Blog Unlock Your Path Empowerment Through a Spiritual Toolkit To Break Through Your Blocks with Abigail Eir



Embark on a transformative journey as we delve into the realms of spirituality, authenticity, and self-discovery. In Becoming Your Own Spiritual Guide: Embracing Authenticity in the Journey, we navigate the profound aspects of finding your true self. The path to self-discovery begins here.

Elevating Self-Care with Coffee: A Ritual of Grounding and Intention

For many, self-care is a treasured indulgence, a moment of solace amidst life's hustle and bustle. In this enlightening conversation, our hosts explore a unique self-care practice that's as indulgent as it is grounding—the morning coffee ritual. While wellness culture may occasionally cast doubts on coffee, Abigail and I see it differently. We share how our morning coffee is a sacred act, an intentional pause that grounds us in the present moment. It's a chance to reconnect with ourselves, set intentions, and embrace the day ahead. Join us as we dive into the transformative power of this simple yet profound self-care ritual and discover how it can infuse your life with a sense of groundedness and intentionality.

Becoming Your Own Spiritual Guide: Embracing Authenticity in the Journey

In the realm of spirituality, authenticity shines as a guiding light. In this illuminating conversation, we discover a profound truth—that you can be your own spiritual guru. It's a revelation rooted in the understanding that spiritual practices, beliefs, and rituals are deeply personal journeys. Instead of imposing our spiritual paths onto others, we emphasize the power of living authentically. Like a generator energy in Human Design, authenticity draws others in, inspiring them to inquire, “What are you doing, and how can I find my own way?” It's a philosophy that has led to abundant success for both of us, built on the foundation of being oneself and allowing others to find their unique paths. Join us as we explore the importance of being a mirror, a lighthouse, and an example for others to learn from while encouraging them to embrace and adapt spiritual practices to make them their own. In a world filled with rigid formulas, discover the freedom and empowerment of charting your unique spiritual journey.

Embracing the Summer of Self: A Journey from Struggle to Reconnection

The concept of a “summer of self” often conjures images of rejuvenation and inner exploration. However, for Abigail, it was a season of unexpected struggle and resistance. In this candid conversation, we share our transformative journey through a summer that challenged our very essence. Initially, the universe whispered the need to focus inward, but we found ourselves pushing against the tide, determined to maintain the status quo. It was a period marked by self-doubt, professional setbacks, and even contemplating leaving their business behind. As the pressure mounted, the realization dawned: we both needed a sabbatical. Enter the “summer sabbatical,” a time for reflection and reevaluation. It was during this hiatus that both of us rediscovered the power of living in alignment with our true self, guided by Human Design principles. We describe the process of slowly reclaiming their soul, one percent at a time, as we shifted back to a path that felt authentically aligned. Discover how surrendering to the call of self-discovery led to a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper appreciation for the journey ahead.

Navigating the Social Media Terrain: From Instagram Expectations to TikTok Authenticity

Our candid discussion sheds light on the often unspoken struggles of the online world. In a realm where many curate a facade of perfection, vulnerability can be a powerful force. We share our journey from Instagram to TikTok, highlighting the stark differences in these platforms' dynamics. On Instagram, there's often a sense of distance, with observers expecting constant output from content creators. It can feel like an unending cycle of giving without receiving. However, TikTok presented a refreshing change—a space that celebrated authenticity and quirkiness. Here, content creators are met with engagement and support, reinforcing the impact of their work. It's a reminder that sometimes, shifting to a new platform can not only rekindle creativity but also provide the validation and connection that one seeks. Our journey of self-discovery and platform migration serves as an empowering testament to embracing change in the digital age.

Exploring Self-Discovery: The Artist's Way & Accountability

In this engaging conversation, we share our profound journey of introspection and self-discovery. We both share our journey with “The Artist's Way,” a transformative 12-week soul-searching experience that delves deep into the realms of creativity and self-awareness. While embarking on this artistic odyssey, we emphasize the ebb and flow of self-exploration, acknowledging that it's not a linear path but a rich tapestry of insights.

We also uncover the value of accountability during this process, revealing that my accountability group, originally formed for business, unexpectedly brought “The Artist's Way” into my life. Together, they discuss the flexible nature of this introspective journey, stressing the importance of nourishing one's inner artist, even in small, everyday ways.

This conversation is an inspiring invitation to explore the depths of self-discovery and creativity, reaffirming that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to personal growth.

Unlock Your Path: Empowerment Through a Spiritual Toolkit To Break Through Your Blocks

In this segment, we delve into our cherished spiritual toolkit, a treasure trove of practices and insights that guide us through life's twists and turns. We emphasize the significance of embracing these tools not as mere party tricks but as profound resources for self-discovery and personal growth.

  1. Tarot: consider tarot a reflection of your inner world. The 78 cards represent universal human experiences and emotions. Whenever they are in emotional turmoil or need insight, turn to tarot to gain a fresh perspective and uncover hidden insights.
  2. Astrology: Seen as a weather forecast for life's energies, astrology provides insights into the current cosmic climate. It helps you understand why you might be feeling a certain way and what cosmic influences are at play.
  3. Human Design: Described as the deep dive of the toolkit, human design serves as an instruction manual for life. It helps you navigate your unique energy and understand how to make decisions in alignment with your design. The key lesson learned is the importance of mastering the basics, such as understanding one's authority and strategy, before delving into the complexity of the system.
  4. Gene Keys: Gene keys serve as a contemplative practice, helping gain fresh perspectives on life's challenges. Specific gene keys, which are linked to their Human Design chart, to explore different aspects of yourself and your life purpose.

We discuss the importance of building individualized toolkits that align with your personal needs and circumstances. These toolkits serve as valuable resources for staying aligned, grounded, and resilient in the face of life's uncertainties. Whether it's astrology, tarot, human design, or gene keys, the common thread is a commitment to self-discovery and intentional living.

Embracing the Shadow: A Crucial Step on Your Spiritual Journey

In the process of navigating life's challenges and seeking higher alignment, it's essential to embrace the shadows within us. Life isn't always about maintaining a constant high-vibration state; it's about acknowledging the full spectrum of emotions and experiences. Our spiritual toolkit, including practices like tarot, astrology, human design, and gene keys, helps us delve into the depths of our consciousness. Through these tools, we can better understand and work with our shadows, allowing us to process and transcend them. Rather than suppressing or avoiding negative emotions, we learn to sit with them, explore their origins, and use them as catalysts for personal growth and transformation. By embracing our shadows, we discover profound insights, uncover hidden potentials, and continue our journey toward authentic self-discovery and alignment.

Discovering the True Essence of Your Life Purpose

Regarding the often elusive concept of life purpose, it's essential to reframe our understanding. Rather than viewing it through a narrow lens of a singular career or mission, we can find purpose in the very act of being our authentic selves. Human beings are multifaceted, and so, too are our purposes in life. Embracing your unique Human Design, personal preferences, and innate desires can lead you to your true purpose – living a life aligned with your values and authentic self.

The conventional notion of success tied to a specific career path may limit your potential for fulfillment. Instead, focus on embracing your authentic beingness and expressing it genuinely in every aspect of your life. Purpose emerges not from external achievements but from the deep well of self-awareness and living in harmony with your true essence. So, ask not what your purpose is, but rather how you can authentically express yourself and find joy in the journey of becoming your most genuine self.

Getting Started with Tarot: A Beginner's Guide

If you're just stepping into the world of Tarot, it's essential to approach this mystical art with an open heart and a grounded perspective. Here's some valuable advice to help you kickstart your Tarot journey:

  1. Tarot Cards are Mirrors, Not Predictors: Remember that Tarot cards are like mirrors reflecting your inner world and emotions. They don't predict a fixed future but help you understand your current situation, emotions, and potential paths.
  2. Embrace Your Own Intuition: Trust your instincts and intuition. You are your best guide when interpreting Tarot cards. Allow your intuition to connect with the symbolism and energy of the cards. Your unique perspective is invaluable.

  3. Study the Cards: Take the time to study each Tarot card's symbolism, imagery, and meaning. Read Tarot guidebooks or online resources to deepen your understanding of the cards' traditional interpretations.

  4. Begin with Simple Spreads: Start with basic Tarot spreads, like the one-card draw or the three-card spread. These simple layouts provide valuable insights and are easy to interpret.

  5. Keep a Tarot Journal: Maintain a journal to record your Tarot readings, card interpretations, and your feelings during and after each reading. This helps you track your progress and build a personal connection with the cards.

  6. Develop a Ritual: Establish a Tarot ritual that puts you in a focused and meditative state. Lighting a candle, taking a few deep breaths, or saying a prayer can help you create a sacred space for your readings.

  7. Stay Open-Minded: Be open to different interpretations and perspectives. Don't be discouraged if your readings seem vague or don't make immediate sense. Trust that clarity will come with practice.

  8. Seek Guidance Sparingly: While it's okay to seek guidance from experienced Tarot readers, remember that you have the power to connect with your inner wisdom. Tarot readings should empower you, not create dependency.

  9. Practice Patience: Mastery in Tarot takes time. Don't rush the process. The more you work with the cards, the deeper your connection will become, and the more insightful your readings will be.

    Approach Tarot with a sense of curiosity and respect for its ancient wisdom. As you delve into this mystical realm, you'll discover that Tarot can be a valuable tool for self-reflection, personal growth, and intuitive development. Enjoy the journey of uncovering the profound insights that Tarot has to offer.

    Collective Tarot Reading: Embracing Authentic Expression

    In this collective Tarot reading, we uncover profound energies and guidance for the collective. These insights can be applied to various life situations. Let's explore what the cards reveal:

    Collective's Energy- The collective is experiencing a unique alignment and authentic expression. There's a sense of universal support when we embrace our true selves.

    Advice #1- A pivotal decision awaits. We're at a crossroads, facing a choice that could lead to significant changes.

    Advice #2- Be mindful of shame narratives that may hinder progress. Acceptance and moving forward are key.

    Advice #3- We're not fully embodying manifesting energies yet, but steps toward creating aligned lives are within reach.

    As we conclude our exploration into the world of spirituality and self-discovery, remember that embracing your shadow, uncovering your life's true essence, and embarking on a Tarot journey are all pivotal steps in your personal growth. Stay tuned for more insights into your transformative journey ahead.

    Guest Spotlight: Abigail

    Abigail Eir is an intuitive reader using the Tarot, Guide work, Human Design and Astrology to help her clients see through the fog and realign on their authentic path. 

    Connect with Abigail:

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Picture of Hi! I'm Cara

Hi! I'm Cara

You are designed with unique intuitive intelligence that can guide you into an extraordinary life, and my job is to help you uncover your power and live with greater ease and purpose.

NOTE: This podcast was transcribed by an AI tool. Please forgive any typos or errors. Cara and Abigail === [00:00:00] Abigail: I really was convinced I was going to give it all up and I need to figure out what those next steps are. And I was like, go back to your roots, Abigail. Go back to human design. What do you know about how you should be living in your design? [00:00:09] Cara: When I come across someone's energy that I know we will truly connect. That is the most gratifying thing I can do for this podcast. And you will see that in this interview, how much. Abigail. And I have in common, we talk about how we felt stuck and the tools that we use to get unstuck and how we come home to ourself. She dives into the taro and breaks it down for anyone that is wanting to understand it in a easier way. And of course, she ends this interview with a beautiful reading. Abigail is an intuitive reader using the tarot guide, work human design and astrology to help her clients see through the fog and realign with our authentic path. This was such a powerful interview and i can't wait to dive in [00:00:54] Cara: Welcome to floductivity. The podcast that guides you on a transformative journey towards [00:01:00] spiritual wisdom, self development and healing practices. All aimed at elevating your intuition and aligning you with your soul's purpose. I'm your host, Cara Dempsey. And I'm thrilled to have you joining me today as we learn together. [00:01:16] Cara: Hi Abigail, welcome to the show. [00:01:18] Abigail: Hi, thanks so much for having me. I'm so excited to be here. [00:01:21] Elevating Self-Care with Coffee: A Ritual of Grounding and Intention --- [00:01:21] Cara: I always love to dive in to the question of what are your favorite self care practices that other people would feel are indulgent? [00:01:31] Abigail: Oh my gosh. This is such a good question. All right. So also, I feel like it kind of goes against like wellness culture, but I am obsessed with coffee and my morning coffee is the most sacred act of my day. And I have this really fancy espresso machine my husband bought me and I get this nice milk and I get these good beans it is an indulgent moment, but it is also the most grounding moment of my day. [00:01:56] Abigail: And so when I take the time to do that and like I sit with my [00:02:00] coffee and I set intention and I I'm someone who. can be very quick to be ungrounded or like not embodied. And my coffee in the morning is like that sacred time for me to like come back to myself. I say it kind of like pushes against wellness culture because so many people don't think coffee is like good for you. [00:02:16] Abigail: And I'm like, it is the most holy thing in my life. Oh, those are so good. [00:02:18] Cara: I love that so much and I have the same ritual but very different. It was something that I revamped in my wellness world, like I started to get the whole bean, I wasn't getting the pre grounded, I became very intentional with the coffee that I was drinking, than just like... You know, popping the Keurig in. [00:02:37] Cara: I actually use a French press, but there is a coffee machine that I'm like, when the time is right, I might not use it every day, but it will definitely be that like luxurious step that I take the one thing that I've added to my coffee that in my mind is helping sprinkle that groundedness. [00:02:56] Cara: Cause I'm very much the same. Like I need grounding rituals [00:03:00] because I tend to like. get up here is I started adding, like a master mushroom blend, sprinkle it, but I French press. So that makes it different because it presses it all together. But that kind of helps me when I put it in there, that's like this is where I'm bringing like the wellness to it. but I also started adding nut pods into my coffee instead of, milk or like cream, because then I was like, okay, let's get away from the dairy in the morning. But like, that was a huge habit for me to break. It took a while, but I'm there now. [00:03:34] Abigail: Congrats. I also use nut pods. I love nut pods. They're so good. [00:03:37] Cara: I know it takes some time and certain flavors are better than the others. I honestly like the original for the creaminess. [00:03:45] Abigail: Mm hmm. [00:03:46] Cara: And then if I can add like a splash of one of the sweetened flavored ones, just like a tiny splash, I will do that. But like, Give me the original like that's what I want because the other ones get weird [00:03:57] Abigail: They do. And my, my little secret [00:04:00] is the toasted marshmallow. It's not a flavor I would ever pick, but the regular with a splash of the toasted marshmallow is incredible. [00:04:08] Cara: so good I felt like the there's so many things we got the same headphones Our coffee ritual I sit out on my back deck. I have like trees in my backyard. It is like my place I've made it my sacred place We'll see what happens when the weather starts to turn a little bit But it is it has become a thing that when I travel I forget When I don't have a space to drink my coffee outside, I'm like, Oh, this is so tough. [00:04:31] Abigail: Yeah, it hurts. It's hard. my husband will bring my coffee to like my bedroom if like we're staying with family because he knows it's so important for me to have my alone time with my coffee. And it's like, I totally understand that. And It's an important part of our day. So let's just keep it sacred. [00:04:46] Cara: It is. Does your husband drink coffee? [00:04:48] Abigail: yeah. I got him to drink coffee. I didn't like tell him he had to drink coffee, but he saw me drinking coffee all the time. And he's like, all right, well, I should try this, you know, and he's now like a fanatic like me. [00:04:57] Cara: OK. My husband does not. He only drinks [00:05:00] green tea. And I'm always like, you know, what would make it a beautiful day is if you made my coffee for me. And he's like, your process is so intense. I don't even know where to begin. And I'm like. True, true. You'll mess it up and then I'll just be mad that you wasted my [00:05:13] Abigail: exactly. [00:05:14] Cara: never mind. [00:05:15] Becoming Your Own Spiritual Guide: Embracing Authenticity in the Journey --- [00:05:15] Cara: I like how you said that just the idea of like, he saw you doing it. So then he started to do it. And I feel like that's a really important part of just the spiritual world is so many people want to put their beliefs or their rituals or their things on to other people. And a lot of times if we just Do our thing people are drawn to that. [00:05:35] Cara: It's kind of like the like generator energy of like If we're trying to initiate people like a manifester, it doesn't work, but like as a generator, people are like, what are you doing? I want some of that. [00:05:46] Abigail: It is where all of my successes come from is just being myself and then people being like, Oh, tell me more about that. I've had this phrase ever since I've started tarot reading, five or six years, seven years ago. Wow. Abigail. I don't want to be your [00:06:00] guru. And so even though I it's wonderful to see people like drawn to me and like my approach to things, I'm also like, but you, I'm going to turn around and be like, how do you make it your own? [00:06:08] Abigail: And like, that is like the most important thing. Let me be a mirror. Let me be an example. I sometimes called a lighthouse, something you can come to check out, but then. Take, walk away from this, sail away from this, and take it and make it your own. Because I think that's what true spiritual practice really is. [00:06:23] Abigail: Any time someone says this is the exact formula you have to use, run away. [00:06:27] Cara: I know. It's so triggering to me, and it's because I followed it, like the last three years, doing all the things in our business that people kept telling us that we should do. We're literally like leaking out our energy because we're not doing the things that are like lighting us up. with that like sacral response. [00:06:45] Cara: And you know, of course, anytime I have someone on, I like to look at their human design to see how much they are living in the design. And the fact that you are a four six profile, like, and what you just described, it's like, check. And so I [00:07:00] love just the idea of like, when you get lost in this world of like, what the heck you're supposed to do, come home to yourself. [00:07:08] Cara: And if you don't know how to do that, There's things like human design or astrology that you shouldn't live and die by, but you should like experiment with and see what feels good to you, right? Instead of doing all the things that we're supposed to be doing. And I know we've chatted about how we both kind of like. [00:07:25] Cara: retracted this summer to really come home to ourselves because there was so much influence from other people, like absorbing into what we should be doing in our business. [00:07:35] Embracing the Summer of Self: A Journey from Struggle to Reconnection --- [00:07:35] Cara: And so I would just like to know, what you got from the summer of self. [00:07:40] Abigail: What's so funny is this summer of self was a summer of self struggle. So I'll start with that. It was not one of those beautiful times where I was like, I'm going to pull away and I'm going to hermit mode and I'm going to take care of myself. I want to be doing these things and pushing against the energy of what actually is. [00:07:57] Abigail: So the energy that actually was, was like, you need to [00:08:00] retreat. And I was like, no. And I just kept being like, I'm going to make this, I'm going to do this. And everything kept falling flat. And I would put something out and then someone would like, say like, Hey, you made a big mistake on this, or this like fell apart over here, or you're not doing a good job with this. [00:08:13] Abigail: And it got to a point where I was like, I'm going to leave this business. I'm not meant to do this. I'm really bad at this. by the end of, I think like June, early July, I said, all right, I'm done. And it wasn't from a place that was like, I want to leave. Like, I want to pull back and just take time for myself. [00:08:27] Abigail: It really was like, I can't possibly do this anymore. In that I, went into I called it my summer sabbatical and people would DM me on Instagram and, but really it was me just like, it was more of a summer of like resetting. at that point where I just really decided, I was like, okay, like I'm going to, I need to figure out if I'm going to give up this whole business. [00:08:45] Abigail: Like I'm, I'm letting it go. I'm done. I'm, I really was convinced I was going to give it all up and I need to figure out what those next steps are. And I just was like, how am I going to do this? And I was like, go back to your roots, Abigail. Go back to human design. What do you know about how you should be living in your design? [00:08:58] Abigail: What's your authentic [00:09:00] design? Go contemplate the channels, go contemplate the channels, uh, the channels and, the centers. And really kind of lean back into how do I live, but with, by my authority, how do I live in like a really great, with my like true response, my emotional response, and my strategy. [00:09:15] Abigail: And in doing that, I have found so much freedom again. Like I just was like. You know, I kind of was just like threw my hands up and I was like, eff it, like July's done. August, I'm not, I don't care anymore. And I just got to like see life again. I said like to a friend recently, it felt like every single day I was pulling 1 percent of my soul back into my body. I just was slowly bringing back one little bit of my soul that had like left because I had entered flight or flight because I wasn't living in my design. I wasn't living from a place of like alignment. like this fall, I've really been able to take some time and be like, okay, this is actually what would be an alignment for me and I don't actually want to give up this business. [00:09:51] Abigail: I actually really love doing what I do. I just was approaching in the wrong way. I was sacrificing some of my boundaries and I was listening to too many people tell me how I should [00:10:00] do my business. Like you said. [00:10:01] Navigating the Social Media Terrain: From Instagram Expectations to TikTok Authenticity --- [00:10:01] Cara: Thank you so much for sharing that and being so vulnerable in your process, because I think a lot of times when we show up online, we're like, this is our perfect life. And honestly, that's why I like. have left Instagram and, like, come to TikTok. Someone said this. Instagram is these people that are, like, watching from afar. They're not interacting. They're not really, like, engaging with you. And then TikTok's like, Welcome to our quirkiness. Like, here we are. This is who I am. This is my authentic self. And I was like, oh, yeah. Like, it kind of feels a little mean girl, but like I don't know. [00:10:38] Cara: I don't know what it is. So [00:10:40] Abigail: I completely agree with that. I've never been able to be successful on Instagram. Because I've always felt and to your point where it feels like people just expect and want and need from you. Where TikTok are like, they celebrate you. And I love TikTok. I got on there and I was like instantly like getting some viral videos. [00:10:57] Abigail: I was like, oh, I'm like, this is my space. [00:11:00] Mm [00:11:00] Cara: it's reassuring like you're reassured that like what you're doing is actually helping people where it feels like you're being silently judged on Instagram of like, and I also feel like TikTok has more of that spirituality support and like, I'm not sure Instagram is there. [00:11:18] Abigail: hmm. [00:11:24] Cara: just it wasn't your choice. [00:11:26] Cara: just being aware of it and sharing that part like thank you so much because Yeah, like it's really hard, especially when you're in the space of like, Am I supposed to be going forward? And I can't tell you that, like, my whole retracting actually, that started for me in the fall, but I actually realized that I needed to do it in the summer. [00:11:48] Cara: So like, it took me that many months for me to actually fully embrace that and lean into it. [00:11:53] Exploring Self-Discovery: The Artist's Way & Accountability --- [00:11:53] Cara: And then I found some beautiful things to support me in that introspection period. [00:12:00] One, I started doing the artist [00:12:01] Abigail: Oh, [00:12:02] Cara: and I don't know if you've, you did? [00:12:04] Abigail: I did, too. [00:12:05] Cara: Okay, I'm on week [00:12:07] Abigail: Oh, you go. Amazing. [00:12:09] Cara: again. It came in right at the the right thing I will say a few people have said they stopped around week 9 Just keep going that is when your blocks and your fears and like all the things that are really stopping you like come forward. [00:12:23] Cara: And it's just very synchronistic. So anyone that is feeling blocked, please go do that. It's a book, but it's like a 12 week soul searching, you will find out so much about yourself and just know that like there's ebbs and flows of it, right? Like sometimes you're like, Whoa, this was so deep. And then other times you're like, I want more, I want more answers. [00:12:44] Cara: And that's just like our impatience coming through. So I love that you're doing that. Yay for you, I was like, I'm not an artist. Why would I ever do that? When people would bring it up, but like the more I dove into it and the more it kept popping up. So it came to me at the perfect time. [00:12:58] Cara: And then I was [00:13:00] also a part of this group called, the spiritual integration. Intensive. And so it was this group that we would just like ultimately have themes each week and we did journaling prompts, but it was so synchronistic how like all of us had very different lives, but like always dealing with the same. [00:13:20] Cara: things. having those things in the introspection time to help you come back home to yourself is also important. So I love that you're doing the artist way. How did it come to you? Like what was [00:13:32] Abigail: I've done it before. I did it, my, like, big spiritual awakening occurred when I was 26, and, I all of a sudden had this realization, a bunch of illusions were shattered in my life, I was like, ooh, I've been living with an eating disorder for, 18 years. Ooh, I've been like, like living in shame spirals for so many years. [00:13:49] Abigail: And it really then sent me on this path of like, well, how do I heal? How do I take care of myself? And I was living in Austin, Texas at the time. And this shop that I just was obsessed with, the shop owner had had the artist's way in there and [00:14:00] I was looking and she was like, I just did that. That's actually how I got to the path to open up my own store. [00:14:03] Abigail: I always wanted to own my own store. I was always terrified. I did this book and it helped me get through all the blocks to get there. And I was like, I'll do anything that's going to help me figure out who I am, what I'm supposed to do, what, how do I get rid of all these, like, really deep blocks within me. [00:14:17] Abigail: And so it was a profound thing, profound experience when I was 26 when I did it. And the summer when I, the Summer of self struggle. I was like, once I started getting kind of out of that, I was like, well, how do I now open up again? How do I come back to that center of like true inner knowing? [00:14:32] Abigail: And while I am a tarot reader and I love the tarot and I use it all the time, it's not always going to give you the depth of what you need. And so sometimes you have to do the, that deeper work and the artist's way provides you with so many tools and prompts in order to do that. [00:14:46] Cara: Yeah, I love that. Mine was, I had been taking my kids to the library. And I actually was like, I'm not getting any books this time. And the time before that, I said the same thing and then this one book just came to me. And again, it was [00:15:00] like the perfect book that I needed. And then someone was just talking about the artist's way and I walked in and I saw it. [00:15:05] Cara: I think the most synchronistic thing, I'm trying to take the word crazy out of my vocabulary. I feel like that is something blocking me. So the most synchronistic thing about seeing it there is once I got it, like, 12 people were on the wait list. So I don't know how I Got it. I ended up buying it because like you could only take it out for what a month. [00:15:26] Cara: And so I ultimately was like, this is something I will always have like I will have it in my life. this would actually be a great thing to do every summer. [00:15:33] Abigail: It really would be. I'd love to do it with a group of people too. I'd love like a weekly club where we'd, we'd meet. Yeah. [00:15:41] Cara: Let's do an Artist's Way Masterminds. Let's begin May next year. we'll put it up there. See what comes from that. Cause I would love that so [00:15:48] Abigail: It would be so great. And accountability, there's a lot of work to do with it. And I do encourage people whenever they, whenever I'm recommending it to a friend or something, I'm always like, hey, it says to do all these things every single day and [00:16:00] be pretty dogmatic about it. But like, know yourself. [00:16:02] Abigail: I'm not going to journal before I've had my coffee. We've already discussed how important coffee is in my life. In the book, she's like the first thing you do immediately upon waking. And I was like, I can't do that. That doesn't work for me. And so finding out your own little like formulas to help you get through it is important slash I think an accountability group would be great. [00:16:17] Cara: I love that you brought that up because I actually have an accountability group that I found in a business program and somehow like we all got put together. We're all very spiritual. [00:16:28] Abigail: Oh, [00:16:28] Cara: it just so happens totally not in that business realm. my accountability group brought it up. [00:16:34] Cara: And so I had heard, and I'm like, okay, you know, again, not really buying into it, but the one woman was like, don't take it so seriously, you know, like just make sure you take what you can. I will say, making sure you're taking time out to feed your artist and like, It could be a 10 minute walk outside, like it doesn't have to be a big thing. [00:16:54] Cara: That's what I was doing was I was making my artist date this like over the top thing. And then I was [00:17:00] like, I'm not going to be able to do that. Like I have two small kids, my time is limited. even last week where it was just kind of like, I'm going to devote this evening to myself, and I'm not going to be on TikTok, I'm not going to watch the crappy TV, like I'm just going to be with myself. [00:17:15] Cara: That's going to be my date. and it was great. Like I felt so nourishing to just say like, yes, it's so easy to like scroll and kind of mindlessly get out of our bodies. and the other thing is, is you're supposed to write three pages. I don't really write three pages. Yeah, I like today. I did a half a page. [00:17:34] Cara: I usually try to at least do one page I find when I only do a half a page or I like right now. I feel like it's unfinished I feel like it's there's something gonna happen today that like I'm gonna come back to it. Like that's the energy I got I'm like, I'm not gonna force it. [00:17:49] Cara: I'll come back to it later. So it might be this interview. [00:17:52] Abigail: Yeah. [00:17:52] Cara: what comes from it [00:17:53] Unlock Your Path: Empowerment Through a Spiritual Toolkit To Break Through Your Blocks --- [00:17:53] Cara: One of the questions I wanted to ask you what are some tools that have helped you to get unstuck. And [00:18:00] so we of course talked about the artist's way, I would love to know other things that really help you in that [00:18:04] Abigail: Oh, I could, get a PhD on this subject. This is like my favorite thing to talk about. I call it my spiritual toolkit and I even like think of like Dora the Explorer with her little backpack and I'm like, okay, what are my little tools in my backpack that helped me like journey this life, this human experience. [00:18:19] Abigail: So the first one that I was ever introduced to is actually astrology. I started reading astrology when I was 12 years old. I was obsessed with it. I'm a Capricorn. It made no sense to me. I'm not a super saver. I'm not like quiet and reserved. And then I got this book called, oh gosh, it's like sexology or something. [00:18:34] Abigail: It's breaks the signs down into masculine and feminine. And it was like, oh, the feminine Capricorn is much different. She's much more playful. she's maybe, spends her money more. I might not be as patient as like the Capricorn is often described. And I was like, okay, this actually is resonating. So I would read it and I would read it for my friends. And I got, had a lot of fun with that. But I, you know, while I was having fun with astrology and then later tarot, it wasn't until that, again, 26 years old, when things kind of blew up in my life where I started actually taking these tools [00:19:00] seriously, instead of just a thing that's like, Ooh, this is a fun little party trick. [00:19:03] Abigail: I'd be at bars and to be poem reading for people or it'd be telling them about other astrology sign. And I was like, that's fun, but how can I actually utilize these things? My spiritual toolkit right now is comprised of tarot, astrology, human design, and gene keys. [00:19:16] Abigail: And tarot is my reflection. It is the things that it's 78 cards of universal human experiences. So if I'm really caught up in my emotions or I'm really feeling things and I don't seem to have the words for it, I'll shuffle, pull a tarot card and I'll say, what does this reflect back to me? I'm pulling five of swords. [00:19:33] Abigail: Five of swords is this card where we are caught up in a loop. Of, previous stories we've had in our lives. We're like, okay, this hasn't worked out in the past. I've done this before. I've taken this risk before and it hasn't worked out in the past. So I'm not going to take this risk again. And so then we get stuck in the five of sword energy. [00:19:48] Abigail: We don't move forward because we think at the. Our past is going to dictate our future. And that lesson there will help me be like, okay, well, where am I not taking risks? Because I'm afraid I'm going to fail like I have in the past. And can I see that the future is [00:20:00] unwritten? Thank you, Natasha Bedingfield. [00:20:01] Abigail: And how can I move forward from that? So that's tarot. Then astrology, I kind of use it as the weather. I look at it and I'm like, okay, what, what are the energies I just should be aware of, astrology, like right now we, can like move through and see like, is there a mercury retrograde happening? [00:20:14] Abigail: What, what's the moon in, what sign are we in? And, you know, is there any really strong aspects happening? And in doing that, I can just be like, oh, maybe that's why I'm feeling this way. Oh, maybe that's why this is happening. I'm not going to say my life will look a certain way because this is happening. I say, Oh, here's some energy that is available to me. [00:20:32] Abigail: Like a mercury retrograde is a great example where it's a reviewing time. It's a time for us to go back and process and look at what has happened. And we get to say like, is this how I want to continue? Um, on this path. Have I crossed on my T's? Have I dotted all my I's? Do I just need to look this contract over one more time? [00:20:47] Abigail: How can I just be a little slower in my approach? I really love astrology for just being like, what's the weather? What's the energetic weather of the moment for me? Human design, the beefy boy. He is such a beefy boy. I [00:21:00] am always so intimidated to get people on human design because I know how intense it is, but I'm like, Hey, just look up. [00:21:06] Abigail: Your, your authority, look up your type, look up your strategy, live in that for an entire year. I know you want to go learn all about yourself. You've had the same experience, [00:21:16] Cara: Oh my gosh. I think that's it. I feel like I have to share this analogy because this is it because people are like, I want to know all the nitty gritty. And I'm like, okay, let me give you, feel free to steal this, but make sure my name's attached to it. No, I figured out an analogy to help break it down for people because everybody's like, I want to know all the things. [00:21:33] Cara: And I'm like, no, no, no. It's taken me years of learning human design. And then that last fall for me to come back to say, Oh my gosh, I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm not using the basics. If I'm not using the basics, the rest of it is not going to make sense. It's not going to feel resonant. So our human design is a lamp, okay? [00:21:52] Cara: For a lamp to work, it must be plugged in. Our inner authority is that plug, okay? We're not done yet. That [00:22:00] strategy, it's the switch. If you're not using your strategy right, the light will not work. If those two basic things are not in there, if you're not practiced using those, nothing else will work. That lamp will not work. [00:22:13] Cara: And I still think the not self theme and the signatures are really important. But I'm like, you have to get used to being able to plug that light in and turn that switch on before anything is lit up. And it is that energetic, like, like you were saying with astrology, it's all about energy, right? [00:22:29] Cara: And when we can light our human design up, I feel like that's like the true idea of manifestation, because the things you desire, that life you envision will come to you. [00:22:39] Abigail: It really [00:22:40] Cara: don't have to work hard. We don't have to work hard, right? Sorry, I didn't mean to [00:22:44] Abigail: know [00:22:45] Cara: but like, so much. I'm like, stop looking into it. [00:22:48] Cara: Like, practice the basics. [00:22:49] Abigail: a hundred percent. The basics are so, so incredibly important. And anytime that I find myself feeling frustrated, which is my not self theme, I need to go back and be like, well, how am I responding to things? [00:23:00] Am I responding to things? Am I trying to initiate things? Because I'm a generator. I'm a four or six generator with emotional authority. [00:23:06] Abigail: I think what changed my life with human design, the most profound thing that like shifted and made me believe in human design is finding out that I was emotional authority. Because I have got to take time before I make a decision. If you catch me on a good day, I'm going to say yes immediately. [00:23:21] Abigail: Then tomorrow I'm going to be like, why the hell did I say yes to that? And then eventually I'll even out and be like, well, I'm kind of at like an X percent of like yes or no. So I need to go through that roller coaster of emotion before I just commit to something. And When I started using that, when I was like, okay, I'm going to try it with this because I believe this about myself. And I started implementing it into my life. like a mentor is like, Hey, I'm opening up this program. Only have one spot left. I need to know if you want to be it. And I was like, I love you to death. Can you please give me three days? And she respected that. And I came out of it and I was an 80 percent yes, which emotional, authority, you're only ever going to be the most at 80%. [00:23:54] Abigail: If you ever think you're a hundred percent on something, you got a little bit more emotion to like feel through. And I was like, okay, I'm into [00:24:00] this. I'm going to sign up. And it was a. Program that changed my life, but I needed to go through that. Otherwise, I think I would have found myself resenting it or being like, how can I back out the next day? [00:24:08] Abigail: Or how can I do? You know, X, Y and Z to like, I never would have felt the confidence. And so human design when we work with energy, I truly think this is a little bit of a tangent. Like 300 years ago, we got obsessed with the mind. And then in the past century, we got obsessed with emotions and like psychology. [00:24:22] Abigail: And I think we're about to shift into a phase where we're going to get obsessed with energy because we starting to see that that is So profoundly important to us creating the lives that we want is that intentional, authentic expression of our energy and how we align with that is when things actually finally can align for us in our lives. [00:24:40] Abigail: human design, I think, is that vehicle or gives the language for people to understand how to do that. So coming back to like my spiritual toolkit, we have tarot that gives me these little moments of reflection and astrology that's giving me this energetic landscape. Design is really like the car that I'm driving. [00:24:56] Abigail: It's the motor of my life. It's like the instruction manual of like, Hey, [00:25:00] are you turning on the car? Are you actually listening to like how you're supposed to be moving in this world? And then the final one, gene keys, I won't spend too much time because I'm just kind of getting into it. Honestly, I'm just using as a contemplation practice. [00:25:12] Abigail: It's beautifully written, um, descriptions of these keys that are like are about your life purpose. And pretty intense. the descriptions are so gorgeous. I just feel like when I read them, I come back to myself. it's just a contemplative practice for me where I just read about, you know, either a key in my chart or if I'm working through something like greed is one that I've been reading about recently and about like, I want to expand my business. [00:25:36] Abigail: I'm reading about the greed. Gene key, and it's just helping me give a different perspective to these very human words that we have so much attached to, and it's almost dissolving and breaking apart those perceptions I have on those words to see it in a new light. [00:25:49] Cara: Yeah, I love how you broke that down. I actually have the book, but I have not dove into it too much. I'm not sure you can answer this for me, but like the numbers in [00:26:00] human design are correlated with the gene keys. So when you talk about that, you're diving into one specifically for you, Where in your human design chart are you looking for that? [00:26:10] Abigail: So there's three different pathways in the Gene Keys and they are all aligned to your human design. So Gene Keys is basically building on human design to tell you a little bit more about your energetic makeup in the sense of human design is like, how do things work? [00:26:24] Abigail: And then like Gene Keys is like, how do you want to express that? so my son, is 58 Gene Key. that's my like top one that's and in Jinkies, that's my brand. That's how people see me. That is like my outward facing persona is 58. And that is the gene key of, I think it's like joy and expression, of course, I don't remember it now in this moment, but everything in my life is really about being joyful. [00:26:45] Abigail: It is about being bliss. It's the city of bliss. I'm supposed to be of bliss, but then the shadow side of that. My 58th gene key is the shadow is dissatisfaction, the gift is vitality, and the city is bliss. So with gene keys, it kind of [00:27:00] gives you like, again, the expression of that energy you're working with. So if I'm out of alignment, if I'm not in the right expression, I'm going to be dissatisfied. [00:27:07] Abigail: if I want to get out of that, I need to then lean into the gift, which is vitality. And if I'm in like the ultimate, you know, dreaminess of this, if I've really expanded with this energy, really worked with what the book is talking about with these gifts and these, shadows I can enter in. [00:27:21] Abigail: The city, which is the bliss. prior to working with gene keys, I've had intuitive readers and you know, psychics. I'm like, what's my purpose? What's my purpose? And they're like, your purpose is joy. Your purpose is just to be joy. And then when I opened up gene keys and I saw that this was like my main gene key, I was like, okay, a little too on the nose, you guys. [00:27:41] Cara: Yeah, no, that's beautiful. that makes so much sense. And like, I have your chart and I'm looking at it now, but like, I've looked up these things of my own, but like the way that you've spoken about it really makes sense. So thank you for bringing that up. And I love everything in your toolkit. [00:27:56] Cara: I tell people, like, you have to build your toolkits. I use [00:28:00] all of those things, like, I have my spiritual toolkit, like, I have my spiritual practices, I am my most embodied self when I can tap into my spiritual toolkit, but I also have created toolkits around my cycle. [00:28:13] Cara: And I don't know if you've ever done that or if you've thought about that, but like, that's where I have learned about my energetic [00:28:21] Abigail: Okay. Hi. Uh, hmm. Mm [00:28:25] Cara: things that are going to support me in certain times. So whatever your toolkit looks like, you got to build it. [00:28:31] Cara: You got to have these things that you can know you can come back to if you're overwhelmed, if you need that reflection. And so yeah, thank you for sharing that. That's A really a big part of staying aligned with ourselves, right? [00:28:45] Abigail: And I just want to add that like, these are almost studies, and then you can express it in different ways. you can study using the tarot, you can then journal from that, you can meditate, you can use, like, those other typical, like, spiritual tools that we often talk about. [00:28:59] Embracing the Shadow: A Crucial Step on Your Spiritual Journey --- [00:28:59] Abigail: Like, [00:29:00] bringing those in with these practices is where you're going to find a lot more, like, not success, but I think you're going to get more out of it. [00:29:07] Cara: Well, you'll get, I think, get more into alignment. It will help you support you in the shadows because I think the thing about manifestation is like, and people are like, always high vibe. And I'm like, well, that's not. Tangible, like we're not going to always be high vibe. So what are the things that will help us get our vibration back up? [00:29:26] Cara: And sometimes it's being in that lower vibration and being able to reflect on it. Why is this coming up? Is this something that I need to learn from and persevere forward? Am I supposed to do something different with it? And yeah, it's having these like different things. you know, one of the things. [00:29:44] Cara: That has come up with human design. It's like, it's an experiment. You it's not like a rule book that you have to follow, but when you feel lost and we can both attest to this and are like self summer of just figuring out who the heck we are, what we [00:30:00] want. We both come back to our tools to say like, okay, we can do this. [00:30:04] Cara: We are meant to do this. We have confirmation that we're, we're meant to do this. But we had to like support ourself throughout. [00:30:11] Abigail: Mm hmm. 100%. And to kind of tap on the, the shadow stuff you were like mentioning, I actually just a Tik Tok that was about embracing our darkness. And I have been utilizing that. I've been using it in my day where I've been like finding myself frustrated with a friend and I'm like, Abigail, just like, don't be like, it's, you know, maybe you don't know anything. [00:30:30] Abigail: And I was like, no, embrace the darkness. And I'm just like, have a moment where I'm like, Really upset. And I'm like, Oh, I'm over it now. And I'm like, Oh, it's sometimes it's that simple. Sometimes we just need to realize that something just needs to be expressed through us. And it doesn't have to be this volatile expression. [00:30:44] Abigail: It can just be a quick thing that we need to acknowledge within. [00:30:46] Cara: I don't know if you've been seeing that shadow work journal on Tik TOK. There is, you know, like Tik TOK shop is all over my page. I don't know how to get it off, but it's doing its job because I bought the shadow work, um, [00:31:00] journal and I'll be honest with you. It will be a tool that I will always kind of come back to. [00:31:05] Cara: , what is the shadow in this and like allows you to kind of process through it Because I think that's it a lot of times. I'd be like my shadow is this I'm gonna tap myself out of it I'm gonna like try and get past it and like you said like sometimes you just need to be in it And then figure out how you need to process through it. [00:31:21] Cara: And so this journal has helped me be in it because I didn't know how to. And like, I don't know if you grew up in a time where it's just like, you're fine. [00:31:29] Abigail: Oh yeah. Two emotions are okay. Angry and Happy. That's like the only acceptable ones in my house. [00:31:35] Cara: Oh, angry wasn't though. Well, I mean, I guess it, I guess it was now that I think about it, it was acceptable for some people to have. Um, [00:31:43] Abigail: Exactly. [00:31:44] Cara: yeah. And I think that said, there's been some things that I've been doing with my kids. It's like, it's okay to be angry. It's okay to be angry. It's not okay to put that anger onto other people. It's something for you to internally figure out why you're angry, what you need to do about it, maybe where [00:32:00] you need to feel it in your body. [00:32:01] Cara: And it's these things that we were never really taught. And I know the generations before us were also never taught. you know, we're being called. like I brought up with your husband's coffee is we got to do the work and then other people, it will filter onto other people to say, wow, look at maybe how they were and look at where they're at now. [00:32:20] Cara: And it's not that we're not going to get triggered. It's not that we're not going to be sad or have these emotions. It's like we built the toolkits to be able to get ourselves. right side up with it and not be left like our regulation tools to be able to regulate ourself through that. And that's something that I've been learning how to do with myself for sure. [00:32:39] Abigail: Mm hmm. Yeah, I think shadow work has been some of the most profound work I've ever done with myself. And that was really, again, came back that 26th year, really getting into it. And sometimes I forget, I forget, I'm like, already, already conquered my shadows, already did that work. And it's like, Abigail, like it's a forever thing. [00:32:55] Abigail: There's always going to be things that pop up for you. And the summer was kind of a good reminder of that for [00:33:00] me. [00:33:00] Cara: Yeah, for sure. [00:33:01] Discovering the True Essence of Your Life Purpose --- [00:33:01] Cara: Something else that you said earlier was about like what's your life. purpose. [00:33:05] Cara: I have really been living in the idea of like when we operate as our authentic selves, like that is our purpose. Like we aren't meant to be like one thing. And especially like I am a manifesting generator. I am meant to do a million things. [00:33:19] Cara: but I think that was it. When I came across my human design to be like, Oh, I I'm not meant to do one thing. Like, I am meant to have all these pieces to the puzzle. I feel like when you get in alignment with how you should make decisions, what feels good to you, like, that's everybody's life purpose. [00:33:35] Cara: You know, you have free will if you want to do that or not. But I found in the spirituality space, that's the first question everybody asks like, what am I meant to do? [00:33:43] Abigail: 100 percent and as a intuitive reader, and I'm getting clients all the time that are like coming like, what's my purpose? And I'm like, All right, first thing, let's deconstruct what purpose is. You know, purpose from this like capitalist mindset that we've grown up with is like it has to be a job and your purpose will never be your job. [00:33:58] Abigail: your purpose might be [00:34:00] to have impact, but it's never going to say like your impact is going to be through this very specific channel. I've never had a reading where I'm like, Oh, you're meant to be a writer and you're going to write three great American novels. No, your, purpose is to find joy. [00:34:10] Abigail: Your purpose is to wander. , I had a client yesterday whose purpose was to wander in a beautiful way where they're just meant to explore and experience and be and learn by doing things. And I've had clients in the past where their purpose is to have impact within community and that can show up in a million different ways. [00:34:27] Abigail: And so I think giving ourselves a little bit more grace with our purpose, instead of thinking like, We're never going to be successful unless we're living a purposeful career. I think you're going to set yourself up for failure. Purpose really is to your point, living from a place of beingness, authentic beingness. [00:34:42] Abigail: Like, how do I want to show up each day comfortable with who I am and express that in a way that feels like I'm not saying it from a place of conditioned mindset or conditioned emotions. I'm really feeling things and letting it be expressed in like a healthy. [00:34:54] Cara: Yeah, I love that so much. it's just that overcomplication and it just makes me laugh because [00:35:00] my message is from multiple readers is I am meant to go do something without a purpose right now in my life and I'm like, what? My life is being productive, producing things, trying to like come up with solutions like that is. [00:35:16] Cara: And they're like, no, you gotta go find things that there's like no purpose to it. You're doing it out of pure enjoyment. And I'm like, okay, so like floating in water. That's it. That's mine. Just give me a raft. Let me float. Don't have too many people around me. I mean, we were in a pool over this weekend. I told my husband, I'm like, I just need five minutes without the kids jumping in. [00:35:37] Cara: can you guys go inside? I just need to like float and not worry that someone's going to jump on my head. [00:35:41] Abigail: Yes. I mean, that sounds lovely. [00:35:43] Getting Started with Tarot: A Beginner's Guide --- [00:35:43] Cara: if someone was to begin using Tarot, Like what would your advice to them? [00:35:49] Abigail: Okay. So the first thing I would say, one, there are 78 cards of universal human experiences. Like I mentioned, they're pieces of paper. And I like to say this because sometimes we, we show up to [00:36:00] these spiritual tools and we hold them in such reverence. We think that they're going to dictate our lives. [00:36:04] Abigail: We think that if we're going to pull the devil card or the death card, something bad is going to happen to us. And these are just, again, morals. they're just stories that are here to show you and reflect back to you yourself. And so if you're pulling the death card, it says, Hey, What do you need to let go of right now? [00:36:20] Abigail: What do you need to release right now? If you're pulling the devil card, it's saying like, Hey, where might you be in avoidance patterns? Where might you be, going into addictive behaviors that aren't really serving you? these cards are not here to dictate your future. [00:36:32] Abigail: They're here to help you get to know yourself. And so if you can approach them in that way, I think you're going to let yourself have A lot less anxiety around your tarot practice, and you're going to be able to get a lot more out of it. when I first started, I'd pull and I'd be like, Oh my God, like my life is going to fall apart and nothing would happen. [00:36:48] Abigail: And I would then turn away from the tarot for weeks because it would scare me. I don't want to see new tarot, readers do that, or, Tarot enthusiasts like fall into that same trap because it's a really beautiful [00:37:00] like, I just can't describe how much this can impact your life. If you approach it in a way like, how can I get to know myself better? [00:37:06] Abigail: What is the lesson I need to know right now? How can I see this situation with a little bit more clarity or in a different perspective? And you're going to then really open up to the magic of the tarot. [00:37:16] Cara: I love that there's a couple things that I see with Tarot. One, people are just so overwhelmed by it that they give all their power to readers. And I am a lover of reading, so I'm not discounting that at all. Like I use them, but it's also knowing that like you have free will and that If it doesn't resonate, that's okay, too. [00:37:36] Cara: And sometimes you might not be in alignment with that reader at that moment. It doesn't mean they're not gifted. I know sometimes I have a lot of guides protecting me. And I know sometimes that is what's blocking. Other readers from being able to read me and being okay with that and that we all can have this connected Intuition with these cards because they are such a [00:38:00] powerful thing and that I encourage people to find a reader that they like also use it for their own benefit. [00:38:06] Cara: Like I pull cards every day and the tarot does a little bit overwhelm me sometimes. So what I do, and this might resonate for readers, it may not, is I use a few different decks. I use Oracle [00:38:20] Abigail: I love [00:38:21] Cara: to get the main energy. that I am maybe going through, and then I ask Spirit to clarify how I can whatever I'm asking for, get through this block or, you know, help propel myself forward. [00:38:35] Cara: And then that's where I use the tarot of help me through that. Another thing that I've done with my tarot is there are decks that have the energy right on them. I used to have books that would help decipher that, and then I'd be going back and reading, and so it's helped me learn so much about the tarot having the energies right on it. [00:38:53] Cara: But it's like everything, those spiritual tools, dabbling in it, seeing what resonates with you, having it [00:39:00] there for you when you need it, and it's been such a beautiful Reflection of my life of what I need to hear. And it's probably why I love to talk is because I love to see the readings that come through and how much in alignment they are. [00:39:14] Cara: again, having the discernment of not everybody on there maybe has the best of intentions either. Like they may just be trying to get as many views as they can, not actually getting out the message. So like, what has been your. Lessons of readings on TikTok. [00:39:30] Abigail: we met over me doing a live, doing a reading. That was the second time I've never done it since then. I don't love them. So I did it because I was like, I was feeling like goofy, silly, and just wanting to get on there. I teach the tarot in TikTok. And so if you go to my page, I might say like, Hey, a lot of readings lately with clients. [00:39:47] Abigail: I'm seeing a theme, but I'm never going to say this reading is for you. If this landed on your for you page, blah, blah, blah. And like, those can be fun. Don't get me wrong. But I also know that they can cause people a lot of anxiety. and I, there's so many people out there doing that. So I like being [00:40:00] more of a, the lighthouse or an island that is like, if you want to learn tarot for yourself, come see me, I'm going to help you sharpen your intuition using the tarot. [00:40:08] Abigail: Cause that's, it's a great tool for sharpening your own intuition so that you can then rely on yourself to pull these cards. I once did a full moon spread where I said like, you know, everyone's on TikTok right now saying what this full moon means. One person told me I'm going to get abundance. One person told me it's going to be the hardest full moon of my life. [00:40:25] Abigail: And another person said that it's just going to be chill. And I was like, that's fine. Like everyone's entitled to share their ideas on TikTok and what they see in astrology because it is very self interpreted. or you can interpret it for yourself, but I'm like, what about for you? Instead of like listening to these other people and then being like, well, which one is it going to be? [00:40:41] Abigail: How about you pull tarot for yourself? And I created this little spread for people to do that. So when I, I've, you know, I did the two readings and honestly, like the one that we met on, like people were getting in fights in the comments. I was like, this is just a gnarly little space. Like, I don't need to deal with this. [00:40:55] Abigail: Like, I don't want this energy. And like, I just have so much [00:41:00] hesitancy with ever being anyone's guru or making them feel like I am the word of law and like the spiritual law that I want people to know that they always have. Discernment. They always have space to take what they need from it on their own. [00:41:13] Abigail: I think there's a little bit of a power trip that can happen with the tarot readers on TikTok. So I'd rather be a tarot teacher on there. If you do want to read it, if you do feel called to me, I do offer them, but then there's an energetic exchange. You pay for it. We're going to sit down. [00:41:26] Abigail: We're going to talk it through. We're going to have the space that it's really going to be actually for you. I'm going to call in your guides. And it's actually funny you bring up, sometimes I have guides that are like, you're not reading her. And I'm like, please guys. And I'm like, can you tell your guides to let me read for you? [00:41:39] Abigail: And then they're like, okay. [00:41:40] Cara: Well, thank you for saying that because that is my biggest pet peeve in the spirituality space is I personally believe anyone in spirituality should be giving people the tools for them to heighten their intuition so that they can make their decisions that they can empower themselves if they [00:42:00] need to rely on me for answers. [00:42:02] Cara: I'm not doing my job. They're not doing their job. If they're always coming back and relying them. So I love that. That is why you're using TikTok. Like you're empowering people to do that I love to pull my own cards. I love to pull cards for other people, but I also like to be read myself. [00:42:19] Cara: And sometimes. As being someone intuitive, I can have all this intuition for someone else, and sometimes my own shadows are in the way that I can't see what I'm not, what's blocking me, and so we do sometimes need someone to help shine a light on those, areas. [00:42:35] Abigail: Absolutely. And I don't want people to think after that little monologue I had that you should feel shame if you ever seek out spiritual advisors. I have spiritual advisors. I go and get readings all the time. I come from a place where when I am out of balance, I'm like, Oh, I'm seeking it out all the time. [00:42:50] Abigail: I'm looking on TikTok for it. I'm looking for people to tell me everything about myself. And that's almost a little bit of a red flag for myself. That's like, Ooh, Abigail, out of balance. Maybe you need to pull back and pull the tarot for [00:43:00] yourself now. Because you're looking at everyone else to tell you how you should be living when you need to work with it. [00:43:04] Abigail: But then there are times where I'm truly just like, I feel it's under the surface and I need someone else to just wipe away the dust for me, wipe away the fog for me, and give, like, bring that clarity forward. Because I can't seem to get it, or like, I need almost the validation, more so than anything. [00:43:18] Cara: Yeah, that's a great point, because I've found a lot of the times what's been blocking me on my own journey is that external looking for the answers outside of myself. a lot of times when I, when we were talking about the spiritual toolkits, a lot of the times before I look for that external validation, I have to go in my spiritual toolkit. [00:43:39] Cara: Do I pull cards? Do I journal? What am I going to do first? Make sure I don't have the answers. Or that I'm like searching too much that like there are people to call on. So it's, building that intuition with yourself. It's having that discernment and these toolkits, like they're meant to help you support yourself and whatever that looks like. [00:43:58] Abigail: Okay. Exactly. [00:43:59] Collective Tarot Reading: Embracing Authentic Expression --- [00:43:59] Cara: would [00:44:00] you love to give us a reading? whatever comes through, I'm always open to the channeler. [00:44:05] Abigail: Love it. I think I want to do a collective reading. I think this has been a very fascinating year for people. And so I think, no matter when you're listening to this, even if you're listening to this in 2024 or whatever it might be, know that again, tarot is, just offers you a moment to reflect and look within and see like what, how this could resonate with you. [00:44:25] Abigail: what I often offer clients is there's two ways to know if something's resonating with you. You can have an aha. You can have a moment like, aha, like that really like, Ooh, well there's something there. Or you could have an oh shit. And an oh shit is going to be. Oh man, like that hurt a little. I don't want to look at that. [00:44:41] Abigail: There's something there. And that's going, pointing to that shadow work that we were talking about earlier. If anything in this reading comes through as an aha or maybe an oh no, that's a little, that's a little indicator to look within, to listen a little bit deeper to that bit of advice and see how that might apply to you. [00:44:55] Abigail: Alright, so I'm shuffling my cards right now, and just in case you're wondering, there's no right way to [00:45:00] shuffle, find your own way to shuffle, that's one of my popular videos on TikTok, I like, kind of made fun of the fact that you have to have a perfect way, and I was like, no, I'm kidding guys, you don't have any perfect way to shuffle. Alright, feeling good. All right. So I just said an intention. What is it that we need to know right now? I'm pulling, oh, they want to pull four cards. we're going to do an advice spread. It seems beautiful. Oh, I love this. This is going to be a really beautiful reading. So I pulled four cards for us. And I call this my advice spread because it's just, it's three cards that give you advice. [00:45:30] Abigail: It's like, what do you need to know right now? What do you need to work through? What is something that's going to help you at this time? And then anchoring three cards is a fourth card. That is what is your energy right now? So like, what are you embodying? What is the energy of the collective that we're working through? [00:45:43] Abigail: Since this is a collective reading, what is the collective's energy? And then what is the advice available to us to help us through this time? And so the card that I got for the Collective's Energy is Eight of Wands. Eight of Wands is a bit of a mystical card, so I really love that we're getting this on this podcast. [00:45:58] Abigail: It's a card that [00:46:00] sometimes traditionally is known as like the Divine Gift card. It's these eight wands that are coming from the sky and they're coming down to you. And there's a lot of movement in this card. And so often people are like, divine timing, divine gift, divine alignment. [00:46:12] Abigail: And what I really love about this card and how I interpret this card is all eights are pivot point in the tarot. There are moment where we work through one through seven and we get to the eight and it's a huge pivot point where we start to actually get an alignment with the true gift of that suit. [00:46:28] Abigail: And the gift of the eight of wands is authentic expression of our energy. And so when we have the eight of wands, We finally get to this pivot point where like. Oh, when I'm actually aligned, when I'm actually expressing myself authentically, the wind is at my back. It's pushing me forward. [00:46:45] Abigail: I'm in alignment with this divine timing. Things start to flow more effortlessly to me. It's a moment where that light bulb kind of clicks for us, where we realize we don't have to push as hard and we can allow The natural energy of the world to help push us [00:47:00] forward. And so to see this card as our collective energy, I feel like as a collective, we're starting to understand this. [00:47:05] Abigail: We're starting to awaken to the fact that we really need to come back to, okay, if I'm living in my, truth, if I'm living in that beingness of myself, I'm going to find the right path for me. And then my right path will then help other people mirror back to other people their own right path. And we then can have this beautiful ripple effect out in the world. [00:47:26] Abigail: I almost, I'm getting chills like thinking about this cause this is like my hope for the world. Like if I were to have one hope or dream for the world, it's that we all start doing this more. We all start living more from a place of authentic expression of ourselves. And in doing so, we're then going to be able to. [00:47:40] Abigail: changed the earth in a profound way. So no big deal. Not big energy at all, everybody. that's all beautiful. That's all like wonderful, but like, how do we work with this then? And that's where the advice cards come in. What do we need to know to help us really embody this, to really step into this? [00:47:54] Abigail: And I love that we got this card. So our first advice card is the judgment card. And the judgment [00:48:00] card is a card where we are at a fork in the road. And one fork, one of the roads, is almost like a track loop. It's like a high school track loop, and it's a track loop because you've gone on that track before. [00:48:10] Abigail: You've done that circle before. It is well maintained, well oiled machine of, of existence for you. It is a decision you've made in the past. I used to work in corporate America, and I just kept taking the next right job that would pay me more money. And it was like, I was at a fork in the road. I'm like, okay, I could either. [00:48:26] Abigail: Stay on this path of just taking a new job that's going to pay me more money and like, I'm uncomfortable, but at least it's the discomfort that I know. The other path is like hidden in the woods and it's overgrown with brush and you don't know of anyone who's ever taken it, but you know in your heart of heart that that's the right path for you. [00:48:42] Abigail: It's this calling, this desire, this push to go towards something that you haven't done before that feels a little unsteady, a little scary, but you know, is a greater calling for you within yourself. And so when we pull the judgment card, it can, it's an invitation to look at what fork in the road are we at right [00:49:00] now? [00:49:00] Abigail: Where are we being asked? To decide if we want to go down the same old thing, one more lap, or do we want to go on a brand new path that might take us to something even bigger, grander, more exciting. But it's scary. And this can be little things, you guys. This doesn't have to be massive. This can be like how you wake up and spend your mornings. [00:49:17] Abigail: This can be your job. This is how you treat your friends. This is like an invitation that's being put out to you to maybe like, you know, run a fundraiser. You know, with a group of people. And you're like, Oh, I've never done that before. That sounds scary. But you're like, you know what? I'm going to try it. [00:49:31] Abigail: when we pull judgment card, I'm curious, ask yourself, sit with what sort of, forks in the road do you find yourself at? What decision point are you grappling with right now? And which one actually feels more aligned with your heart's calling with your, inner knowing your intuition. And can you maybe just take a couple steps down that path and just at least see what's happening there? [00:49:50] Abigail: Just a little bit, you know, because once you find yourself going down it, you might be like, Oh, maybe I can want to keep doing this. Okay. So what's going to be a blocker to this? And so even though this is an advice spread, [00:50:00] sometimes the cards talk to each other and this is one of those instances. So what's going to be a blocker for you for this decision point, for this Pivotal point in your life. [00:50:07] Abigail: And we got the five of cups, the five of cups. When I sum up a card in like one word, I would sum up the five of cups as shame. It's the shame card. When we have five of cups, the story here is there's a person, they have three cups that they spilled over. They cracked, they spilled all their contents out. [00:50:21] Abigail: They're broken. And then they have two cups next to them that are still upright. When you look at them, you can see that they're completely absorbed in shame. They're just staring at the three broken cups and like, I messed up. [00:50:31] Abigail: How could I do this? I'm so stupid. I'm so dumb. I'm the worst. When we pull the five of cups, it's a bit of a beacon that's saying, Hey, what shame stories are you spiraling out on right now? What shame stories are preventing you from taking the two thing, the two cups that you still have, the things that are still going well in your life and picking them up and moving forward. [00:50:51] Abigail: Because the five of Cups isn't saying like, you need to stay here and be in shame. It's saying, accept this. Accept the mistake that you've made, shadow [00:51:00] work, accept that there's parts of yourself that you don't love, that are scary, that frighten you, that are intense, that are so much. But when you look at them and you actually can work with them and you see them and you say, all right, I see you, I see that I made that mistake. [00:51:12] Abigail: I see that part of myself that makes me cringe and you say, I'm going to move forward anyways. I'm going to take this with me. You're going to then find that making that decision to go down that road, down that path less traveled will be easier to bring that along. You can't let shame block you from making decisions that you know in your heart are true. [00:51:30] Abigail: You have to then pick up the two cups that are still intact and move forward with your life. If eights are a pivot point. They're like, when we start to integrate the lessons, vibes are blockers. It's where we most often get stuck. so many of us get stuck in the shame stories that we then don't move forward in our lives. [00:51:46] Abigail: So, just be aware kids, if you're noticing some shame coming up, sit with it. Journal on it. Maybe get that Shadow Work Journal. That's on TikTok. Okay. So the final card we have here is the King of [00:52:00] Pentacles reversed. And so the King of Pentacles is the master manifester of the entire tarot deck. He is the father. [00:52:07] Abigail: He is able to create and make a life for himself that is so profound that it then has ripple effects out in the world. And he's able to take care of his community around himself. My big thing with the Pentacles. So the Pentacles is a suit that is all about action. It is about behavior. It's about changing our behavior to create the desired reality we want. [00:52:26] Abigail: The other three suits, the wands, the cups and the swords, the swords deal with mind. So it's an invisible realm. The mind, your own mental realm, the cups is emotional, another invisible realm. It's our own personal, internal, emotional landscape. And then energy. is the wands, which is again, another invisible realm. [00:52:43] Abigail: So you have these like invisible aspects of yourself that you're working with every single day, and you need to harness those and work with those, but then channel them through the pentacles, which is our behavior. We channel that intention, we channel the witnessing of our emotion, we channel the discernment of our mind. [00:52:58] Abigail: into our [00:53:00] behavior, and then we're able to create the desired reality. And so when we pull King of Pentacles, it's saying that this is available to us, you know, as a collective, as we're finding this alignment of the eight of wands, as we're starting to understand flow and authentic expression, and we start moving down the path with judgment of the path less traveled, the thing that actually lights us up, that aligns with us. [00:53:18] Abigail: And we really learned to accept and move on from our shame. We understand our shame is just part of. The game we then can then step into the king of pentacles energy. We can then really embody this manifesting energy formula power that all of us have. And so it being reverse is just saying we're not quite there yet as a collective. [00:53:36] Abigail: We're not quite living in that yet. We still have these other two big steps we need to do among other things. But in doing that, that's going to get us so much closer to that action. energy of being like, I'm going to create a life that actually is aligned for me. And in doing so, it's going to then have impact on the people around me in beautiful and profound ways. [00:53:56] Cara: Wow. Thank you so much. If I will [00:54:00] probably take a picture of the cards that I pulled before our call and like how in alignment with it, it is, it's synchronistic. I'll say [00:54:08] Abigail: I love that. [00:54:09] Cara: yeah, thank you. And I like, I know it was a collective reading, but like I felt that so on point and I just love, of course, that's why I have you on here, but I just love how you explain it You're saying like they're a piece of paper but like how you describe it like brings the story to life So thank you so much for bringing your gifts and I would love for the audience to find you How can they find you? What are your offerings? [00:54:34] Abigail: Okay. So my website is Abigail air and that's air with an E. It's the Scandinavian air E I R Abigail air. com. And it's also Abigail air on tick tock, Abigail air on Instagram. So it's the same everywhere. And I teach tarot on tick tock and Instagram. But if you ever want to work deeper with me, I offer readings on my site. [00:54:54] Abigail: My favorite reading is the gut check and I recommend everyone start there. The gut check is a recorded [00:55:00] like 15, 20 minute reading. I don't meet with you. And I think that's what's really fun about it is I don't meet with you, you just give me your name, your email, and then you can fill out a form if you want it to be on like something specific. [00:55:10] Abigail: If you're going through a relationship thing or if you just want a general reading, whatever it is. And then I just read for you and I send you this intuitive reading where I'm channeling for you. And then I also pull tarot cards. I love this because it's so shocking how accurate they are. And I'm always like surprised myself even, but I'm like, I'm like, this is my gift. [00:55:29] Abigail: Like open up to it. Like, they're so cool how I'll read for someone and they come back and they're like, Oh my God, this is exactly what I'm going through. And then if you ever want to do deeper work, I offer integration readings, which is zoom calls where we'd meet and we'd talk. and I'm actually going to be offering a new, business, consulting. [00:55:45] Abigail: So that's going to be where we're working together. I'm a generator and I've noticed in my summer of sadness, my summer of suffering, I love reading for people, but I also want to be doing more. And so I'm opening up business consulting sessions where you get to hire me as a generator and I get to help you [00:56:00] build something for your business. [00:56:01] Abigail: Like if you want a social media plan, like you and I can like tap in, we'll get in alignment, we'll get it. There's an intuitive aspect to it, of course, but then we're also going to sit down, we're going to make that thing for you. So I'm not just going to be like, Oh, these are your blocks because sometimes that's helpful, but sometimes you just need to get action and that's what that offering is for. [00:56:17] Abigail: So check out my site offering classes all the time to those change all the time though. So feel free to check that out and would love to work with any and all of you. Thanks guys. [00:56:26] Cara: Thank you so much for sharing all your information. I will make sure that is all in the show notes and I just appreciate you so much for coming on here with us today. [00:56:35] Abigail: Thank you so much for having me. It's been an absolute blast here. Anytime. [00:56:39] Cara: Awesome. [00:56:40] Abigail: Bye. [00:56:40] Cara: Thank you so much for joining me this week. If this was your first time. Welcome. And if you've joined me for previous episodes, thank you so much for coming back. Before you go, could you please leave my podcast, a five star review that helps build my audience and I'd be super grateful for the support. I absolutely loved connecting with [00:57:00] Abigail. As you can see through this interview, we had so many synchronicities of what we were going through in our life, and I feel like that's going to resonate with my audience. If you want to find out how to connect with Abigail, you can check the show notes and all the links mentioned. At thanks for being here and we'll chat soon
Floductivity Podcast Episode

Are you ready to unlock your intuition and reach new heights of self-awareness and personal growth? 

Welcome to Floductivity, the show where we explore the intersection of self-development, spirituality, and self-care.

Each week, we bring you insightful interviews with experts in these fields, as well as solo episodes where we dive deep into topics like meditation, energy work, intuitive development, and how to bring wellness into your everyday life. Whether you're new to these practices or a seasoned pro, our podcast is the perfect place to elevate your intuition and connect with like-minded individuals.


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