change [00:30:00] and that you will get triggered what can bring you to your high higher vibration, that you can have a better reaction to it. Because, , being on the spiritual journey doesn't mean bad things aren't gonna happen. It's how we're gonna react to it. [00:30:13] Cara: you knowhaving those things, like you said, to bring you back to yourself and your body and be able to process what happened is super important. And everybody's toolkits are different. So find a place, write it down, put it in your notes on your phone, have a playlist of meditations, whatever it is for you. [00:30:32] Cara: that is super important. [00:30:33] Rosa Hope: Mm-hmm. Well, you're exactly right. And this is really interesting. We're playing with the rhetoric, right? So like, toolkit, milepost, whatever you wanna call it. What you're doing is you're actually gaining mastery over your states of consciousness. So you are developing a toolkit that you know is gonna help shift your state of consciousness to these different places that can help you live a better life. [00:30:57] Rosa Hope: and I love that you have the insight to, [00:31:00] to know like, these specific acts that I can take, help me shift to this place that's, I mean, that's incredible and beautiful self-awareness. And I, I like the concept of note taking so that you can keep track and say, I know that when I did this, it led me here. [00:31:17] Transpersonal Hypnosis: A Spiritual Approach to Navigating Your States of Consciousness --- [00:31:17] Rosa Hope: I'm also a trained transpersonal hypnotist, and at the highest level of my integration offering, that includes hypnosis sessions with me, but the way I use hypnosis isn't the way a traditional hypnotist does. So in traditional hypnosis, there's a sense that you're sort of planting suggestions into the subconscious to try to change someone's behavior. [00:31:40] Rosa Hope: And the hypnotist is kind of doing it to the client, and I don't engage in that type of hypnosis. So transpersonal hypnosis is intrinsically spiritual because it believes that our spiritual being is not trapped in the body. That there's, that there's a lot more that our consciousness has access to. And [00:32:00] one of. [00:32:01] Rosa Hope: To me, the most beneficial aspects of transpersonal hypnosis is that it's another way to train your states of consciousness. So you, so you know, you have a hypnotist at first to kind of guide you through this process, but if you're paying attention and if you're using it as a tool for learning, you are also learning how to navigate your states of consciousness too. [00:32:23] Rosa Hope: You're just doing it through the, through the channel of hypnosis rather than the channel of using, for example, you are using your nervous system right through using like a cooling face mask and the headphones. So your nervous system is the channel for changing your state of consciousness or, and you can use a tool like hypnosis too. [00:32:42] Rosa Hope: So they're all aiming at the same process though, which is being able to entrain your consciousness so that you can use it freely and masterfully so you can have the life experience that you are trying to have. so I love that. That's very juicy to me. I'm gonna like, chew on that for myself cuz I'm just, [00:33:00] I'm a very intellectual person. [00:33:01] Rosa Hope: So of course the hypnosis is this very kind of cerebral thing, but I love engaging in this, like how can I work with my nervous system to achieve the same thing? Is really like, I'm gonna explore that myself. [00:33:13] Overcoming Over-Planning as a Safety Response: Finding Tools for the Present Moment --- [00:33:13] Cara: Yeah, it came for me because I feel like one of my trauma responses, I feel like trauma is a little too big of a word for this, but with that same concept is to over plan. When I get overwhelmed, I tend to get too much in the planning mode of like, how can I get myself out? So I need something that I can just say, what are my tools, what feels good to me now? [00:33:36] Cara: And I can jump right into it instead of getting stuck in that planning mode. you knowI feel like a lot of, when my, like you said, my nervous system gets overwhelmed, it's a way that maybe if I can plan better, I can avoid that thing. I'm trying to be more in the moment. [00:33:54] Cara: so it's a way that, like it takes some planning ahead of time, but then when it comes time to taking [00:34:00] action, integrating it into what I need, what, where, what can I do? Where can I kind of dive into that? And then another piece that you spoke earlier was that what came for me was the lesson in it. [00:34:13] Empowering Your Mindset: How Shifting from Victim Mentality Can Help You Learn and Grow --- [00:34:13] Cara: before I had that big spiritual moment was I was very much in the victim mentality. This is happening to me, this is all happening to me. And I like ReMed in it. I swam in it, I just like sat in it and it didn't get me anywhere. it was the moment of what can I learn from this? you knowwhen I was able to kind of have that mindset shift of this is happening, but what can I learn in it, that was the most empowering thing I could do. [00:34:44] Cara: I was very much learning that in this process the last few years, and I was attracting these people who I love very much, and they taught me so much, but I realized, you know, they were like, well, I can't do what I want because I [00:35:00] don't have childcare. Well, that was really resonant to me was because I was so passionate about building this business, being a stay-at-home mom. [00:35:09] Cara: I didn't have the time that I truly wanted to be able to put into this, but it was like, what's the lesson? Where can I integrate this business while being at home? That's my lesson I need to learn right now. you knowit was one of those things where I could see that they were stuck in the victim mentality of it. [00:35:27] Cara: And I had to take a step back because they were trying to pull me back into that. And [00:35:32] Rosa Hope: Mm-hmm. [00:35:33] Cara: I couldn't be there. like you were saying before, there's certain people that will come into your life. [00:35:37] Cara: They might not be able to be in this spiritual world that you're in, but where can you set a boundary where maybe you can have a relationship, it's just gonna be a little bit more distant. Or they might not know what you're doing in this world, but you can relate to them in a different aspect. you knowit's that, that boundary. [00:35:56] Cara: I don't wanna lose that relationship with them. I also know that [00:36:00] they don't care about my spiritual practices and what I'm doing, and I'm okay with that because [00:36:04] Rosa Hope: Mm-hmm. [00:36:04] Cara: for them, it's for me. [00:36:05] Cara: Right. [00:36:05] A Journey Towards Community and Collaboration in Spiritual Growth --- [00:36:05] Rosa Hope: Right? Mm-hmm. Well, and and the best thing you can do for them is to, to meet them where they are. So, to be honest, when the differences are too great, it's very hard to find where the connection is. And I think we can intrinsically feel that when we've reached that place where it's like, the gap is too great, the common ground is no longer there. [00:36:30] Rosa Hope: So, so it just like doesn't vibe. But as long as there is some connection somewhere that's tangential to your experience and the way you're living, you can still meet there and. one of the things that is really, important for me in my own life right now is the concept of community and collaboration because most of my spiritual journey has been essentially in isolation, either totally on my own. [00:36:58] Rosa Hope: My husband and I do a lot of work together. [00:37:00] That's a very ripe relationship, full of spiritual teaching for, for both of us, you know, but we knew that when we got married like that was, we kinda knew already. it's been really good. It's been huge. But there's also a sense of both of us that, [00:37:14] Rosa Hope: no one person can be all the things for another person. Right. And it seems obvious when, when you say it, it's like a truism. But in our culture, we have been taught deeply in a sense that, especially in, in marriages and stuff, that that's almost what we should expect. So we're, we're kind of breaking through conditioning too, in saying there's more that's needed here. [00:37:37] Rosa Hope: and there are also more ways to grow. And that's through developing, community and through collaborating and for us community, it is fundamentally kind of spiritual community. The way our spirituality works, there's no, there's no like church, there's no religious aspect that really, encapsulates what we're trying to do. [00:37:58] Rosa Hope: And for me, [00:38:00] my beliefs are extremely flexible. So I, I actually speak very little about what my core beliefs are because I'm always open to learning more and every step along the way when I learn something new, my concepts change. So I'm not convinced that I need to be right or that what I believe is right. [00:38:19] Rosa Hope: What I do know is what works. What has led to a more fulfilling life? What has led to more love, more like active whole? love that that is not this kind of cultural concept of love, but that is like truly deep and, profound and enriching. not just in my marriage, but like in my extended family for example. [00:38:41] Rosa Hope: The, the quality of my friendships is a hundred times what it used to be, , 10 years ago. And it's a result of, of doing my spiritual work. You show up so other people that are ready to show up can can find you. So, although I think it's still of, of immense value to [00:39:00] maintain these relationships, as long as there's like some, some place to connect, I'm also really motivated to be with people that are actively engaged in their journey too, whether it's virtually or in person. [00:39:13] Rosa Hope: That community aspect it's a part of what I do now and it's gonna be a part of what I do forever, cuz I think that's where things are going next for everyone is that our ability to, to do our work together. It leads to sort of like an exponential increase in, in growth and in understanding we get the sharing of different perspectives. [00:39:34] Rosa Hope: we get the, the support that we need because it's like everyone has different gifts and wisdom to offer. it's sort of coming together in my own life. I'm seeing it happen now. It's happening right now. Me and you are talking right now. [00:39:46] Rosa Hope: you know, it's like we are able to bring our different experiences combined with our active engagement in our growth. And when we bring it together, really incredible things happen. and not just like, A product or an [00:40:00] offering, but things we learn about ourselves too. Like we are always growing each and every one of us, as long as we're engaged in that process and that's how we are using our lives, we're using our lives and we're using our relationships as a way not just to grow ourselves, but to be in support of the growth of others too. [00:40:17] Rosa Hope: It's that sense that there's enough for everybody and it's such a profound joy to do it together. [00:40:24] Cara: Yeah. I mean, I find that so powerful. Beginning of my journey was definitely isolating because I started to see when I would have. conversations with someone and we are aware of each other. We're present with each other because before I had this spiritual moment, I was very much trying to do all the things at once, it was like I was just trying to call people on my way to and from work, or the kids are in the background, things are chaos is happening, a lot of those relationships had to fall away because it was triggering to me that [00:41:00] we couldn't have a present conversation. If I'm going to take my time to be able to talk to someone, I wanna have fully engaged conversation, and when that doesn't happen, triggering for me because my wound is an abandonment. [00:41:13] Cara: I feel like this person doesn't care about my end of the conversation because they have their life in the background, which is fine, but I just try to make it. A thing for me now that like the most fulfilling conversations I have are with people on the other end of Zoom. Because we take the time, we talk about our goals, we talk about our dreams, we talk about how we can be that better person and how we can integrate that into our life. [00:41:39] Cara: It's just like when maybe when they get to a point where they can understand that the chaos around them a little bit has been created. themselves and that if they want that, that's all power to them. [00:41:51] Cara: I think it's beautiful that you're building this community because I think so many people have understood that they don't want that chaos in [00:42:00] anymore. [00:42:00] Cara: They want that community, they want that full awareness with that person right in front of them. [00:42:06] Human Design as a Generator: How Your Unique Energy Type Can Help You Create More Efficiently and Enjoy the Process --- [00:42:06] Cara: kind of segue into some things that you also talked about that we are all so different. you knowI wanna talk a little bit about your human design because you brought up some things that are very relevant to your human design. [00:42:17] Cara: A piece of it was, you were talking about the relationship with you and your husband. My husband and I are kind of at a different place in the spiritual realm. And I used to try and like. Force my ways on him. then it was like, I know he's not built that way, but it took me really understanding his human design to show him kind of this evolution of myself and that when he's ready to jump in, he will come in. [00:42:42] Cara: Your human design is, you are a generator and you are meant to transform ideas into something tangible and enjoy the process. you're rushing through life and having the pressure to get it done, it will be very unhealthy for your [00:43:00] design energetically. Another piece that you brought up was that word frustration, if you are feeling frustrated, that may mean you are not in alignment with your design. [00:43:11] Cara: It might mean that you're rushing through your day and you're spilling that oatmeal and that frustration comes through as to tell you where do I need to slow down and kind of be more presence and not rush through. It's like we're built with this frustration. My, I'm frustration and anger. I get like double dose of emotions. [00:43:30] Cara: It's just a sign that you're not using your energy efficiently. And that's how a little bit of like what I do is taking your human design cycle, vitality and making. What you're creating more efficient so that you can enjoy the process, you can be more fulfilled in your life. [00:43:48] Cara: a big piece to what you were talking about was ultimately what your strategy is. We're all built with different strategies on how you should take aligned action.[00:44:00] You are meant to wait for something to respond to. It's kind of that piece of what you were saying of you can't tell people what they should do. [00:44:07] Cara: You're not built that way. You're kind of meant to talk about what you're into. And then when someone's ready to come in, they'll come to you. It's, if we to force people in our worlds, it's gonna repel them. you knowyou figure that out in your world that you're not meant that way. Some people are meant to, I don't wanna say force what they're doing, but how they talk about it. [00:44:30] Cara: Your strategy is to wait for something to respond to. Envision what it's gonna look like, into your authority, which I'll talk about in a second, and then take action. so the best way I describe this is, is my husband will say, what do you want for dinner? And I'm like, mm, you're not speaking to me in my language. Give me three options, and then I will tap into what three of those options sound good to me. you knowknowing that we are built with our authority, how we should make decisions. [00:45:00] We both have the sacral, so we're built within a gut response. When you can kind of allow that gut response to come through, [00:45:08] Cara: if you're interested in taking a course, you're not meant to go find that course. You're meant to say, universe, I would like to take a course on X, Y, and Z. Show it to me. And then when it comes through and your sequel goes, ah-huh, I want that, that's when you take action. If you get a Uhuh or you get like a no answer, it's just not a, not right now. [00:45:28] Cara: When we commit to those things that isn't lighting up our energetic circuitry, it's going to take our energy and kind of it out. So it's knowing that we all are kind of built uniquely and like how we can tap into how we should make decisions, how we should, take action. And that, I mean, there's so much more to it in the sense of, I think there was something else that you brought up. [00:45:53] Understanding Your Human Design with Left-Angle Cross: Every Interaction Has a Purpose --- [00:45:53] Cara: I think it's very true in the sense that you, were saying that every interaction a reason, [00:46:00] which I agree because I am, I'm very much like that. But you are literally built that way. have a left angle cross, your design is, you are meant, every person that you meet is for a reason. [00:46:11] Cara: a little different. is about what, what is my journey? How, how can I be the best person while these people that I meet? It's important to me because I love the connection, but you are literally designed to fulfill your interactions with others. Your path is about fulfillment and happens through these karmic interactions with other people. [00:46:35] Cara: you knowI think a piece to what you do is that people probably feel a familiarity to your presence and you feel like they've known you in a past life too, it's kind of understanding that you are a natural leader, a guide, a teacher in this lifetime. You can feel it. I think everything that you're talking about and that you're a [00:47:00] problem solver with an imaginative approach to overcoming these obstacles. [00:47:04] Cara: That's literally what you've built in your program coming up, you love to get to the bottom of the things. And keeping your research meticulous, like this is literally your human design. [00:47:14] Discovering Your Authentic Self Through Spiritual Journey and Human Design: Embodying Your True Design and Empowering Others --- [00:47:14] Cara: So this is what I love about talking to someone who's on the spiritual journey is because the majority of the time, they're already embodying literally how they are d designed because they're following their intuition, they're following what feels good, and you're like, yes, this is me. [00:47:28] Cara: This is what I'm gonna do. you knowyou love the process of learning and new projects and challenges, and you aren't afraid to go against the grain if you need to. It's also a piece of human design of like, oh, I feel seen and heard. This is how I am, so I'm not gonna fit myself in her box. That's her box. This is my box. So how can I step more fully into my au authentic self and be the best version of how I'm designed, and then empower other people to do exactly what they need to do [00:48:00] in their design. [00:48:01] Rosa Hope: Mm-hmm. [00:48:01] Cara: How does it feel to know that a lot of your human design, you're already living in. [00:48:06] Rosa Hope: I think this is fantastic. And as you were sort of going through these aspects, in my mind I am, I am sort of calling back almost to things that have happened to me in my life that brought it to my attention or brought these aspects to my attention. it's all kind of folding in on itself, just the way you said, cuz how did I learn these aspects about myself? [00:48:27] Rosa Hope: It was through my interactions with others. Well, the human design says the reason I'm having these interactions with others is so they can show me, right? So it kinda all folds in on itself. and that's, that's beautiful. it's also very validating to think about what I've been doing, over the last, , couple months of my life, the last few years of my life. [00:48:48] Rosa Hope: And to see what's really happened for, for me is almost,I feel like I'm finding my focus in a way. So it's like the pendulum swings wide back and forth around this center point, [00:49:00] but it's like the swings are getting smaller. It's like I'm vibrating around that central aspect and, and that aspect is what you're describing, how my life takes shape and how I take action in my life. [00:49:12] Rosa Hope: And, in, in a sense it's like if I'm in alignment with that, then I'm doing a really good job of like showing up with the gifts that I have for the world. ?we also have the desire not to. Sort of fall into the, the shortcomings with these things. So like the way you talk about my love of learning, definitely true, always been true my whole life, but it's through spending so much time being a bookworm that I've developed the foundation to be able to share these overarching concepts and ideas with other people without fear. [00:49:47] Rosa Hope: Because it's not about, I don't do a lot of teaching of like how, if that makes sense. It's more about what you should be thinking about what you said is absolutely true in that my [00:50:00] way is not your way. In fact, my way is not anybody's way. [00:50:03] Rosa Hope: Everyone climbs the mountain by their own pathway and sometimes that path goes up and down and up again. [00:50:09] Rosa Hope: Sometimes it goes side to side very slowly till you get to the top, ? But it's not my job to tell people the road up the mountain. , it needs to be forged on an individual basis, but what I can tell people is how to make sure you're looking up instead of down, you know? So it's more about understanding the, these sort of like blanket aspects that sit in everybody's life, but it's everyone's individual job to do the, the self-reflection, necessary along with being accountable also to yourself and, and, and being really honest with yourself, even when that can be sometimes painful. Doing that work so that you can see what your path is. You gain a lot of clarity. [00:50:53] Rosa Hope: So I can see how, especially someone who's kind of embarking on their journey, that human design could save them a [00:51:00] lot of time. [00:51:00] Cara: Yeah. [00:51:01] Cara: and a lot of confusion probably, and a lot of wheels spinning. Yeah. [00:51:05] Rosa Hope: I love that it's kind of guiding people. But it also seems that there's a lot in what you explained to me that can be very relevant to the type of work that you choose. [00:51:15] Rosa Hope: because it's saying like, how is the way I'm built going to be applied best? I I'm having trouble putting it into words. It's like finding a better fit. Cuz for example, if I'm built to teach, it makes sense to be a teacher, right? If you called up my human design. And I, , owned a knitting shop or something. It's, I bet you would find that in my knitting shop. I was like hosting classes and like making kits for people to make their own, you know what I'm saying? It's like, I feel like it's emergent in the way we work in the world too. It seems very connected to that when I listen to [00:51:50] How Human Design Can Help You Find Your Unique Pathway to Success --- [00:51:50] Cara: . Yeah. I am actually meant to teach people on how to get in alignment because I can look at each individual person. I wanna help you get in [00:52:00] alignment with your design. [00:52:00] Cara: Where are you having hard time? The human design charts, cuz I don't know if you've actually ever looked at one, know, for you to fully be in your human design, you want that energetic circuitry to be lit up. And everybody's so different. [00:52:14] Rosa Hope: Mm-hmm. [00:52:15] Cara: where are you having problems? What energy center can I look at? [00:52:18] Cara: What gates and channels can I look at? you knowthat we can get you in alignment or take you to the next level. For me it's like when I haven't felt in alignment, I can go to my human design and say, oh, this is why [00:52:31] Rosa Hope: Mm-hmm. [00:52:32] Cara: I can look at it and I can see, so much information in it that it's overwhelming for people. [00:52:37] Cara: Having someone be able to really pinpoint and look specifically at what you want or what you're going for, and really get you in alignment. And like, my role is to turn chaos into cosmos. How can I help you from this overwhelmed world to really focus or just get you more in alignment with, , how you operate as a person. [00:52:59] Cara: And I think [00:53:00] it was one of those things, my wounds was like, I was always put in a box. I was always trying to live the expectations from other people. I had to follow other people's blueprints. And then once I realized my unique traits and I leaned into my authentic self, that's when I started to break through those barriers of. [00:53:20] Cara: is how things are supposed to go. While I think it would help someone out beginning, I think it would also help people really just make sure they're in alignment. And I, I take this concept with cycle Vitality, understanding the phases and how you can use them to become more efficient and do less work. [00:53:37] Cara: those certain aspects of, all I want in this world is people to really be able to be themselves fully, authentically, operate from their highest alignments, get back in alignment. We're not gonna always be that high vibe. And then just help them go through those barriers, because that's what I went through. [00:53:56] Cara: I [00:53:57] Rosa Hope: Mm-hmm. [00:53:58] Cara: not myself. I was [00:54:00] trying to do all the things. you knowusing tools like that can really be helpful for, you know, I think anyone at any level to really be the them best, their best selves. [00:54:10] Rosa Hope: it's deeply validating too because it's, well, it's always helpful to have a roadmap, right? And having one that's specific to you is very powerful because, especially if you've been. Like essentially roleplaying a different person for most of your life, you might not really be able to identify what's actually you and what is conditioning, and something like this just it gives you a really nice, like, cohesive way to say, well, I at least have this to work from and if I do it, I will know if it feels in alignment or not. It gives you somewhere to start anyway. but honestly, it's like after hearing what you had to say about me, I'm like, I think it would be very helpful for most people to have, to have something like this. [00:54:53] Rosa Hope: Cuz the other thing you mentioned is that it allows you to bring it back into alignment when, , it's like the wheels on your car. You might [00:55:00] have a perfect car, but you hit a bump in the road and now your wheels are out of alignment. You're gonna have to bring it back in, and tighten things up from time to time. [00:55:08] Rosa Hope: And that's a, i I love this as, as something to like go back to and also It's a diagnostic tool because you can look through it and say, well, what isn't flowing right now? Where is the sticking point? And it gives you a place to like find that I love systems. [00:55:22] Rosa Hope: it's honestly where scientific meets the woo and I love everything about it [00:55:27] Rosa Hope: Yes. [00:55:28] Cara: to you a little bit. [00:55:29] Rosa Hope: Thank you for doing that. [00:55:30] Cara: Yes, of course. Now I love that we talked about the 60 day whole life integration intensive that starts June 5th. [00:55:38] Rosa Hope: Mm-hmm. [00:55:39] Cara: to be a part of it, and I will have all those links in the show [00:55:42] Rosa Hope: Mm-hmm. [00:55:43] Soul Journey Hypnosis on June 24th here in Raleigh at the Dancing Moon --- [00:55:43] Cara: But I know you also are hosting a Soul Journey Hypnosis on June 24th here in Raleigh at the Dancing Moon, and I would love to know more about that. [00:55:53] Rosa Hope: Yes, absolutely. So I, I'm absolutely thrilled that you're doing the intensive with me. I'm, I'm very excited about that.[00:56:00] however, there are some people that are more interested in the hypnosis or like, they don't know if they wanna dive in all the way until they have experienced it. Cuz even people who are familiar with hypnosis are not necessarily familiar with transpersonal hypnosis. [00:56:13] Rosa Hope: So, In my workshop on June 24th, we are gonna sit down and do two things. So we're gonna do a past life regression, and we're also gonna meet spirit guides there. And essentially what we do is use the tools of hypnosis to help your consciousness travel so that you can have different experiences so that you can go back in your timeline. [00:56:36] Rosa Hope: I'm very specific about this stuff, so I don't tell you where to go or what to see. I tell my clients that,Whatever they're going to experience needs to be something that is gonna be of best help to them now. So it's always very relevant. In fact, we could do the same hypnosis together five times over the course of a year, and you would experience something different every single time that [00:57:00] would be deeply relevant to the things you're working on right then. [00:57:03] Rosa Hope: And that's what I love about it, is that you always leave there with something practical and helpful for you. So if you're interested in trying spiritually focused hypnosis, this is a good opportunity. , it's a short workshop. It's only two hours. but if you're interested in past lives, if you're interested in meeting your spirit guides or if you know, and especially if you actually want to sort of bring some wisdom back from. [00:57:30] Rosa Hope: Let's say the other side to actually help you today. This is an opportunity to do that. It's also an opportunity to get to know me and, and to see what that's like to explore different states of consciousness to help on your spiritual journey. [00:57:44] Cara: Yeah, I'm so excited. This is gonna be my first in-person like thing in Raleigh when it comes to spirituality minus the, mind body expo that [00:57:53] Rosa Hope: Mm-hmm. [00:57:54] Cara: But like this is, , interactive. So I'm really pumped. I hope, anyone listening in Raleigh will join us. [00:58:00] And is there any other offerings or anything else you wanna leave with listeners before we sign off? [00:58:05] Rosa Hope: these are really my focuses right now. I'm very excited to have you for the integration intensive, and I do recommend it for anyone who really, Is wide awake, but is having trouble, either seeing the reflection of their spiritual experience and knowledge in their day-to-day life. Or if you've been spiritual for a long time and you're just super out of alignment, it's a good opportunity to do that. [00:58:27] Rosa Hope: And it's gonna be done in a community container. So we'll have an opportunity to build relationships, to work together collaboratively, and to really like walk alongside each other on this wonderful journey and develop a skillset that's gonna serve you for life. [00:58:40] Cara: Yeah, I'm so excited for it and I just thank you coming for coming on here and giving us all your knowledge and wisdom I just can't wait to see what comes from this we'll chat soon. Thank you so much, Rosa, for [00:58:53] Rosa Hope: Yeah. Thank you, Cara. It was, it was my pleasure. Thank you so much. [00:58:56] Cara: Thank you so much for joining me this week. If this was your first time. [00:59:00] Welcome. And if you've joined me for previous episodes, thank you so much for coming back before you go. Could you share this episode with a friend or subscribe? If you haven't yet, those few seconds make a big impact on my channel and I'd be grateful for the support. [00:59:13] Cara: I absolutely loved this interview with Rosa. And she really brings the aspect of integration into these powerful tools that we pick up and add into our tool kits. [00:59:25] Cara: I'm sure you were as excited as I am. After listening to this episode, I hope you join us for the 60 day, whole life integration intensive. And if you're local to Raleigh, North Carolina, the soul journey hypnosis workshop, where we visit past lives and meet your guides. She has beautiful work and I hope you join us. [00:59:44] If you want to find out how to connect with her, check the show notes. And all the links mentioned will be Again, thank you so much for being here. I appreciate your support and we will chat soon.
Floductivity Podcast Episode

Are you ready to unlock your intuition and reach new heights of self-awareness and personal growth? 

Welcome to Floductivity, the show where we explore the intersection of self-development, spirituality, and self-care.

Each week, we bring you insightful interviews with experts in these fields, as well as solo episodes where we dive deep into topics like meditation, energy work, intuitive development, and how to bring wellness into your everyday life. Whether you're new to these practices or a seasoned pro, our podcast is the perfect place to elevate your intuition and connect with like-minded individuals.


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