Using Your Human Design Strategy for Aligned Action

Using Your Human Design Strategy for Aligned Action blog



Have you ever wondered how understanding your unique energetic circuitry can act as your compass to love, success, fulfillment, and freedom? If so, you're in the right place. In this episode, we delve deep into the realm of your human design strategy and how you can harness it to manifest your deepest desires. I encourage you to absorb the insights shared here because comprehending not only your own strategy but also those of the people around you can lead to enhanced self-awareness and a deeper understanding of how others are wired. By leaving room for their unique ways of taking action, you open the door to a world of possibilities.

Generator Strategy: Wait to Respond

Patience and Understanding Your Inner Authority

As a generator, your strategy revolves around waiting to respond, and patience is your ally. Understanding your inner authority is key to fully embracing this strategy. You must feel an energetic connection and alignment with an opportunity before taking action. Initiating things isn't your forte; instead, it's all about waiting for the right opportunities to light up your energetic circuitry. For instance, when someone asks what you want for dinner, rather than struggling to decide on the spot, let options be presented to you. Listen to your inner gut feeling and respond accordingly. If none of the options particularly resonates with you, it's perfectly fine to let others decide. The same principle applies to bigger life decisions. Wait to respond, feel the alignment, and then act.

Manifesting Generator Strategy: Wait to Respond, then inform

Patience and the Power of Informing

Manifesting generators, you share the wait-to-respond aspect with generators, but you add a crucial step: informing. Like generators, patience is key. Wait for the right opportunity to energize you. However, once you feel that alignment, don't forget to inform those who might be affected by your actions. This step is vital because it prevents frustration and anger when others try to direct your energy differently. By keeping others in the loop, you ensure a smoother flow of your manifesting energy. Resist the urge to rush into action; waiting for the right timing is essential. Maintain patience as you observe and respond to opportunities, and always inform those around you.

Manifestor: Inform

Inform, To Avoid Interruption of Energy Flow

Manifestors, your strategy is simple but powerful: inform before you act. It's not about seeking permission; it's about letting the people around you know what you intend to do. This step is essential to maintain your energetic efficiency. You're a fast-moving initiator, and keeping others informed ensures they can either support your actions or step out of your way. Failure to inform can lead to frustration and disruptions in your energy flow. Trust that your power to initiate and create will thrive when you follow this strategy. Remember, it's not about control; it's about alignment and collaboration.

Projector: Wait for the Invitation

Embrace Waiting for Recognition

Projectors, your strategy is to wait for the invitation, and understanding this is key to avoiding bitterness and comparison. Waiting doesn't mean being left out; it means allowing the right opportunities to come to you. Your strengths shine when you're recognized and invited to share your wisdom. You can help orchestrate these invitations by connecting with like-minded individuals, joining activities you're passionate about, and clearly expressing your intentions. When invited, you step into your natural leadership role. Until then, let others take the lead, respecting the process. Use your intuition to discern if the invitations align with your energetic circuitry. Projectors are natural guides and coaches, bringing valuable insights to others. Trust your inner timing and prepare by resting, researching, and playing, so you become a magnet for the right opportunities.

Reflector: Wait 28 days

Harness the Power of Lunar Cycles

Reflectors, your strategy is unique and tied to lunar cycles. Wait for 28 days or a full moon cycle before making important decisions. Your connection with the moon's gates influences your energy. Discuss your decisions with family and friends during this waiting period, gaining different perspectives. Reflectors often struggle with consistency due to their open design, so gathering information and allowing time for reflection is crucial. Resist the urge to rush into decisions; this approach can reduce disappointment and lead to pleasant surprises. Reflectors have a resistant aura and are here to reflect energy back to others. Embrace your distinctive strategy and educate those around you about your decision-making process. Your rare design brings a unique perspective to the world.


Thank you for joining me on this transformative journey into the depths of your human design strategy. I'm Cara, your trusted guide on this path to unraveling the intricacies of your unique energetic makeup. As you continue to explore and implement the wisdom shared in this episode, may you find greater self-awareness and a profound connection to the strengths and potential that reside within you. Remember, your human design is your roadmap to living a more fulfilling and authentic life. Stay tuned for more empowering insights and transformative guidance on Floductivity.

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NOTE: This podcast was transcribed by an AI tool. Please forgive any typos or errors. strategy === [00:00:00] cara: Have you wondered how your energetic circuitry can be your compass to love success fulfillment. Freedom. Then you are in the right place. This episode is all about your human design strategy and how you can use it to attract the desires in your life. [00:00:17] cara: I encourage you to listen to all the strategies. In this episode. Because if you better understand the people around you in your home and work life, you better understand on how they are meant to take action. And when you do that, you have a better self-awareness. And you have a better idea of how other people are wired in this life and how their strengths can come shining through when you leave room for them to take action around how they are uniquely built. [00:00:47] cara: Welcome seekers of self-development and empowerment. My name is Cara and this is floductivity [00:00:54] cara: this is a transformative journey about how we dive into your human [00:01:00] design strategy. [00:01:01] cara: I'm your trusted guide to helping you unravel the intricacies of how you operate. And you can bring in a more fulfilling life. Welcome to my more comfy setup. I wanted you to feel like you were sitting here with me on your own personal human design session. [00:01:20] cara: This is a powerful episode and i can't wait to dive in [00:01:23] Intro --- [00:01:23] cara: Welcome to floductivity. The podcast that guides you on a transformative journey towards spiritual wisdom, self development and healing practices. All aimed at elevating your intuition and aligning you with your soul's purpose. I'm your host, Cara Dempsey. And I'm thrilled to have you joining me today as we learn together. [00:01:45] cara: Welcome to the episode of where we demystify your energetic alignment with the type in human design. Whether you're a manifestor manifesting generator, generator, reflector, or projector. [00:02:00] This episode is going to help you take aligned action to action towards your goals and cultivate this magnetic experience of your design type. [00:02:08] cara: Human design strategy. Isn't just a theory. It is a practical tool that will help you get in alignment with your life's purpose. [00:02:17] cara: Imagine taking action with confidence and clarity towards your goals in life. [00:02:23] cara: Picture your relationships flourishing in honoring how you both are energetically wired for taking action. [00:02:30] cara: By the end of this video, you will be armed with the knowledge. [00:02:34] cara: And understanding to leverage your human design strategy for a life full of blissful fulfillment. [00:02:42] cara: So, if you're ready to unlock the secrets of your human design strategy. And embark on a journey to success and happiness, like never before. Let's dive in. [00:02:52] [00:02:52] Generator Strategy: Wait to Respond --- [00:02:52] cara: First step we have the generator strategy. This is if your type is a generator in human [00:03:00] design. This does apply to the manifesting generator, but to dive more into that, stay tuned for the next breakdown of that strategy. So as a generator, you are meant to wait to respond. Patience and understanding your inner authority is key to the strategy. [00:03:19] cara: To use your design fully. You must feel like it's the right opportunity. For your energetic efficiency to light up for that endeavor. [00:03:28] cara: If not, you will deplete your energy. So what does that mean? [00:03:33] cara: so if someone asks you, what do you want for dinner? It may be hard for you to decide on the spot like that. [00:03:40] cara: So the best thing for you is to have different options presented to you. So for example, Would you like pizza for dinner? Would you like Mexican food for dinner? Would you like. Greek food for dinner. That way you can actually wait for response within your sacral. Even [00:04:00] if you're not a sacral authority, it's listening to that inner gut feeling that you have when someone presents you with these options. Now if I don't have a response to any of those options, it's not that important to me. And I don't need to be the one to make that decision. So I will let the other person know I'm open to whatever you want. You go ahead and decide. [00:04:22] cara: So if you're looking to get a life coach. And you are a generator going off in trying to find the right life coach. Isn't the way you operate. It is putting the intention. I would like a life coach to help navigate me through this journey and where I'm at in my life. [00:04:41] cara: Then you've put this clear intention of what you want and you wait to respond. Maybe this life coach comes up on YouTube. Maybe a friend refers you or talks about their own life coach. Then you have the opportunity to respond when this person, or [00:05:00] this idea comes up. It's up to you too. Go within and feel. What that feels like for you, if it's an yes or no . So the idea of a generator. We have this idea of that we're supposed to initiate things and we're not built that way as a generator. That's for a manifestor. So sit back and wait to respond to what should light you up in your energy. Because if you commit to something that isn't lighting you up in your energetic circuitry, You will be left, depleted and burnt out. Here's another example that might help you process this. I say you have a closet that is unorganized and it's bringing you frustration. That you're not self theme. [00:05:42] cara: So that would be you responding to that frustration of an unorganized closet. So the act of organizing the closet might not bring you that satisfaction. That's your signature. But the end result will bring you that satisfaction. So know [00:06:00] that not everything we're doing is going to create this ultimate satisfaction in the doing it. But hopefully the end result will bring you that satisfaction. You're looking for. So let's take this in simple steps. So to break down your strategy. You were waiting for something to respond to. Number two, you were envisioning what that looks like. While you're envisioning it. You are going to tap into your inner authority. And see what your sacral is telling you, whether that's your inner authority and not, is it an aha or a. If you have an emotional response, then it's up to you to go through that wave of emotion before you make a decision. From there, you either going to take action or decline, whatever this opportunity has been brought to you. [00:06:47] Manifesting Generator Strategy: Wait to Respond then inform --- [00:06:47] cara: Manifesting generator. Your strategy is to wait to respond then inform. So patience and understanding are key for your strategy. And to [00:07:00] use your design fully, it must feel like the right opportunity for you. That lights you up. Or it will deplete your energy, just like the generator. But after that, you must inform the people that may be affected by your actions. Now when you're informing. About your actions. It's for those people to either one step up to help you or move out of your way. Because you might be getting angry. If you're not informing the people, because they're trying to direct you in a different direction than what your intentions or your energy's going for. [00:07:34] cara: So this strategy is waiting for the things to come to you. You have to check in with your authority. Inform and then act. You have the ability to move. Quickly with your energy. By remaining patient and waiting for the next opportunity. [00:07:51] cara: You'll be able to respond more effectively with your energy. [00:07:55] cara: I can attest to this. I have this hustle inside of me, [00:08:00] where I feel like I need initiate and move forward and push through. And I've found that the more patients I have and I'm able to step back and wait to respond to the things. I have more clarity in what projects or endeavors I'm supposed to go after. When I'm trying to initiate, I'm not able to tap into my inner authority to see what really lights me up. Energetically. And so I've found that when I'm trying to initiate and push through, I'm repelling the beautiful opportunities that's meant for me. [00:08:30] cara: So when you see something that interests you, you want to act on it immediately, but you have to wait to respond, allow yourself the time to process the situation and figure out if it's something that you really want to pursue. Think of it as dipping your toe in the water. Before you go full force into something, seeing how it feels energetically in your body, because if you commit to something it's really hard for you to. Stop that endeavor. Because once you commit that [00:09:00] energy, you go full force. So making sure you dip your toe in before you actually move forward with this project, this inspiration that you have. [00:09:08] cara: So to break down your strategy, you want to wait for something to respond to just like the generator. Do you get a. Aha. Uh, Or not right now. [00:09:18] cara: Envision what that looks like. And while you're envisioning tap into your inner authority and see how that feels. [00:09:25] cara: Once you get a yes, then you inform those people around you so they can either step up and help you or move out of your way. [00:09:32] cara: When you get that inner authority, it's time to take action. Something that I've found in this manifesting generator strategy. Is I keep a list of the projects that I've started that have lit me up, but I've maybe lost the passion or the motivation with it. Because when I get that motivation to work on something, I have a list of all these projects at once lit me up. And I just put on pause because if I push through that energy, I'm going to [00:10:00] deplete my energetic circuitry. So have a place. I use asana, which is a task management site to keep track of all the beautiful creations that I've started. And I've just put on hold. It just means it's a not right now. And when I'm ready to use my energy efficiently. I have a list to choose from instead of having to start all over again. [00:10:20] cara: If you didn't check the generator strategy, go ahead and listen to that, because that does apply to you. The only difference is that you need to inform the people around you before you take action, [00:10:31] cara: if you're not informing the people around you, they could ultimately stop your energy and your flow of energy, and that could lead an anger or frustration. So making sure you inform the people around you on the actions you're taking is also a part of your strategy as a manifesting generator. [00:10:50] Manifestor: Inform --- [00:10:50] cara: Next up is the manifestor you were meant to inform before acting. Not to get permission, but that the people around [00:11:00] you that you may be affecting can either one step up to help you or move out of your way. Because if people are trying to direct your energy, you will get angry and them stopping your energetic efficiency. [00:11:13] cara: As a manifestor you're fast moving. You are meant to initiate light the fire under the people around you. [00:11:20] cara: So many people think they're meant to initiate, but you are the only one that is meant to use this manifesting energy. [00:11:29] cara: So by informing other people of your plans that keeps your energetic efficiency going and the things that you're trying to initiate. [00:11:38] cara: So it's really important for you to have that communication with the people around you, whether it's home or your work life. It might take a little time upfront, but it's going to let you not get angry when someone is trying to cut off that energy. Flow that you are creating with your initiation. [00:11:55] cara: So to break it down for you. when you get this idea of initiating [00:12:00] something that you need to inform the people around you before acting. One, so they can step up and help you or move out of your way. [00:12:08] cara: You have the ability to create your reality with thoughts, feelings, and actions. [00:12:13] cara: Because you're connected to source energy. You have the ability to impact those around you? [00:12:19] cara: By letting those people around, you know, in your energetic field. What you're thinking, what you're feeling. You can avoid that anger and find peace in the actions that you're taking. [00:12:32] cara: So while it's tempting to take action right away. [00:12:36] cara: It's essential for you to wait for your own sense of timing. [00:12:40] cara: So trust everything will happen in perfect timing and let go of the need to control the situation. [00:12:48] cara: So it's all about being in alignment. [00:12:50] cara: So when you live in alignment in that energetic efficiency, Manifesting becomes effortless. [00:12:56] cara: So trust your intuition in this process. [00:12:59] Projector: Wait for the invitation --- [00:12:59] cara: [00:13:00] Projectors my dear projectors. Your strategy is to wait to be invited. If you don't, that can lead to bitterness, jealousy comparison. It's a really hard one for projectors to understand, but once they realize that they are meant to be invited in. They're not feeling left out. Because when they're pushing through, they ultimately repel away their wisdom. [00:13:27] cara: Your strategy is to wait for the invitation to feel success and avoid that betterness. So to best utilize your strengths, wait to be recognized. Or asked to share your wisdom to be fully appreciated. [00:13:41] cara: Projectors can help orchestrate the invitations they received by your surrounding themselves with like minded individuals. Participating in groups and activities. They're passionate about. And being vocal about what they're looking for. [00:13:57] cara: When a projector is [00:14:00] invited into a situation, [00:14:01] cara: they can step into their natural role as a leader or expert. [00:14:05] cara: Until then it is essential for you as a projector to respect the process And allow others to take the lead. [00:14:12] cara: So as a projector, it's important for you to create the foundations and the support around you to help. Navigate your energy so that you're not feeling depleted or resentful of all the things that you need to do. [00:14:27] cara: This also means that you need to tap into your intuition To see if that these things that you're being invited into are really meant for you, Just because you're invited doesn't mean it's fully something for your energetic circuitry. [00:14:41] cara: You were meant to be successful, but when you were recognized for the. Value that you could bring to others. [00:14:48] cara: The good news is, is projectors have a built-in radar for the people and the projects and the resources that you're meant to cultivate. [00:14:56] cara: Projectors are beautiful guides and coaches for people [00:15:00] in this world, There is a need for projectors to help people in their guidance and what they're trying to cultivate, because you can uniquely see and reflect back to people where they need to heal and where they need to tap into to create the life, that they're trying to go for. [00:15:16] cara: When the invitation and the recognition comes. It's the right timing, as long as it feels good with your intuition. [00:15:23] cara: While you're waiting. Rest to rejuvenate your spirit. Research so that you can master your skills. Play to wake up your soul. Then you will become a magnet for the things that you want. Remember, it's about showing people. Not telling people. So the more that you show people, your unique gifts, that's planting the seeds for them to come to you and you be the guide for them in your life. [00:15:52] Reflector: Wait 28 days --- [00:15:52] cara: My rear reflector, you have such a unique strategy and what you're meant to cultivate. You have this [00:16:00] cosmic connection with the moon and that's waiting 28 days a full moon cycle. Before you make a decision to go through the idea of what it feels like for this decision. Plan it out. See what that feels like. Maybe do it a little bit. See what that feels like, reflect on how that made you feel and then make a decision accordingly. Because of your open design, you are significantly. influenced by the energetic gates of the moon phases. [00:16:29] cara: Surround yourself with good family and friends and talk about your decisions Then wait 29 days before you make that decision. [00:16:38] cara: So reflectors are meant to have difficulty in finding consistency. In human design, white means inconsistency. And colored in means consistent. And so since reflectors have such an open design, it is hard for them to feel like they're consistent in what they're doing. That is how your [00:17:00] designs. It is. Okay. You are unique and beautiful and you are beautiful. Reflectors of what people need to heal. You can cultivate. Great change in this world with your unique design. [00:17:11] cara: So as a reflector, you want to make sure you have all the information before you make an important decision. [00:17:17] cara: When you lead your life this way, it can lead to less disappointment. And more surprise. [00:17:24] cara: Reflectors have a resistant aura. an important lesson of a reflector is to reflect the energy back to the person versus using it to identify their own problems. [00:17:37] cara: Reflectors are usually misunderstood because it takes them so long to come to a conclusion of their decision. So, if you know where a reflector in your life, please take this information and understand. That is natural for them to go through this process of making a decision. [00:17:55] cara: So leave that time to reflect, get very clear on what [00:18:00] you truly want to cultivate before making your decision. [00:18:03] cara: You may find it helpful to talk it out with family and friends. [00:18:07] cara: So knowing you're a reflector, knowing this is your strategy. This can be so empowering to not. Put yourself down for not being like the other designs. You're truly rare. And you were meant to cultivate change in this life and anyone that has a reflector in their life. Ultimately, they are such a beautiful gift. [00:18:28] \ [00:18:28] cara: So I hope you're leaving this episode, understanding your strategy a bit better, but not only that you're empowering the people around you to use their strategy and leave room for them to test it out. Experiment with it and see how it feels. [00:18:43] cara: . If you want to learn more, check the show notes and all the links [email protected] slash 89. You'll find a link to my free interactive human design workbook. To help you decode your human design. So it does not feel overwhelming. There's countless [00:19:00] resources to help guide you. And understanding your unique human design. [00:19:04] cara: As we wrap up this episode, remember that leaving a five-star review, subscribing or sharing this content. You're not only supporting my podcast. You're actively contributing to the flow of the seven universal laws. Together. We are creating a vibrant. Flowing stream of wisdom. And positivity. So keep riding that cosmic current. [00:19:25] cara: Keep sharing the love. [00:19:27] cara: And until our next rendezvous. Stay true to your unique flow. See you in the next adventure. We'll chat soon. [00:19:36] .
Floductivity Podcast Episode

Are you ready to unlock your intuition and reach new heights of self-awareness and personal growth? 

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Each week, we bring you insightful interviews with experts in these fields, as well as solo episodes where we dive deep into topics like meditation, energy work, intuitive development, and how to bring wellness into your everyday life. Whether you're new to these practices or a seasoned pro, our podcast is the perfect place to elevate your intuition and connect with like-minded individuals.


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