In this episode, we talk about self-care, or “sacred,” as Cynthia calls it. Taking time to do something for yourself, even if it is only five minutes, can positively manage our energy. When we take this time, it can heal us. Also, taking time to raise our vibration just by using a candle or essential oils can make a big difference.

Cynthia is passionate about helping facilitate people heal themselves by introducing the tools, so they know how to work with them. 

In a healing journey, the individual's hard work has to be done by them, and she has found she has the gifts to support people through their journey. 

Most healers/workers find ways to heal themselves first and then bring them to those willing to try it out for their journey. It helps understand someone else's perspective to know they aren't alone in their wellness journey. 

We dive into how we can balance our energy centers within the chakra system and the human design system to help raise our vibration. 

It is also best to see what speaks intuitively to you on how to meditate and know that will shift over time. 

She breaks down the chakra and the human design energy centers.

Chakra centers:


Third Eye



Solar Plexus



Human Design Centers: 






Ego (heart)


Solar plexus (emotional)


We break down different ways we can connect with our intuition.

Oracle Readings

Zen Den (free offering)

Moving our bodies

Emotion coding can remove blocks

Chakra Alchemy (free offering)

Cynthia breaks down why following your human design can create a life of more ease.

 She suggests focusing on the three main points to master in your human design chart to make more aligned choices in your life. Then, once you handle those three areas, you can layer the other aspects into your life. 

Here are some important aspects of Human Design:

Type (not-self theme)

Generator (frustrated when not living your design)

Manifestor (angry when you are not living your design) 

Manifesting Generator ( frustrated/angry when you are not living your design)

Projector (bitterness when are not living your design)

Reflector (disappointed when you are not living your design)

Strategy (how opportunities come to you):

Inform (Manifestors)

Trust your gut (Generators & Manifesting Generators)

Wait for the invitation (Projectors)

Lunar cycle (Reflector)

We dive into how we can use our Human Design to find the right self-care or sacred practices.

When you feel your not-self theme, find self-care around your design.

Manifestors: find a hobby where you can express your unique vision, solo sleep dates, clear your energy field

Generators: move your body, find something that feels good in your soul, luxurious rest

Manifesting Generators: Move your body, be playful without restrictions, try and taste of something without the full commitments

Projectors: Something that makes you feel accomplished, things in short bursts, nature, low-key adventures, allowing the rest as needed, lighter eating, live & raw foods

Reflectors: Journaling, like moon journals, your own private space, A spa that you’ve curated or feels good to you.

We talk about our experiences with human design and how it has been the ultimate tool for connecting to our intuition. If that isn’t something for you right now, Cynthia suggests getting into a quiet space to help connect to your intuition.

Cynthia has a new offering to help bring Human Design into the business side. She will break down what type of career you may work well in or may not work well in. It is meant to use your strengths and how you may need to bring in someone to partner with, depending on your design.

If you want to learn more, find the links below to connect with Cynthia.

Guest Spotlight: Cynthia

Cynthia is the founder of Intuitive Essentials. She is a highly empathic intuitive guide and energy worker with a wealth of wellness solutions and business tools to assist you in tuning your frequency, raising your vibration, and better understanding your divine design – all to empower you on your unique journey.

Connect with Cynthia:

Work with Cynthia

Episode Resources


NOTE: This podcast was transcribed by an AI tool. Please forgive any typos or errors. Interview With Cynthia Davidson Cara: [00:00:00] Welcome to Floductivity, a place to inspire and empower women to embrace self-love and self-development for the perfect balance of productivity. I'm your host, Cara Dempsey. And I share ways to connect to your intuition through self care cycle planning, spirituality, wellness, and everything in between. Thank you so much for joining me this week. If this is your first time. Welcome. And if you've been with me here before, thank you so much for coming back. I'm so excited to join you in this journey. As we learn together. I am so excited to welcome Cynthia founder of intuitive essentials. She is a highly empathetic, intuitive guide and energy worker with a wealth of wellness solutions and business tools to assist you in tuning into your frequency, raising your [00:01:00] vibration and better understanding your divine design, all to empower you on your unique journey. Welcome to the show, Cynthia. Cynthia Davidson: Thank you. Thank you so much for having. Cara: I'm so excited to get started. I have fallen in love with human design. I know that something that you're passionate about, and I know we're going to dive into that deeper. I know that. , working with emotions and your chakras is something that you're passionate about. And so I'm so excited to teach our listeners more about that kind of stuff. But before we get started, I would love to know some self care practices that are non-negotiable for you. Cynthia Davidson: absolutely. So I call self care sacred. , I encourage folks that I work with to do something for themselves. Five minutes if at a minimum, every single day. And the reason I believe this is important is because we can manage our own energy and, managing our energy. We can heal ourselves. So self care feeds into that. [00:02:00] There's different ways of using self-care to raise and lower your vibration. So for me, well, I don't have a set routine that I use on a daily basis. Because I do better just kind of going with the flow and what feels really good intuitively to me. But what I'll often do is find something that will help raise my vibration lately. It's been candles. And so I have a friend, she has candle company and I've purchased like 14 candles in the last run. And I do them based on whatever my mood is. And so if there's a new moon, I'll often do that for helping with a new moon intentions. , we have. Going right now. wealth is another one that's in there. So candles and those fragrances, as long as they're pure can help in raising your vibration. Another quick hit that I do though, as, essential oils. And again, I just make sure that they're pure ones. There are a couple of companies that you. can contact me if you're curious about that are my go-to shoes, but you want the higher vibe oils, because those will quickly raise your vibrations. Even [00:03:00] if you just open the bottle and stiff it. But those are like rose. And frankincense is my go-to. So those are the things that I do, like a really fast thing. But the main thing is making sure that you are doing something for yourself in order to raise your vibration. Every single day helps to get rid of some of that low vibe. Cara: I love that so much. I am a big scent person. I have two candles lit at the moment. I would actually have my diffuser on, but the sound can mess with recording. So I had to leave that one off for my oils I would love to. Put your friends, a candle company in the show notes because I love helping other entrepreneurs out there and I love candles. And I find that finding ones with the high quality ingredients can be kind of tough. So it's nice to know that, have someone that you recommend. Cynthia Davidson: Oh, thank you. That'd be amazing. Cara: And I think that's kind of good point to say five minutes, you know, I think sometimes people think. Self care has to be this long practice. And if we can just spend five minutes on focusing on ourself [00:04:00] and raising that higher vibration, I think most of us would maybe not take our bad energy and omit it onto other people. If we had that time to recap. Cynthia Davidson: oh, absolutely. Yeah, And five minutes is doable. Like in sir, if you start thinking about it in those smaller increments, you're like, oh yeah, I can take a pause, hit a beat for five minutes, even if I have all the things going on. , and then over time, if you feel like you need more, you can go ahead and go. Cara: Yeah, I'd love that. And sometimes, you know, I would think like I have to meditate for 20 minutes and I actually do a little bit better when I can break it up and do five minutes here and five minutes there and just reset myself. So that's great. I like that reminder. Cynthia Davidson: Absolutely. Cara: I know that there is a misconception that all healers are born, knowing what they are meant to do to help others. I would love to hear your personal story on how you began as. Cynthia Davidson: absolutely. And you know, I know people will call what I do healing and I did for a while. Often now I just say a worker because what I like to do is facilitate folks healing.[00:05:00] Being able to introduce tools to them so they know what they can do. And I know that would probably put me out of business, but I think it's so important for folks to know that they don't need to lean on someone else for their healing, that their journey is theirs. It's their unique one. And much of the hard work has to be done by them, but there are so many different tools and ways that people can help you along in that journey. But I discovered that I had these gifts to help people in their. It was only about 10 years or so ago when I had my first awakening, I was in a really bad marriage. , we were going on different paths. I decided to leave and that's when everything started to change, I started focusing much more on myself. I became a personal trainer. That was the first time I was supporting people in a different way. I was very overweight. And so I was helping myself that way. So I decided I wanted to give back. And so I was training people. Slowly over time. I started discovering these other ways, these tools to help myself [00:06:00] and other people started asking, well, what are you doing? You're doing so amazing. You seem so upbeat and like, oh, well I can start sharing these things with people. It has only been in the past two years that. Found ways outlets to share. I was in the corporate world for over 30 years, but in the past too, I'm like, I really need to find a way to continue to give back support others. That's when I found it intuitive, essential essentials in the beginning of 2020, and then, you know, the things that are happening in the world, but it's been interesting. People have needed these tools more than ever now. So it's given me an opportunity to support even more. Cara: Yeah, I love that so much. I just got the chills when you were saying that, like you want to give people the tools so they can do it themselves. That's so empowering. And I love that messaging and I don't think you'll go out of business with that because I think people will be attracted to, you know, that and sharing. You with their friends. I think that's, that's really important that you, you feel that way. And I love, just the energy [00:07:00] omit of when you're healing people. I've worked with you a few times and I just love what you bring. Cynthia Davidson: Thank you. I appreciate that. Cara: you're welcome. I found too, I know you said you became a trainer, because it was something that you needed yourself and I've found that most. Healers workers, tend to help themselves before they help others. And they share what they've learned along the way. So that's so. Cynthia Davidson: I found that it's much more impactful, at least in my experience, if I've gone through. Whatever it is that I'm trying to share with others in ways I'm surprised to support others, because I, I have that unique perspective of having gone through it myself. Now, we all experienced the thing in a different way, but at least I know some of the ins and outs of it from my perspective, I'm constantly as I'm introduced to something else, like my current wellness journey that I've been on, there's that many more tools that I can then share and support other people with. so. I personally believe it's very important to have experienced it, to be able to speak authoritatively to it in order to help others. Cara: Yeah. And it brings that level of compassion [00:08:00] too. You know, you have that compassion for them that they're going through and they can relate to that. that's powerful. Cynthia Davidson: Absolutely. Cara: What are some tools you've implemented in your life that can help connect with your intuition? Cynthia Davidson: oh, yes. So I love this. I. Just by the way I'm designed. I'm a very open person, lots of open energy for myself, which lends itself to me being quite intuitive. And then there are other places in my human design, which we'll probably talk about a little bit more that, just show I have a gift of intuition and being an empath, feeling empath, specifically. But what I found in there are times when we're just low vibing, you know, we have a lower expressions of our energy. Even if those centers are open, we can be connecting with other people's low vibe energy. So in order to get away from that, some of the ways that I've found helpful for myself, one is. I'm not huge on meditation, but guided meditation supports me. And I need to either be walking or listening to music at the same time. I want it's [00:09:00] different, but, you can balance your energy centers, your human design centers. the nine of them using a meditation. Quick easy. You can get this done in less than 10 minutes just by going through each one of the centers and speaking to what's there, I'm actually thinking about going ahead and developing something for folks so they can just go and download it and go through them. But, each center has a, something that. And so you just speak a affirmation. What most people call, I call them declarations about that center to help balance it and bring you back to a higher vibe and expression of that energy. So that's one of my go tos. I also though when I'm feeling like I have lost connection with myself and my intuition, I will, just kind of sit quiet. Now some people, the quiet doesn't work. And so it really depends on how you're designed, but for me, sitting quiet with myself away from all the hustle, the bustle and noise, all the electronics helps me ground and come back to myself, for you, if you don't mind me sharing a little bit, you'd mentioned that you were a scent person. Well, that's [00:10:00] because you're strongest. Smell. So to ground yourself and come back to your intuition? And your sense of knowing smell is going to be super important for. Cara: Oh, wow. I never thought about it that way, but someone had said something, I'm sure on a video a while back and they said like light the candles, do the things. And so I've been trying to implement that more because , I do love smelling good things. That's a great little tool. Thank you. Talking about meditation. I like that you say that you like to walk and you like to have music. I think finding that practice that works for you is huge. it took me a long time to be able to have my minds get quiet, to be able to meditate. And it took a lot of practice and sometimes I need music and sometimes I need someone telling me what do, and sometimes I need that quiet. Cynthia Davidson: Exactly. I think it's so important for people to realize you don't have to do things the way that everyone else is doing it, or the way someone says you must do it this way. There's never a must. It's never a cookie cutter. It's not the same for everyone. We're all wired. [00:11:00] Differently. So when you find something that feels good to you, that sits well in your gut, that intuitively you know, is right. That's what you go with. And the important thing is it's going to shift over time as you progress in your journey, it's not going to be the same. So that's why like having multiple tools so I can swap them in and out as I need to. Yes, I am the same. I do change my self care the way I connect with myself every day. I just, I try to do what feels good because I find that when I forced me to do all the things I'm like going through the motions and I'm forgetting to be in my body and that. What I need to do to feel my highest self is to be in my body. And out of my mind, Cara: did want to touch base about you talking about connecting with each of the points in the human design. I've done that with chakras. And so I'm guessing it's a lot of the same when you go through each chakra and you kind of attuned to it. Is that, is that along the same lines of that? Cynthia Davidson: yes, they aligned fairly [00:12:00] closely. Traditional system has seven. You will find some practices that? talk about nine human design has the nine. So what they govern is just about the same, the extra ones. you can learn those very easily, but yes. So like for example, the crown, the very top and human design, your head energy center, that's all about focus and then you go down to the arch, not, and that's all about creativity and ideas. so yes, there's a throat one in human design, as well as in your chakra system. There's identity. ego ego is the heart that aligns with the shock risk system. Our sacred, the same, the gut and human design. Our solar plexus is all about emotions and feelings. and then there's the spleen and human design. Cynthia Davidson: This is what your intuition center. That's one, that's not in , the chakra system, but then the. And we all know that's helped us get groundedness about the same way. Cara: Okay. Yeah, that makes so much sense. I've noticed on your website, you have a few offerings and I'd love to touch base on what they mean to you and how you can [00:13:00] help others use those tools to support themselves. I know one of them is your Oracle readings, and I'd love to hear more about. Cynthia Davidson: sure. So the Oracle readings, I keep saying it itself, I'm going to get rid of them and then they just stay there because I do have a number of people who just, they loved to connect with me in that forum. The Oracle card readings for me are a way for people also to tap into their intuition. A lot of folks think that they're not intuitive. Everyone is intuitive. We just have a different channels for expressing that. So, the Oracle card readings are a way. That people can feel connected with themselves again, although they believe that it's me bringing the messages through, I let them know. I'm just tapping into you, your energy. This is coming from your higher self from your guides. These are messages that intuitively you know, and. Bringing voice to it, because for whatever reason, the person's typically disconnected from self. So I love continuing to offer that as a tool to folks. and if they get to the point where they want to learn to do that [00:14:00] themselves, I actually kind of walk them through how you can, start to feel the energy of the cards, which is also helping someone tap into their own internal. Cara: I love Oracle readings. And I love that you offer that. That's one of the ways that when I feel disconnected from my intuition, or I feel like, I'm not connecting with myself in the way that's for my highest good. I always come back to. My cards and I have many different types of decks and it's just,, it always feels supportive in my journey every time I pull it out. So I do feel like that's my highest way that I connect with my intuition is through card readings. For sure. Cynthia Davidson: Yeah, it's a great, intro way. If people are just getting used to energy and intuition and all that kind of start sliding into the work Cara: Yes. I also saw that you have the Zodiac den. I would love to hear more about that. Cynthia Davidson: Ah, yeah, so DX and this is, I came up with it in the very early stages. I actually was in an astrology community. I continue to be in it because I just love astrology and astrology is a strong [00:15:00] aspect in human design as well. so. Everything is energy. And within the Zodiac, each of the signs have their own energy that they bring that energy also includes since the moon cycles and all the things. So I thought, well, Hey, maybe it would be interesting to have a quick and dirty one sheet for each of the 12 Zodiac signs where people could get a flavor of some of the tools they can use to tap into that energy. So it doesn't have to be your sign necessarily, although you can use it for your son and your moon and your rising, but you can also be. For the different cycles of the moon that are coming through and what it has on it is different essential oils. So if you are a scent person, there's a blend that they can test out and try of oils that can help out as well. So you can use that. as a pure fume, so to speak. It also takes you through a couple of different things that you can use to like. Relaxing reset yourself. so kind of calming because it's different for each of those energies, for repass is what I call it, but food, because food is energy too, and you can manage your energy level [00:16:00] and kind of connect with the energy of the Zodiac science based on what you're ingesting, what you're putting into your body. There's also an area for like recharging yourself. So movement, cause I believe movements medicine too, and each of the science can do something different to help themselves. Cara: Yeah, I love that. I do feel like movement is huge in moving the energy through your body. I can't tell you how many times where I kind of feel down and out and it's like, did I move my body today? Nope. I need to go ahead and do that. would love to know just a little snippet, cause I know you're an area sun and I'm an Aries sun. I would love to know just a little snippet for ‘ in that Zodiacs N the Aires. Cynthia Davidson: Oh, absolutely. So for Aries, it's super important since we're so fiery and spicy to definitely move your body a little bit more vigorously. If you're. that can help out, but I also tell people, they say, well, I can't walk even, or, you know, movements challenging for me. You can dance in your chair. So just put on some music that you love to jam to that uplifts you, that supercharges you. And you can just [00:17:00] sit in, jam out in your chair or sitting on a bed or any word comfortable for yourself, and you'll still get this. In fact, it's just another way to raise your vibration, but you only want to find ways to kind of help dispel that energy sometimes because we have all, a lot of it very fiery for ourselves. but things that are very uplifting and upbeat. Cara: Yeah, I love that. And I always feel like connecting with myself. Like my inner child of dancing helps kind of bring my vibration up too. So I'll put a dance party on my list for something to do later today. Cynthia Davidson: You shot. That's fantastic. Cara: Yes. I always get my kids involved, so they always love it. Now I would love to talk about emotion decoding. That's something that we've worked together on and I found it very powerful. So I would love you to explain what it is to listeners, just to understand exactly what it is. Cynthia Davidson: yes. So I was introduced to, the emotion code is. the base of it. How I bought a year ago now. So back in around may ish of 2021, and it was on a. [00:18:00] Believe it or not. And I just connected so much with it because the person was talking about how they can find this low vibe energy that gets trapped in your body and can cause a myriad of ILS. You're a magnet for that same energy over and over again. And then if it stays there stagnant too long, you can then. Get physical distortions and even deceased can come from it. So I was like, that just sounds amazing. I felt so drawn to it. And intuitively I knew I needed to learn to do this. I hopped on, I had a session with the person as a guest. This is it. And I went through the certification course. So you can do it on yourself. Certifications just if you want to support others and actually make a little money off of doing it. But the emotion code book, anyone can buy the key to it is. Tapping into your intuition and finding a muscle testing technique that works for you very well, but you do have to be very solid in your connection with self and your intuition to be able to do this in supporting others and even yourself really, because you have to find that energy and I subconsciously to there. So having that intuitive [00:19:00] connection really, really helps with it. But once you release this low vibe energy, it just opens you up for all of the higher. And this is another tool then that can help you in connecting with your intuition. Because if you get mired down with too much of the lower vibration energy, there's no way you can connect to your higher self or your intuition. So you need to clear some of that out. Cara: Yeah, I found it very powerful. I knew, a lot of the health issues that was coming up for me, for a long time was definitely emotions that I never expressed out of my body. So I appreciate you working with me on that. , I really enjoyed the experience. Cynthia Davidson: I'm so glad you need a tune up. Cara: I know. I also saw that you have the chakra alchemy. I would love to know more about that. Cynthia Davidson: Yes. It's. So, similar to the Zodiac, send shock Rez. They spend their energy, they can keep us aligned, but they get out of whack too. Like a sparse spinning, wonky, get misaligned from each other. You can have one off, you can have the whole. Set of [00:20:00] them off. So this focus is mainly on essential oils for helping to realign because it's way of annointing. And I found annointing a really nice way to be able to go with each of the areas of the body that are governed by a particular chakra center. so this was earlier on in the tools that I was collecting, but I find it's really still beneficial for folks. And so there are suggestions for. Several different single oils you can use. And there's also a blend for each of the Sakwas and I diving deeper on three of the oils to let you know, what the, oil represents and how it can support that particular shakra. But it goes a little bit deeper and it talks about all of the body distortions that can be caused when that Shakur is out of balance and what those oils can help and, kind of resetting rebalancing. Cara: Yeah, that sounds so helpful. I know I saw it and I it's on, on the to-do list to kind of go through, because I know sometimes it's hard to know if it's closed off, if it's overworking and so to have a guideline to kind of help through, to get everything back in [00:21:00] balances. So helpful. So thank you that for Cynthia Davidson: Yeah, this one, it keeps it simple too. So you don't need to know anything about the shopper system. It walks you through step-by-step and if you don't want to get into the oils, there also affirmations and, gemstones or crystals that can help you to Ad for #8: Let's take a quick break from this episode to hear about a limited time offer. Want to win the ultimate self care day. I have a special giveaway to Share the love. Here's how you could enter, share my podcast with a friend. Leave a five star review. Or have a friend sign up for my weekly podcast emails. There's unlimited entries and here's what you could win. a target gift card, a Starbucks gift card. Or refreshing vitamin C face mask. a, rejuvinating eye mask. A one-on-one call with me to plan your perfect at home retreat. Along with the Floductivity, retreat planner ebook. Visit or check for the link in the show notes. Cara: Now I would love to dive in to human design. It is something that has changed my life dramatically. I found that [00:22:00] me personally, I was going so far against my design, which led me right to burn out. And once I realized the different open centers and my. Decision process and all the things about human design. I, it was just such an awakening for me. And so I hope to bring this idea more into everybody's life, a little bit to understand themselves. And . I think. any time we can better understand ourselves, we give ourselves compassion and then we can understand other people and how they're designed differently. And so I found it a powerful tool in my own family to understand their decision-making and areas that they can Excel in and areas they may be, would need help in. So I would love you to do. Dive in however, best you want to because I love everything. Human design. Cynthia Davidson: cool. Well, I think it's, they're talking a lot about self care today. I definitely want to give a, self-care tip for each of . the. The five energy types and human [00:23:00] design, cause we all can approach it in different ways that support us, energetically that feel a little bit better and more aligned energetically. So I definitely want to do that. I wanted to start out though in mentioning that with human design, this is,an express path to aligning yourself, to having much more flow and much more ease in your life. And this is why I too love it. I've been beating myself up. I used to beat my head up against the wall and trying to do things. And I was doing them against the way that I was energetically designed and I had no clue about it, but I was so frustrated, which is a telltale sign for me. And my energy type is something's off. Now that I understand that a little bit better, it makes life so much easier. I make better, more aligned decisions and I don't have to guess so much anymore. Often people when they're diving into human design, though, they want to learn all the things all at once. And while there are some very interesting aspects. I like to take people back to the basics. And there are three things in your human design that. if you can master those, get those down and actually live that [00:24:00] way on the daily. They're going to do 70% of the work , for you. The other sings you can add on later layer them, but they're not going to help you very much if you don't get the core down because they're not going to be able to make the appropriate decisions in those areas. So the core things that people need to understand are going to be their energy. And I'll talk a little bit about that today. Also want to understand their strategy and that's the way, opportunities come and then their authority. And that's how you make the best decisions on those opportunities that come to you. So with the five energy types, we're going to have your manifestors. Those are the folks who are our visionaries in the world. We have our generators, and there are two types of generators. There's a pure generator, which I. And we are the doers. We do all the things. And when we're doing things that excite us and light us up, we energize the rest of the world. Then there are manifesting generators and they're a blend of our manifestors and our generators. So they're visionaries as well, but they can do like 10 things at once. People try to scratch them down and tell them, no you can't, [00:25:00] but yes they can. And they're meant to, and they bring all of these new things to the rest of the country. Then we have our projectors and our projectors are our guides. There are advisors, there are teachers out in the world. their energy though is a little more subtle. They're not the ones who are broadcasting energy out there. They need to take a step back sometimes and make sure they're conserving their energy and resting. And then we have our reflective. Oh, I love when I meet a reflector, they're only about 1% of the population reflectors. Their energy comes from the moon rather than the sun and they mirror everyone else's energy. They show us ourselves for them though. They need to go with moon cycles. And so if you're a reflector, you want to take a look at moon cycles and see if you can start getting into and understanding those because that's how you're going to best make your decisions moving forward. Now I'll quickly talk about strategy for each one of the two. for our manifestors, they're meant to inform people what's going on. If they don't inform people what they're doing, where they're headed, where they're [00:26:00] going, no, one's going to jump on the train with them. They're gonna be left on their own and it's going to be a hot mess for them. So it's super important not to ask permission, but for, manifestors to inform people, that's, what's going to help you out the most. when things come into your view, Now for our pure generators and manifesting generators to, We need to trust your gut. Usually there are some other ways that we can do that, but the main thing for the opportunities come to us is for us to wait for a sign. Now, this doesn't mean that you're just waiting for like a spiritual sign. It can be that too. It can be something you hear on the radio. See on the TV, something you read in a book, but if you light up all over your body and soul and you say, oh my gosh, that is the thing. That's meant for you. And that's an opportunity that you probably want to take a look at. If you're shunning yet, you're repelling eight. You're stepping back away from it. Your energy is just not into it. It's not meant for you. Even if the sign comes to you now for our projectors, [00:27:00] they often are going to be more self-involved. They can figure out what's the best thing for themselves, but they can confer with other people to help out often. They, they intuitively know what's good, but sometimes they need to be in a really good environment or be with confidence to help them along. And I'm doing some broad generalizations here because there are lots of nuances and everyone's individual chart. And then finally the reflectors sometimes when something comes to them, Not even sometimes they'll want to wait a full moon cycle, you like a full moon cycle, but then they can test out at different points in time to see is this thing really for me and make their best decision after. So, yeah, they're often very intuitive too, but they're very open and all of their energy. So it's tough for reflector sometimes to know what's theirs versus someone else's in, which is why they need to go through all the energy cycles in order to determine, being close to people in an environment that is super secure for them though, is going to help in making the best decisions for themselves too. Cara: I love all that. I'll just how [00:28:00] you broke it down. And so that's easy, digestible. I am a manifesting generator. And I found that once I understood that when things light me up, I'm supposed to go to it. And when things ultimately drain me as time to let that go and finding the, Awareness that it's okay to say no. And it's okay to change. My mind has ultimately changed me from feeling depleted because my career of 19 years ultimately led to that many different reasons why you know, I loved my job and doing hair, but I didn't have the boundaries. For myself in that sense. And so understanding my design now, I th I think I would have been able to still continue with that work, but , I got so depleted from all of it, and I think not following my design had a lot to do with it. Cynthia Davidson: I'm so glad you were able to come back to and follow your design. You have an understanding that it's so important to do. Cara: I have found understanding my husband and my children's design [00:29:00] has made communication stronger. Do you find that the aspects that you talked about are ultimately the same of learning about someone else's design or is there somewhere else that we should look in someone else to build like a stronger relationship with each other's design? Cynthia Davidson: No, I think it's so important. If you are able to determine what the human design is, and all you need to know is a person's birth date, their exact time, super important. And the city state country that they were born in, and then you can run their charts. There are lots of free sites that you can do that on, but yes, it can help so much in connecting. And then if you just know the basics of their type and their strategy and their authority. Even that alone can help you in relating better to each other because you, as a manifesting generator, if you have a child that's a manifester, even have to treat them a little bit differently. And if you can start doing that from early early ages and have an understanding that they're probably going to run down the block and not tell you where they're going most of the time, and you being able to teach them that, no, you gotta tell them mommy where you're [00:30:00] going. But learning to do that in a way where they don't feel like you're squashing them and their individuality and their vision is going to be super important. So even just understanding another person's type strategy and authority, but if you go even deeper mean, are you able to understand the energy and whether it's open or it's closed? So on a chart, whether it was colored in or not, that can get you even deeper into relationships, especially familial and with your. Cara: Yeah, I found, all of the human design parts, were very informative, but once I realized my emotional center was open and understanding. A lot of times when I'm in a room, I would get overwhelmed. And the knowing that I was ultimately absorbing other people's energy was mind-blowing to me because it made so much sense. So I found that sometimes I just need to walk out of the room and take a breath and assess where I'm at and then come back in to gauge, is that me? Or is that someone else? Cynthia Davidson: oh, that's fantastic that you have that knowing. And that a lot of people just don't even know that about themselves. And they are like, oh my gosh, what's going on? And they think of [00:31:00] themselves as being emotional, but when your emotion center is open or not close, Design. You're actually what they call it a non-emotional I'm doing air quotes here, but, you can feel, but you're feeling other people's stuff, our natural state, because I'm the same way as like really cool, calm and collected. But having that understanding that it's not yours and how you can get out of that energy and let it go is super important. Cara: Yeah. Do you have any tips for that? Uh,that energy because I also, I'm pretty sure I don't have any gates or channels going into my emotional center. So I feel like that's amplified. Oh, yeah. , that's a little down the line. That's probably too much. if someone doesn't know about human design, Cynthia Davidson: Yeah. So if you're, solar plexus and your human design chart, if you go and run it and you're going to be looking on the right hand side into the chart. So when all my original right at society's waste triangle is not colored Dan, if it's white, that means you're open there. And that you're non-emotional and you can feel [00:32:00] everybody else's feels so to get out of that, to kind of bring yourself down a notch. You just need to take yourself out of their energy field. Everything is energy. Our aura is about three to six feet around us. And so you need to distance yourself a minimum that space from the others around you. So taking yourself to the restroom, going for a walk, taking yourself in your own room, whatever it is you need to do. You will almost immediately find yourself escalating and coming down and being calm again. Now, if you find that you're still ratcheted up, that usually means that you're reacting, you're responding to something in your environment to calm down for that. You're probably just going to need to take a breath. do a little bit of deep breathing kind of center yourself, come back to your intuition, whatever that is for you. And that's going to help you, get out of that energy again, if it's that you are with someone, a partner who you sleep in the same bed with, and they are emotional. So their, their solar plexus is colored in their emotional center. Cynthia Davidson: They're going to have their own wave [00:33:00] of emotions and you're going to absorb that. So you're gonna want some solo dates and sleeping by yourself. If you can manage that in your household, that's going to help you clear your energy field. Cara: Okay. Well, yeah, that's so helpful because I've been learning how to not absorb and not react. that's been a lifelong lesson of mine, and actually, one of the things I'm working on is an energy clearing meditation. for, , I made it ultimately for myself, if I was still a hairdresser and I hope my hairdresser friends. I'd made it only five minutes so that they can do it in between clients when that energy is heavy. Cause I can't tell you how many times I would leave work and I would feel so bogged down by the energy of someone. And I never realized like that wasn't mine. And so having that practice or something to come back to to kind of clear that I hope it, I hope it helps everyone. so stay tuned. I'm not sure when that's coming out, but hopefully soon. I know you mentioned using human, designed for people to tap into their intuition and self care suggestions based on their energy [00:34:00] type. And I would love to go in depth on that. Cynthia Davidson: sure. So in tapping into the intuition and I'm actually going to be having a workshop on that. which I'm likely going to record and have available later as well, but it's really based on your opening close centers. And so, for example, if you have. colored in splaining on human design, which is a sideways triangle all the way over to the left. Your intuition is very heightened, just intuitively just automatically, just the way you're wired. That usually comes across as a little whisper. So that you got to listen for it. Those nudges usually come once and then they're gone. They're fleeting. So trusting yourself, tapping into that, being able to hear that whisper, sometimes can take some work, but once you do. That's your best intuition. Now, other people though, they'll have their sake role. That's the second square from the bottom on your human design chart, that's going to be colored in and the sacred. That means you're going to want to trust your gut, that pit of your stomach, [00:35:00] feeling that you get to about something. That's what you're going to want to tap into other people though, it's going to be that solar plexus, that feeling area, if that's colored in, oftentimes our emotional folks, they need to trust their feelings. So have they're feeling some kind of way about something, trust that, and that's going to help them along. Some of us have all of those colored in, and that means that you have different channels that you can draw on. And so if you're vibing low in one area, Wait, or you have a lower expression of it for whatever reason, then you have other ways that you can tap into yourself and your intuition. The key to it all though, is just trusting yourself and knowing that if you are feeling some kind of way about something or you intuitively know something, or it's just in the pit of your stomach, go with it, that's meant for you, or you need to listen to that voice, your inner note. Now for self care. I wanted to give a couple of little tips for each one of the types. the first thing to understand though, is when you're off, when you need the love [00:36:00] up on yourself a little bit more. And so I'll tell you that too. So for manifestors when you feel kind of angry, you're looking for people. You don't want to resist things anymore. And the ways to do that for you, just some ideas are going to be for you to, consider looking for a hobby where you can express your unique vision. You are that visionary. And so you want to be able to express that in some way, shape or form manifestors also though can really benefit from having. Solo sleep dates because they really need to have their alone time and ways to clear their energy field. So, that's just super duper important time for you to rest and recharge. So if you can find an activities to do that for yourself, like a spot day, that's going to be super important. Now for generators, pure generators. And we'll talk about manifesting generators in a moment. When we feel super frustrated, we need to turn that around and we want to be feeling satisfied. So the frustration is a sign that we need to love up on ourselves a little bit more. And the way to do that is to move our body on the day.[00:37:00] Find something that you enjoy that feels really good down deep in your gut and your soul, and do that movement. You want to get yourself completely spent of energy, and then you're going to have luxurious rest. it's just really important because we have all this energy all the time, especially when we're doing things at light SF, we need to expend it. And that's how we're going to be less frustrated about other things that are going on in the world. Now for our manifesting generators, you could feel frustrated or a little bit angry because you have a mix of those two energy types within you. So important, important, important things, move your body. Do things that are going to make you have lots of enjoyment in life, be fun, be playful without restrictions. Oftentimes others try to restrict manifesting generators because they want to do 10 different things at once. And people say, no, you can't do that. You need to pick one, do something that you don't have to restrict yourself. If you want to try a little taste of yoga, don't buy the year long subscription. Program, all the classes, you might just [00:38:00] do a drop-in class and then you can move on to something else the next week, when you change your mind, because you are going to do. Now for our projectors, you'll get a feeling of bitterness like, oh my gosh, I told you to do the thing. You didn't do the thing. And then you get really bitter about it when they don't do the thing. So you want to turn that around. You want to have ways that you feel very successful in life accomplished. So things that you can do to help you with that on a self care basis are for you to, Do things in short bursts, don't try to do like the 10 mile hike. If you're not feeling up to it, you might try a one mile hike and then go rest by yourself. But being out in nature is really going to feel good to you. So activities outside that are kind of low key, that aren't going to expend you too much. that you can drop out of whenever you want to to honor needing some rest are going to be super important for you also for you though. If your self care can involve. Lighter eating,more, live foods, raw foods, on a plant-based basis, that's going to make your entire body feel a little bit better, and that can just be loving up on yourself in and of [00:39:00] itself. And then for our reflectors, you'll feel disappointed if you're a. And what you really want is like shock and awe and surprise about life in a good way. So things that you can do is to make sure that you are, journaling can be really helpful. Moon journalists in particular, since the moon cycles are so important for you and your wellbeing. but you might . alsohave your own sanctuary, a space completely designed by you away from others that you can go and cocoon yourself and feel really loved up on yourself. Spaz can work in this nature. If you've curated the spa, you've tested it out, you know, as a space that feels really good to you that time in that space can be really, really beneficial. So those are just a couple of tips on self-care for each one of the energy types. Cara: I love that so much. I feel like that really spoke to my manifesting generator and I've never heard that. My. Anger and frustration. I feel like it, mine says anger, but I also feel the frustration. So I'm glad you clarified that. Cause , that feels right. Like it's like a mix in [00:40:00] between the two. So it makes sense. Cause a manifesting generator is, it seems like it's a little mix of both manifestor and generator. Cynthia Davidson: It is. And so many people lump all generators together, but we were different. Cara: Yes. I feel so different. I would love to know that if someone was taking the first steps into connecting with their intuition, what would be your guidance to them to go into it? Cause I know it can be overwhelming, especially if someone has never done that before in their life. Cynthia Davidson: absolutely. So I'd say the first step is going to be, I truly believe pulling your human design chart. So that's step one. Because if you know what energy type you're working with and you know, what your authority is, that's going to help guide you and what intuitively will work well for you as an intuition channel, it will tell you whether or not you have a little whisper going on, or if it's going to be this. Thing that's going on, or if it's going to be your feelings, you need to tap into, depending on where you pull your chart from, it'll go a little [00:41:00] bit deeper and it can tell you your greatest sense. And so, as I was saying to you, smell is cold for you. Smell is your intuition too. That's your super power. so you can actually smell if something is good for you or not. some things will smell really off. That's not meant for. That's part of your intuition. So I would highly recommend pulling a chart. You can even just take a look. As I mentioned at the energy type, that's going to give you clues as to what intuition is going to be good for you. Like a manifestor for example, intuitively their vision. Cynthia Davidson: They're going to want to trust their vision, those ideas that come to them for a generator, we're going to want to trust our gut in all things, a manifesting generator, same thing. Trust your gut and your vision. For our projectors, we're going to want to trust our knowledge, our knowing, we have an inner knowing as a projector about anything you want to trust that. And then as a reflector, you're going to want to trust those cycles that you're going through and not. stuck in thinking you need to be one particular way, knowing that you're going to ebb and flow. So even if you just look at that top level, that'll give you some clues. It's [00:42:00] harder if you don't have that base. But if you decide I'm not into human design only I'm going to go pull my chart or I don't know what specific time I was born. And I don't want to figure that out. That's another conversation I'd say, even start with. Just trying to tap into yourself and get quiet. You can use a tool like crystals to help you in amplifying your energy or essential oils or Oracle or taro cards, but something they should get you quiet and get you connected to your energy field. That's the first step, because then once you get stronger in that and more comfortable with that, then you'll be more confident in making decisions based on your intuition. Cara: I really hope more conversations like this open people's eyes to getting their human design, because I do strongly believe that that was probably one of the biggest tools to connect with my intuition. I always knew it was there. I always knew I had that gut feeling, but until I read about my design, it was like, I finally felt like I was. Heard and accepted [00:43:00] and powerful and all the things. So I will put a link in the show notes for anyone to check out their human design and, really just, you know, go with it as an open mind. I know a lot of. Companies are actually using human design to understand their employees better. So it is becoming more mainstream. So I really ask anyone to just give it a little shot, see if it resonates, you know, and there might not be some things that apply to you right now. I found some things are really glaring at me and I've worked through it and it kind of has fallen away a little bit and other things come to me, you know, down the line to understand myself. Cynthia Davidson: I'm so glad you mentioned about the businesses using human design. I'm actually getting a certification in the business side of human decide because not everyone is kind of into the Wu pieces of it. Although I love that side of it. So, business by design is going to be some offerings so people can learn. Their career type, how they're designed to work in, or not work in a [00:44:00] organization because, we're all wired a bit differently for the environment that works best for us when we are, you know, bringing in resources. And it can also tell us about that Is, bringing in resources to strengthen yours, or do you need to partner with someone so you can attract that to your business? So that's a whole other side of human design that I've delved into and it's absolutely not. Cara: Is, and I think that segues right into, what offers that you have to help people in their journey with human design or any of your offerings on your site. Cynthia Davidson: Absolutely. So the things currently available and I'll tell you what's coming online is some of what we talked about earlier in this. Interview here are going to be some of the resources, the tools. So there's Zodiac Zen, which is a freebie that I have. And shocker alchemy. That's a freebie I have for you as well. I also though, I'm going to be coming out with very soon and HD package. This is your own guide based on your unique human design, to help you and understanding the basics of your design. It gives you some self care [00:45:00] prescriptions for your type, and the rest of the pieces of your design. It just goes a little bit deeper, probably about 20 to 30 pages. We're still developing all the things in it right now, but that's going to be coming online very soon as a resource for you. I to human design readings as well, if you want to die. And learn a little bit more about your design, but you don't want to just read up on it on your own, or it can be a compliment to that Pathfinder as well. And then we've begun doing workshops for, business by design and we're coming online with the career overviews. We also do, analysis for leadership. We do mindful mentorship for leaders and also folks who just want to learn a little bit more about how they can be a better team player in their organization or in running their business. So Those are some of the ways you can work with you now, in that regard now, when it comes to moving into. I do, emotion decoding still. So that's the emotion code there and I'm finishing up a certification for body code. So that's coming online various soon as well. Body code is actually a broader set of [00:46:00] imbalances in energy that we can go ahead and find a release or realign. The emotion codes are part of it. So, that's something that I can assist with this. Cara: Those are all sounds so lovely. And thank you for sharing your gifts with others to better themselves as well. And I would love for you to tell listeners where they can connect with you and your offerings. Cynthia Davidson: absolutely. So my website is. So it's all those intuitive tools that you need, intuitive essentials. And then Instagram is probably the best place to follow me on to get a little bit more information ongoing. If you like before you want to dive into any of the tools and that's going to be, at intuitive underscore essentials. I do have a Facebook business page and a LinkedIn page. And LinkedIn has gone away where you find most of the business offerings. right now, but those will be on Instagram as well. Cara: Perfect. I will make sure that everything that we've chatted about is in the show notes. So you can connect with Cynthia and all her [00:47:00] wonderful gifts. And thank you so much for coming. And I appreciate you taking the time to chat with me and we will chat soon. My friends. Cynthia Davidson: Thank you so much for having me. Outro for #8: thank you so much for joining me this week. If this was your first time. Welcome. And if you joined me for previous episodes, thank you for coming back. Before you go, make sure you share my podcast with a friend or subscribe. If you haven't yet. Those few seconds make a big impact on my podcast and I'd be grateful for the support. To find out more links to Cynthia's Instagram website, to her free and paid offerings. Visit the complete show notes with all the links mentioned in today's episode. Visit That's also where you can find my limited time offer mentioned earlier. Thank you again for joining me in this episode of Floductivity until next time

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Floductivity Podcast Episode

Welcome to Floductivity, a place to inspire and empower you to embrace self-love and self-development for an achievable balance of productivity. I share different ways to elevate your intuition through spirituality, self-care, cycle planning, wellness, and everything in between. Let's embrace our unique nature and flourish in our gifts one around us can benefit. 

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